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Everything posted by KimP

  1. You certainly do have the most entertaining build thread!
  2. Sounds like a great setup. Really clean for a seemingly heavy bioload. What's your feeding schedule like for the clowns?
  3. Awesome video! Would you mind sharing your maintenance schedule? Is that an AIO tank? Do you run any media? Also, how long has it been running?
  4. Thank you for the ideas, I will be looking into it. Cement board is my plan at the moment. So with the silica, this would just be mounted up high under the stand and swapped out as needed? I've never heard of it and sounds very manageable.
  5. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm looking into them now!
  6. Looking at getting a skimmer for the new build, one that can sit inside the sump and is rated above 200gal. Let me know what you have.
  7. How in the world did you get your tank so cold? How cool is your house? I'm glad you haven't lost too much and I hope the newest heater does the trick! Also, I assume you're sure your thermometer is accurate?
  8. I just took advantage of the 10% off sale, what a great deal, thanks!
  9. I finally decided on a DC pump for the closed loop. I was really interested in the new Reef Octupus DC pumps (not the discontinued diablos, the new ones) but I'm having a heck of a time finding a place to buy one and they seem to be back ordered. So I'm going with a Gen II Waveline 10000. Seems like everyone's happy with thiers.
  10. Thank you everyone! Haha, no teleprompter. Great idea though....let's just say getting it all right in the first shot has only happened once or twice! Thanks, that's really nice of you to say!! It was Tim's idea to do the videos and I'm really happy we decided to do it. The hope is that it'll be an example of how relatively simple the process is. Better than just pictures and descriptions alone. Yep, that's the plan. Cabinets on the kitchen side to match the existing cabinets, and drywall on the other side to match the wall. I'm still thinking on how to manage the moisture (besides the fans) to keep mold from growing. It will probably include cement board and caulking. We'll see! I want to get the sump in first.
  11. I hope you find someone! I know we have members up that way.
  12. I left a syringe on your doorstep
  13. Wow, can't believe it's been so long since my last update. The second video is done and the tank has arrived!! There were a couple snags building the stand that will be addressed in a future video. So now that the structural stand is done and the tank is here, the next thing I'm waiting on is the sump and to begin plumbing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6867ibRScF0 I know the glare is really bad, but you can probably get the idea
  14. me too. LOL You guys are hilarious. And Ty, you are a good sport!
  15. Sheesh, that's awful in so many ways. I'm glad you didn't order any fish. At least you can dispute the charge on the credit card I guess. What a mess.
  16. We couldn’t be happier with our experience with Ty. He never hesitated to take us wherever we wanted to go to search for a new house and even after we had a contract on the new place, he never minded any reason we had to go see the house again. There was even a little dispute at the closing when he really fought for us and made sure the deal went smoothly. After he helped us buy our wonderful new home, it took him only two days to sell our previous house. He kept us up to date with changes to the market, performed detailed analysis of comparable properties, advised us during negotiations, and even took initiative in helping us make arrangements with repairmen. He really went above and beyond to sell our house quickly. Not only does Ty do a great job, he’s also a lot of fun! We already miss hanging out with him. Thank you so much for all your help on both ends of the deal Ty! You were a blast to work with.
  17. This is terrible news, I'm so sorry! That sucks your skimmer/sump/etc couldn't keep enough O2 in the water. Huge bummer
  18. I have a couple extra syringes, is it the red sea kind? I can drop one by tomorrow. I'd want to watch alk just in case the shrimp did die.
  19. Weird. I don't have any ideas. It's interesting how whatever it is stuck to the glass. I hope your shrimp shows up! I'd think if it went through a powerhead that there'd be pieces of the outside of his body in/on the powerhead. I can't imagine it could get completely pulverized with no signs left around.
  20. That's amazing Ty! So what do you think are the reasons you can feed so much and not have a tank full of nuisance algae? Big skimmer, biopellets, gfo, healthy cycled rock, etc?
  21. I hate when they molt too. I hope the nem is fine. Looks like your light survived?
  22. Wow, that is pretty high I'd think, especially if you're trying to keep the corals and critters alive. Can you also add some prime? I don't know much about cycling rock like that.
  23. That's so neat! I can't wait to find out about all the little critters and stuff in the sand and rock. So you have a separate holding tank for the rock? How long are you thinking it'll be before you put the rock in the display tank?
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