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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Congrats on the new addition!! You're really coming along with all this work on your tank. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  2. KimP

    Just joined

    Welcome to the club! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  3. Wow, that's awesome. I've had the same experience a few times in my tanks over the years! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  4. Looking good! When you move into the new place, are you going to set up the new tank at the new house, then just move everything over into it? Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  5. KimP


    Welcome to the club! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  6. We tore up a flagstone patio, used what we wanted of the stone for other projects, and now I figured I'd offer it up if anyone has a need. It's the good 1" thick stuff. Pretty colorful with reds, oranges, and gray. A lot got broken up but there are still some really large pieces. Most are at least 18"x18" Pickup far south, close to I-35. It's in the very back of the backyard, so it's a little bit of work to get but we have a dolly, so that helps!
  7. Just want to throw out an idea to repurpose this for parents of young kids. I got one, glued some square dowels on the shelves and made a forward-facing bookcase out of it. It's the perfect depth!!! In this pic I only had one shelf done, I have 4 shelves in it now, but no finished pic.
  8. You're off to a great start! Looks good.
  9. Wow, I love the new aquascape!! Looks like a ton of work to do all at once.
  10. KimP


    Welcome to the club. Always nice to get another reefer down south. Good luck with the move!
  11. KimP

    RODI hookup

    I use a brass one similar to the one you can see on Victoly's link. It's labeled 'garden hose adapter' but it works fine on the tee fittings. Never had any problems with it. Got mine from buckeye hydro: http://www.buckeyehydro.com/feedwater-fittings/ They call it a 'hose bib adapter' That looks even better than the all plastic, I'll order one of those, thanks! I always have, except this time. The first time I let the asv stop it for me, the connection to the water supply busted. Lesson learned!So I know people have under-sink RO systems that are always on. I wonder what they use that can hold the pressure all day, every day? I'm guessing it's not a John guest fitting at the water supply?
  12. KimP

    RODI hookup

    Where did you get the plastic connector? The Y I use for the washer connection is exactly like you have in the first photo, but I haven't seen that black plastic part before.
  13. KimP

    RODI hookup

    Can you post a picture if you get a chance?
  14. KimP

    RODI hookup

    I was wondering if anyone could share how they have their RODI hooked up to the washing machine supply? That's how I've done it for years. A couple days ago I decided to let the asv do what it does, and shut the water off for me since I was busy (i generally don't trust it). It worked as it should but after a few hours, the connection at the water source blew off and ended up flooding a large area. I went and bought all the same parts to replace the part that blew out (it was the John guest fitting), but thought maybe I just don't have it hooked up right? Not sure why it couldn't handle the pressure. So, those of you that use the washer supply, how do you have it hooked up?
  15. I know, so sad I don't want to kill another one though, so I'll have to find another cool fish to be my main one, someday. I wish I knew what happened.
  16. Oops, pics are showing up sideways. I'll fix it later when I'm not on my phone. aaaaaand fixed.
  17. Finally back to working on the stand after having landscaping and out of town company distracting me. Got the canopy stained and the boards for the stand top. There's still a bit of work to do before the top is put on though. And I need to texture and paint the other side of the stand. In other news, the doser has been one of my best investments yet. Been keeping my alk really stable with almost no work on my part. Really enjoying that. Corals look good and I'm ready to stock, finally!! My tassled filefish died yesterday morning. That was such a bummer. I'm still sad and frustrated about it. I had the canopy down for 3 days prior, so the tank was dark during that time. So I don't know if he was showing any symptoms prior to passing. He didn't have any spots or fuzzy areas, or red gills, or anything so I'm stumped. Lost an urchin too but I'm hoping it was just a coincidence. I run lots of carbon and all the other fish and coral appear healthy. Someday I'll need to look at my fish and decide what to add to replace him.
  18. KimP


    Welcome to the club!
  19. Sounds like a fun upgrade. Is the urchin not touching the gha? Maybe just manual removal will entice him to go eat the remainder. You can also just scrub it with a toothbrush and siphon the gha out, inside the tank. That works well for me.
  20. Wow, thanks It's been a lot of work and I've had help, and I'm so thrilled with how it's coming together. Glad to see you around!
  21. The stand is sure looking good! Can't wait to see the final product!
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