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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Oh wow, yeah that's a big eel! Mine's only a foot long, maybe.
  2. I'm using pvc to hold my rock towers together. You can even tap the bigger pvc pipes to screw a smaller diameter pipe into, to create a branch. It's been easy and made a really solid structure. I know others use acrylic rods and I'm pretty sure I've heard of someone using plastic hangers. About the eel, maybe you can find a rock with a tunnel? That's what mine lives in, and he stays with that tunnel no matter where I place the rock, so far. I'm making sure to place it up front in the new tank so we can watch him and also keep it accessible.
  3. Everyone's giving great advice. Something additional that really helped when I had them was to do a water change with water from a friend's healthy tank. It was most likely just a coincidence but two days after doing that water change they were all of a sudden completely gone. Haven't had any since, thank goodness. I'd agree with not doing water changes with fresh saltwater though. Good luck, just keep after it and you'll beat it!
  4. Same here, I love mine! Great deal and I like the name!
  5. Great price, especially already eating frozen! I love mine!
  6. KimP

    Second time around

    Welcome to the club!
  7. KimP

    Paly pruning

    I don't have much advice, just really sorry it happened. Maybe run a poly filter and see if anything shows up?
  8. Great job. I really like the light hanger!
  9. I'd love to see some pics too. We were all excited to go but instead had a sick baby and husband all day :/ no fun.
  10. I have the torch frag for you too, I'll pm you.
  11. I have one if you still need it.
  12. You'd have to find out what all inverts they eat. I was thinking urchins and cucumbers, like others have mentioned. What about brittle stars and micro stars? Chitons?
  13. The new tank is getting wet with saltwater right now :D

  14. No advice on the light, just wanted to say I hope you make a build thread, that sounds like an awesome tank!
  15. Yes, absolutely. Child proof doors are a must in this house. I'd never get my kids out of the sump if it was accessible! They'd think it was their own indoor saltwater pool, especially the baby, lol. Plus I can't risk that closed loop plumbing getting yanked on. Heck until last night, the baby spent half his free time everyday poking around the sump seeing what he could mess with. At least he's interested in a fun hobby, right!?
  16. The past couple nights I've managed to finish hanging the doors on the stand, get the light under the sump, and add the dry sand to the display. This past weekend we also got the drawer made and mounted for the electronics. The doors were so much more tricky than I expected. Mounting those child proof hidden magnet locks and getting all 3 doors centered and strait was no easy task. Now that it's done and I can keep the kids out of the sump, I'm going to do a water change on my 90gal and put that water in the new sump with a pump running. Then the cycle can begin! In just the sump at least, but I'll take it! The wood floor side. This will be textured and painted like drywall to blend in with the surrounding wall. I don't anticipate needing to access from this side much. The door you can see cut and the surrounding plywood can all easily be removed. Still need to match the stain but not the priority right now Sand!
  17. KimP

    New Around Here

    You sure did a great job with the aquascaping, making it look like a much bigger tank. Nice job! What kind of tank is it?
  18. KimP

    New Around Here

    Welcome to the club! I still really miss my 3gal I shut down a month or so ago. I love the little tanks. There are several other members that have them. You certainly found the right place to come for nice zoas/palys! Just watch the for sale section. And post some pics of your set up!!
  19. I use to have extra but I'm sure I've tossed them by now. You can buy a set of 4 on Amazon for less than $10 if you don't find any here.
  20. KimP

    Tank move

    Pm Mike. The club has some to loan out, I'm pretty sure!
  21. I bet we've all accidentally gotten the salinity too high at some point in the hobby! I know I've done it myself on a couple occasions. I'm glad you figured it out.
  22. Oh no!! I'm so sorry that happened I didn't realize the fish could be killed from messing with some palys. Do you run carbon? I'm glad your corals are fine along with a couple fish.
  23. What do you have so far that's yellow? I couldn't tell from the pics. Your tank is coming along nicely!
  24. What they said and run some carbon to be sure. Could the tank have gotten too hot?
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