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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Have a brand new box of this that expires in a few months. I'd rather someone get to use it than have it go bad sitting in storage. Free. Pickup is in far south Austin.
  2. I'm looking forward to seeing your build unfold. I love the dimensions, and you can never have too much room underneath!
  3. Thanks I wouldn't call myself handy with staining though. I did it very reluctantly, and had to get a big push from Tim to finally do it! He got the color close enough I felt I could get there with it.
  4. The stain matching the doors doesn't look too bad after all. Today I'll be working on the top of the stand. Then I'll need to stain it and the canopy. Now if it would just warm up and not be so humid...
  5. Right, I knew not to let it tumble. That's a good point!
  6. Quick update. My acans are all back to looking healthy! I'm still siphoning out some patches of gha during my weekly water change. The foxface keeps most of the algae in check though. What a great utility fish he's been! Today I'll be removing all my macro and switching to a cryptic sump. That's what I had planned to do originally but ended up moving over my macro and a light from the old tank. Now I'll just have the light come on when I open the stand. I have an apex break out box that I need to figure out how to use. I also set up my bubble magus doser a few days ago and have been getting that all set up. It's so awesome to not have to dose alk every day!! I can't wait till it's dialed in. For now I'm testing alk every day. I also got carbon running now in a reactor. Any idea what the flow should be through the reactor?
  7. I had to ship mine in a couple months ago and the turn around time was super fast. I was out of warranty too and my specific repair was only $35 bucks, so very reasonable. Hopefully you'll have a great experience too!
  8. It's scary to read of a tunze top off failing like that. I also had trouble with my tunze nano ato. The pictures you posted last look really good! I'm glad you got your salinity back in line. Lower salinity isn't as bad as a spike so I'm sure you'll be fine.
  9. I'm pretty sure the club has a big one you could borrow. Pm Mike.
  10. It's coming along! My acans are all better and I'm just keeping up with the gha phase I'm in and weekly water changes. Everything looks really good. I'm staining the stand today so I was just thinking of you! I hope it doesn't come out looking too crazy. Hopefully we'll have another video out soon.
  11. KimP


    Splitting shipping is fine with me.
  12. KimP


    The other place was sold out from a black Friday sale. I also remembered reeftown was where I had gotten them from years before and they worked. That's all.
  13. There are some threads on reef central where people nearly died in the hospital after boiling rocks with zoas/palys on them. Very scary stuff.
  14. What happened in your tank is what I've had in mind when trying to figure out what to do.
  15. I have a cerameco frag rack I'd really like to keep but it got some fairy dust palys on it and of course they are quickly taking over. I need to get them all off before they get on my aquascaping. I can easily remove the rack but am undecided on how to safely remove them and be able to put the rack back in the tank. Thinking of boiling them off. Just kidding, just kidding!!!! Other ideas?
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