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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Welcome to the club! What did you downgrade from? The tank looks great!
  2. KimP

    Dendro $20

    It's pending at the moment. I'm not sure what kind it is as far as deepwater, etc. I've gotten one colony from Aqua SD and the other from the Dome. I'm not sure which I fragged this from over a year ago, they look identical.
  3. KimP

    Dendro $20

    One dendro head for sale. Very healthy and open nearly all the time. Tissue surrounds skeleton all the way down on all sides. Eats like a champ! This was in my pico and I just broke the rock around it to get it off, I didn't have to cut it so it's in perfect shape. Pickup way south austin. This pic was taken moments after putting it back in the tank
  4. KimP


  5. Well, today is a sad day in my little reefing world. I just shut down this tank. I will sure miss watching the little goby and pom pom crab. I moved them and any other critters I could find into the 90 gal, including one of the algae specimens that survived. I also moved all the corals I could without (hopefully) transferring any of the blue clove polyps. I'll most likely keep all the equipment because I'd like to set it up again someday. I shut it down for a couple of reasons, it was hard to keep the glass clean because of the way I had the rocks set up. Even with a nano glass cleaner it just didn't cut it. So every time I'd do a water change I'd have to scrape the glass. That combined with fighting gha for too long made the weekly maintenance on this tank too much when I need to be spending that time on the other tanks I have going. If/when I do it again I will have the aquascape well away from all the glass, not keep livestock that need broadcast feeding, and keep up with smaller more frequent water changes. So I think that just leaves Stephen and jestep, right?
  6. Yes, sorry. I received the box last Friday.
  7. I like wrasses too and I'd have trouble picking a favorite. This is what I have: female flasher male flasher always trying to woo the yellow yellow Couldn't get my own pic of the red-lined wrasse, mine is a juvenile But I'd have to say my favorite fish of all time, so far, is a tassled filefish. The best personality and really neat looking. I lost mine shortly after moving and am still looking for another. I really miss that fish. I feel kinda bad leaving out the rest of my fish, lol. I really like them all!!
  8. I've never seen one of these before, that's a beautiful fish!
  9. I haven't. It'd be interesting to do so.
  10. Well, after reading just these 2 responses, I think I might need to turn mine down... 1. 4 a360n 2. Standard 90 gal - 48"x18"x 23"top to sand 3. Until a couple days ago I always had them just 2.5" above water level, now they are approx 5"awl 4. I haven't seen my profile for the lights in forever but I know they peak around 75% with very long ramp up and down from all blue to less blue back to all blue. All corals are happy at the moment. I've had a red planet colony for well over a year and for the past 5 months or so it's been bleached but still growing. I blocked the light from one kessil to it and literally every day I can see a difference in the coloring. It's quickly coloring up. The colony sits directly between 2 lights and halfway down the tank. I was about to move it higher until I got the advice from Ty to lower it's light exposure.
  11. I'm happy with my switch to kessils too. I had AI sols. It's always good to hear people happy with theirs!
  12. I'm no expert, but I've had that happen. They will grow out eventually. I'm sure the main polyp is supporting them. You must be doing a great job with it! That's awesome!
  13. I updated the equipment list in post #2
  14. Organization? What's that This is my attempt and doesn't show all the tank stuff in the garage, fridge, sink, pantry, or next to the tank. It's surprising how a little tank can take over so many areas, wow. I need to go purge now that I wrote all that out... I like your idea, that looks great and the price was right!
  15. Sure! I've been wondering if you upgraded already. Mine is super simple, just 2 holes in the bottom, the intake side has a 1.5" bulkhead and the output is 1" one. I went with a waveline dc variable speed pump and will use the apex to control it. For the output we're testing it using 3 nozzles. Right now there's a ton of flow but the design might change a bit depending on the aquascape etc. I think that's about it. I'm sure you know, but you can do more than 2 holes and do them on the back, or even like a hob type set up.
  16. I love my kessils but I'd really think about what corals you might end up wanting to keep before getting rid of the mh. Or at least keep them around
  17. I think you're going to need 2 for sure. I have kessils over my tank. And the 350w or 360w with that depth.
  18. What corals are you most interested in?
  19. That's hilarious! Would've made a great video, lol. It would take A LOT to get me to touch the eel I have too Luckily he hunkers down in the rock with his hidey hole for moves. Good luck with the rest of the move guys!
  20. We got the plumbing in and the tank wet. It was very exciting to see it all running. Now I'm even more motivated to get it finished. Lots left to do though. Should be another video posted soon! Kinda lame but it's the only picture I have on my phone to post. I was waiting for it to fill up so I could try the closed loop
  21. KimP

    Look Ma...

    Wow Jake! How'd you even pull that thing out in one piece!? Glad to see things must be going well in your tank And I'm jealous of your no water changes and no skimmer claim, lol...
  22. I went through the same problem. Make sure to use Tech M. Most people don't, but I lost some snails so watch out for that. Also my nps corals lost their ability to catch food during the treatment, so if you have any be sure to feed well before starting. It works fast and I haven't seen any since! Oh and the salifert Mg test is so much easier and more accurate than the red sea if you don't already have a salifert Mg kit.
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