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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Just had my box from divers den delivered by a ups guy that's a reefer! So awesome to know my box was in great hands and I got to talk tanks for a bit. I told him about arc, so hopefully he'll join! And most importantly, I finally have another tassled filefish :D

    1. victoly


      any way we can request drivers? :)

    2. jestep


      Our fridge delivery guy from Sears was a reef keeper as well.

  2. I have a box coming from divers den on Sat, let me know if you want to add anything. I think I can add until 9:30 Fri morning.
  3. Welcome to the club! I've always wanted to do a tank in those dimensions or even longer. So many neat things you can do with it. I'm really looking forward to this build!
  4. If divers den puts the tassled filefish up for sale today and I manage to get it, I'll be getting a box from them. You can go in with me if you want.
  5. That's a cool pic of the mushroom splitting. Your tank is looking great!
  6. Yikes, what in the world happened!? How long were you gone? I'm really sorry to see that
  7. This is more of just a handy trick not necessarily saving money. I've been fighting gha for a while in my 90gal. It really loves to grow on the back glass so I figured this out. I have some tubing that I use to siphon it all out and I first zip tie it to this algae scraper. Then get the siphon started and run the scraper up the back glass starting at the bottom. The tube sucks all the loose gha out and keeps it from getting everywhere. Then I just cut the zip ties off, put down the algae scraper, and continue cleaning the tank. You could also make the algae scraper out of a pvc pipe and slide a razor blade in the end. Before: After:
  8. It might just scare away anyone thinking of starting up.
  9. Uhhhh....budget section....I'm not even sure I'd like to see that lol! I can see how that'd be helpful for people looking to start a similar build. I'll think about it
  10. I received my order from brs with the clear netting, so I got the screen tops done.
  11. Did you get your box yet? I just picked mind up today and am getting ready to dip everything. I'm pretty excited to see it all in the tank!
  12. About the phosphates, do you only go by your test kit or is there signs/symptoms of too low phosphates that show up in your tank as well? Are you going to tweak your gfo or anything to keep it from getting too low?
  13. Looking good! What lighting do you have over it?
  14. I sent my wishlist but still waiting to hear back if I scored anything. They have great prices. Sounds like you got a bunch of nice stuff!
  15. That's great to know. A year isn't actually all that long, I expected it would take longer. How do you care for the fragged scolys while they recover and grow?
  16. It'd be nice if someone could figure out how to successfully frag them. Then we could stop pulling them from the ocean.
  17. I don't have a recommendation but I know how much that really really sucks. I hope you're able to find someone quick. In a bind you can go grab a window unit until you can get someone out there. I hope your tank(s) will be okay!
  18. Looks like a chiton to me! Great little hitchhiker.
  19. I can't imagine cutting into a scoly. Like Tim said they grow incredibly slow and I think they really just survive our tanks for the most part. If it survived it'd take ages to look right imo. Sure would be nice if they were fragable though!
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