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Everything posted by KimP

  1. It's so great to have another fish store down south. Can't wait to check it out!
  2. I thought they were more aggressive? I'd love to get one if it'd work!
  3. Looking good! It was nice to see you. Is that your sea apple in the front? If so, awesome job keeping one for so long!! The tank is 151 gallons and has been running for a year now I think. At the swap I bought my first corals to add. All the others were there from my previous tanks. It's been doing great after going through all the regular algae cycles and all that new tanks get.
  4. Hey!! Good to see you around! I thought clownfish were more aggressive?
  5. My tank is 4 feet long, 2.5 feet wide for 151 gallons. I can't decide what fish to add next. I loved the tassled filefish but I don't want to kill another, same with yellow eye kole tangs. I tried 3 of those in my last tank (one at a time, in my 90gal) and lost each one within a few days, even the one from divers den. So maybe a tang just isn't in the cards for me. I'm thinking maybe some anthias? I'd love any input. I've had all of my current fish for at least a year, several I've had for a few years, so I hope the deaths I've had aren't due to my caretaking abilities. I love wrasses but don't necessarily have to have more, and I need to keep the tank peaceful. I will be adding another urchin. The fish I have now are: Dwarf Morey eel Foxface Yellow wrasse Springer's damsel Royal gramma Red lined wrasse A little tiny clear goby added from my pico Yellow watchmen goby Inverts: 2 urchins 2 fighting conchs 2 turbo snails 1 bigger hermit and possibly a couple smaller A few smaller snails Also if it seems like I'm probably fully stocked I'd like to know that too.
  6. The fish I have now are: Dwarf Morey eel Foxface Yellow wrasse Springer's damsel Royal gramma Red lined wrasse A little tiny clear goby added from my pico Yellow watchmen goby Inverts: 2 urchins 2 fighting conchs 2 turbo snails 1 bigger hermit and possibly a couple smaller A few smaller snails So the tank is 4 feet long, 2.5 feet wide for 151 gallons. I can't decide what fish to add next. I loved the tassled filefish but I don't want to kill another, same with yellow eye kole tangs. I tried 3 of those in my last tank (one at a time, in my 90gal) and lost each one within a few days, even the one from divers den. So maybe a tang just isn't in the cards for me. I'm thinking maybe some anthias? I'd love any input. I've had all of my current fish for at least a year, several I've had for a few years, so I hope the deaths I've had aren't due to my caretaking abilities. I'll post a separate thread about the fish too, to get more input.
  7. Alright, finally an update! Short story: got pregnant, did what I could with the tank but mostly left the inside of the tank alone, my favorite fish died, I finished the stand, had the baby, went to the frag swap to add my first corals in a year. Longer story: Not too eventful since my last post. Things went surprisingly well while I was busy with life. Alk has stayed very very stable for many months at 145-150 with the doser I got dialed in, so I decided with the frag swap coming that it was time to stock up. I tried to stick with the types of corals that have done well over the past couple months. Mushrooms, sps, acans, scoly, etc. Unfortunately my chalices have been going downhill for the past few months, so I resisted getting any of those. My next task is to add some fish. I'll be looking for advice on this. Now for the pics. The new corals aren't in their permanent spots yet and I'll be pulling out nearly all the xenia, but if I keep waiting to post pics for when the tank looks better, it'll never happen [emoji6] Some of the frags I picked up at the swap
  8. Your tank looks so big in the video, it's deceptive. Everything is looking great. Very interesting about the Start Smart. I've been having some problems with my sand over the years too but don't like crushed coral. I'm glad everything is going well, thanks for the update!
  9. I had a wonderful time! It was so great to see everyone and grab some great frags. Thanks to all who set this up and brought items to sell. It's great to finally have some nice corals in my tank.
  10. Awesome, that's one thing I needed to figure out, which channel to use. I appreciate it! I'm going to get the update on my apex then give it a go.
  11. Thank you for the reply. I can't get the first link to work.Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  12. That actually helps a bunch! Thanks so much Ty! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  13. This is exciting! Have you thought at all about what type of tank you want to have? Like, do you want more aggressive type fish or peaceful? Is there any fish in particular you're really interested in? You might want to consider some maintenance fish, like a springer's damsel and a foxface (I think that size tank is big enough for a foxface). It's worth it to look at the bigger picture before you start stocking because fish are hard to remove. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  14. I just received the new apex ready controller for my waveline DC pump that I use to run my closed loop. I have it connected to the VDM and I'm attempting to get it running on a program, trying to follow the directions in the manual. I barely know what I'm doing. So each plug into the VDM has 2 parts as I understand it. For my lights, 1 controls spectrum and the other, intensity. But when it comes to the pump, I don't know which one to use. I tried putting each on ON and OFF and nothing happened to the pump, it just kept running full power, so it's not clear to me which to write my program in. I hope this is somewhat understandable. [emoji53] Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  15. It comes in a can like WD40, you can get it almost anywhere. I always pick it up at the hardware store. I'm sure anywhere they sell electronics they'd sell it too.
  16. My kessils do this when they need to be cleaned. Have you already tried cleaning it, maybe with some compressed air in the groves on top? Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  17. Thanks everyone! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  18. Before kids I played bluegrass fiddle and mandolin, now I just teach my kids. For some reason they've always gone nuts when I play and I'm really not that terrible, so it's been a while. Don't know what their deal is! Bluegrass is a blast to play What bands or style are you into? Have you gone to any beginner jams? Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  19. We welcomed our newest frag 2 weeks ago A third boy. I'm hoping to pick up working on my tank really soon. It's been hanging in there pretty well and I'm excited to be able to work on it again and be more active on here. Baby willing
  20. Wow, I'm so sorry all of that happened. Losing fish sucks. Good job figuring out about the ammonia and staying on top of it. Looks like you're getting things turned around. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  21. Wow, those are gorgeous! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  22. This has worked out great for me too. I took jestep's advice maybe 2yrs ago and the fish has been a model citizen and I haven't seen a flatworm since.
  23. That's a great looking pico! Sounds like a nice upgrade. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  24. KimP

    New Member

    Welcome to the club! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
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