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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Wow, I'd have never guessed that was a new setup. Looks great!
  2. I have the same problem in my 150 and I'm going to go ahead and order some berghia's. I used them many years ago and they did the trick. They seem to be my best option although expensive. You can use the water bottle trick to catch the peppermint shrimp and get rid of them or put them in your sump like Roy V mentioned.
  3. KimP

    Aquarium lift

    That was probably timfish with the tank jack.
  4. I'm looking into ordering some, probably from salty underground. If anyone wants any I'm going to order the week after Thanksgiving and delivery will be to my house in far south Austin. Updating this post to show most current info. I'll be ordering from Reeftown.com on Tue morning for delivery Thursday 12/11. Pickup is in far south Austin. If I know you then you can pay however at pickup, otherwise pm me to work out payment. Prices on their website and further down this thread. Thanks!
  5. I woke everything up to get these pics so they're a little rough. In the shade is this mostly clear chalice This chalice is getting pale at the edges and losing some color overall Those 2 chalices in the front are the same and the left one is bleaching out Overall they're looking really good though
  6. I'm trying to get pictures posted...
  7. Thanks for helping me think through this, I appreciate it. I have one chalice that's almost clear and another 2 that are lightening up. All the rest look good so far. I have many frags that are currently all together on the frag rack. I agree they are probably getting too much light. The tank was cycled, I used new fiji pink sand mostly dry except for one bag of live sand. I did feed a little before everything got moved over but it mostly just happened all in one day. All of my old rock was moved over though, along with all the coral and fish. I didn't catch any ammonia spikes. Every coral looked fantastic until about a week ago. Crazy good growth on my sps and a few lps. Everything was moved over Oct 25th, so a little over 3 weeks. No water changes yet because my phos is 0 and nitrates 5, tested at the lfs. Everything looked great for a couple weeks then I noticed that acan and leather and chalices almost a week ago. The lights are all over the place. My apex isn't hooked up yet so I manually turn them on and off whenever I can manage. They've been moved around a lot too. I try to run them less time and lower intensity since I'm not consistent at all. I'm trying to address this asap. I'm only running carbon and just started that about a week ago. I have been using a skimmer all along. I've been feeding a lot less than I used to, mostly just thinking that the tank needs time to adjust to all those nutrients getting dumped in. I'm usually a very heavy feeder. Wow, that was a lot of questions Thanks for the help Ty.
  8. My magnesium was 1200 on Nov 2nd, tested at the lfs. I'm going to test it again now... I just got 1260 with my salifert test.
  9. I'm not going to mess with the leather at all at this point, just watch it. It's just a couple chalices I'm pretty sure. The few sps I have are whitish at the tips but they've been growing fast since the move so I think that's just growth. Everything else is looking really good still. If there's a problem though I want to catch it before anything else starts going downhill. Thanks for the ideas guys!
  10. Way overdue for an update. So far things had been going fantastic since the transfer. Everything moved over well and was growing. I haven't had a problem keeping my alk steady and except for a few days of a salinity spike things have been running smoothly. About a week ago I noticed my biggest acan colony had brown jelly disease. I syphoned it off and gave it an iodine dip and it ended up a completely bare skeleton a day later. Bummer but not too big of a deal. It had fallen off of the frag rack I had it on and was sitting in the sand on it's side for at least a week, so I figured it may have gotten damaged. At the same time I noticed a spot develop on the green toadstool I have from Richard L. The toadstool closed up for a couple days, shed some tissue and I thought would recover fully but it's actually continuing to develop spots. We'll see how that turns out. I'm not worried about that one either because I can just frag it. Some of my chalices are recently starting to bleach a little so it's definitely time to get the lighting set up with a par meter. I took measurements just prior to the transfer, so that should help. I do need to figure out if there's anything I should be doing though besides getting the lights set up better. I've only been watching salinity and alk. I'll hopefully get a chance to check some other parameters tonight. I don't have a way to test phos or nitrates at home. I'm thinking of buying test kits but in the meantime I'll try to get water to the lfs for testing tomorrow. So that's what's been going on over here. I had very mild diatoms on the sandbed and new rock and that seems to be subsiding. I still have coral all over the sandbed and nothing is really in it's final place yet. The snails keep knocking stuff over and the wrasses keep throwing sand on the corals, so that's been annoying! I need to get things glued down into their places. That'll happen when I get a par meter here and see what the lights are putting out. I used to have the 4 narrow kessils over my 90 and I transferred them plus 1 wide angle kessil over the new tank. I'm interested to see if I generally get more light with 5, or less because the footprint is larger. If anyone has ideas about the chalices starting to fade, I'm happy to read them! For now I've just moved them to the shade but I'm wondering if the fresh new system may be too clean and I need to increase feedings? I don't know for sure yet.
  11. That was my experience too in my 8gal and my 3gal. It showed up in both. Just in one spot and was easy to pull out. Never grew much.
  12. I'm interested to see how this plays out. You should post a fts
  13. Are you able to drain that part of the tank just long enough to get him? It's a lot easier when they can't do much swimming.
  14. Oh no! That sucks! At least you can sell frags now and go for some retail therapy at the lfs. Sorry that happened. Some days I wish I would've just left my tank alone too.
  15. I certainly have, but only tearing up lps corals. I wonder if the snails are already on their way out when the shrimp go after them? Did you happen to put a bunch of snails in all at once as a cuc? They might just be dying off to the level your tank can sustain. I only had a handful of snails in my whole 90gal and it did great. Every tank is different of course, just throwing out an idea.
  16. A metal one or it would be simple to build one out of wood.
  17. Me too, peppermint shrimp love to rip the mouths out of my lps. Swore them off a couple years back.
  18. I know this is an old thread but I'm wondering if Roy ever got some berghia, or tried something else, and what worked. I'm looking into ordering some berghia myself.
  19. Guys, this was totally my fault. I didn't realize until late last night I wasn't getting notifications from people posting in the thread. I got a lot of pm's where the person did not post in this thread. So I keep getting emails thinking it's from both posts and pm's. So I just started responding in the order I got emails. The first guy didn't get back to me by noon, so I continued on to Vincent (who drove a ridiculously long way to get here!). So totally my mistake for not checking the thread. Sorry about that bigsby!
  20. Just watched one of my wrasses eat a pretty good size bristle worm. Hard to imagine that being an enjoyable meal.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ckyuv


      Taste like chicken! Give it a try sometime!

    3. Sherita



    4. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Your wrasses's initial thought; Ermahgawd! Werrms!

  21. Those are some great videos! It's neat to get a good look at your tank without actually seeing it in person. It's looking good!
  22. I'm pulling the old sand out of my 90gal now. Lmk if anyone wants it. Right now it's live.
  23. It sure is easier! Buying water every time can be a big pain if you do frequent water changes.
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