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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I have a tunze nano and it was a little screwy. It wouldn't always top off when it was supposed to and it would turn on and off too much occasionally. It's been a while since I used it so I can't remember exactly what the problem was. Jaggedfire said he had a similar experience so maybe you can ask him. He understood well what the problem was. Oh and I had mine on a 3gal so that might've had something to do with it. In general I'm a huge fan of tunze ato's though! And of their other products in general.
  2. I've gotten the pods before. It just looked like a bag of dirty water, I couldn't see any pods. I'd personally just get the ones at the Dome instead.
  3. My son has hand prints all over my tank too. I guess I've always seen it as an exercise in futility seeing as it's instantly covered in hand prints again. I do clean the inside almost everyday and frequently do the outside. Crazy kids.
  4. You put my normal maintenance to shame. You lost me at "cleaned the outside glass". After you're done at Ty's you should stop over here
  5. I saw your thread and I'm envious of your mummy eye chalice especially. You got a bunch of nice stuff!
  6. Thanks but it's hard to find chances to work on my tank, so if I have a day off, that's what I want to do!
  7. I'm planning on skinning my stand on the new build tomorrow. Just the bare wood and trim. The finish will come later. Yesterday I figured out a plan for the electronics and figured out where my reactors will be. Also made big progress drilling rock and supporting one of the stacks with pvc pipe, with Timfish's help. I'll probably continue that tomorrow too. On my 90g I managed to frag a dendro colony with a little coping saw. It worked great and the fragged heads are open and happy and don't even seem to notice anything happened. Anyone else taking advantage of the long weekend for tank stuff?
  8. Well, the outlet is all fixed up and as waterproof as an electrician can get it. Now that that's out of the way my plan is to get the inside of the stand finished up and skin the outside. Inside the stand I want to paint a little more, seal up some areas with silicone caulk where moisture can enter the wall and where water could get through to the wood floor, then fix up the electronics area. I have all the plans and measurements done for skinning the stand just need to get a few more boards and I'm ready to go on that. Once it's enclosed the kids won't be able to mess around down there and I can start filling the tank with saltwater. I'm also working on the aquascape. This is a tough one. All along I've wanted to have a minimalistic scape, with lots of area for fish to swim and mostly to be able to see from the kitchen/dining area into the playroom. Now that I'm really trying to come up with a scape and place rocks and all, I'm having to be realistic about my coral addiction. I'm more of a coral person than a fish one and that doesn't seem to be changing. Sooooooo, now I'm thinking much more along the lines of quite a bit of rock, possibly 2 rock stacks with a channel between, off center and to a diagonal so that you have to come around the tank a bit to see through. Lots of people are doing that these days, so you probably know what I mean. Since I'm drilling rock and using pvc to support it all, I'm hoping to have tunnels and caves to be able to look through into the other room and make it more interesting. That's the latest idea right now. Ideally I'd like to keep a clean sandbed so the reality is I need lots of area to place corals. It won't be a rock wall or anything, but not minimalistic either. It's a little tricky right now since I'm not ready to transfer my rock over, so I'm working with dry rock and trying to plan at the same time for the live rock currently in my 90g. There's at least one rock in particular that has to go in the new tank for sure because it houses the eel. That way I can place him right where I want him, directly in sight for the kids and ease of feeding it. Later I hope to have a chance to demonstrate/draw up what I have in mind for some feedback.
  9. I was all but ready to pull the trigger on a 175g tank... then I decided I should put a quick budget together... that changed my mind, well at least postponed that action. That's why you don't put a budget together Sometimes you've just gotta jump in and get things one by one along the way and hopefully used.....175g is a nice size! J/K about the budget. It's a smart thing to do so you don't end up with too many surprises.
  10. Thanks for the fun and interesting update. And those corals you got are amazing!!
  11. Great prices on those awesome zoas! Looking forward to some chalice frags
  12. Very nice. What's the other chalice besides the mummy eye? Both are amazing. I'd love to have a mummy eye chalice like that someday!
  13. Wow, your tank looks amazing! Great job. Those are some nice chalices. Good to see a tank like this lit by leds
  14. Nice choices. Happy birthday!
  15. Things are looking good! I've always liked your tank and I'm glad to see an update.
  16. KimP


    Sorry to hear that, you sure tried everything I could think of, plus some.
  17. The electrician will be here soon today! I'm really excited to get this part of the build taken care of. I've had to wait on a lot of stand work for that outlet to be moved. After that's done I can finish out the stand, including the area for the electronics and mount reactors and doser.
  18. Would you really do that for me? You're gonna make me cry tears of joy :') Sure, I'll pm you
  19. I think the third ones down look like alpha & omega. The second one looks like mcc Memphis blues maybe, hard to tell from the pic.
  20. Nice choices! I have enough supplies left over to make a net top for your tank if you want. No more worrying about jumpers.
  21. Found a tassled filefish finally, from Diver's Den He's gorgeous and so goofy looking. I love these fish.
  22. Have you tried moving the airline tube up or down? How long has it been set up?
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