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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Finally got a backup air pump on the sump. I've had all the parts it just took me forever to get around to gathering them all. The water level in my sump is currently too high, but usually when the power cuts off the baffle you can see there in the picture creates 2 sections of water that both need aeration. So I took a gang valve and connected air stones and put one in each section. So now in the event of a power failure, the display and all sections of the sump have aeration.
  2. KimP

    Random stuff

    GONE - Pressure gauge $5 GONE - BML to Apex cord - free AI to Apex cord - free GONE Thing to tap into pipe for rodi system - free GONE Meds - free Pick up south Austin. Happy to trade for frags.
  3. SOLD In excellent condition, asking $25 Other random kessil accessories: power extension cords, aux extension cord, hanging rings. Free Pick up far south Austin or south fish stores. Happy to trade for coral frags.
  4. These were handed out at the frag swap
  5. I know aquadome does but it costs money.
  6. I do, if far south Austin is convenient for you.
  7. I didn't think the roads were bad. Nice store and great discounts! I'm really happy to have a store so close.
  8. Water change here too. I'm going to run by the Just Reef grand opening today to grab some stuff like sand and a pistol shrimp if they have any, for my watchman goby. Need to re-glue a frag and dig out some powerheads from the garage to sell. Test phosphates to see if the chemipure blue is bringing the levels down yet, then move it to the reactor. And I want to get my waveline and apex working together. I updated the apex a couple nights ago and still can't seem to get it to work.
  9. Yikes. I don't have any extra tanks but I think the club has a tub you could borrow if you need to move your tank contents out while you figure things out. Pm Mike about it. Several members on here have resealed tanks successfully. Have you read any of those threads? FarmerTy is one. It seems fairly straightforward. You can also post in the emergency forum if it gets worse and you need some help. Good luck!
  10. I didn't even think of that! Thanks for the reminder.
  11. Wow! Could have fooled me. The tank looks a-mazing Kim! The light shimmer you've got going on is one of the best I've ever seen. Mind if I ask what you shot the videos with? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thank you! I just used my phone. It's a nexus. I did clean the glass inside and out first though. I'm sure that helped!
  12. How's your tank coming along these days?
  13. 151 gallon in-wall room divider build. 10/22/15 taken at night.
  14. First video taken a couple days ago, during the day, pre-xenia massacre removal. In both videos I was holding a wiggly baby so try to ignore the shakiness. Second video taken last night
  15. Last night I got a break to work on my tank. I had forgotten how much I enjoy it. I removed all the xenia I was able to, but there's still plenty left. Glued down several more frags, added a rock and put back in one of my cerameco frag racks that I had pulled out a long time ago to get rid of fairy dust palys growing on it. I have a few more corals left to place and I'm trying to figure out where they fit in as far as colors go. Next on my list is to get rocks to replace the ones on top of one of my rock piles. The 2 top rocks are covered in fairy dust palys and I'm ready to replace them with corals I like better. I got out the Salty Zapper I bought at the swap and that thing is fun to use! Really easy too. I hit several aptasia and tried it on a spot of xenia and fairy dust palys. I'm going to watch and see if it works on them. Can't imagine it wouldn't though. I'm happy with the purchase so far! Here are a couple of pictures I took at night. I'm uploading a video right now, so Ty will be happy if he sees this [emoji6]
  16. SOLD Bought this a while back and didn't work to connect my waveline to Apex. I waited too long to try and return it. Comes with all original packaging. $30 pick up in far south Austin
  17. KimP


    I'm about to pull a whole bunch out of my tank, you can take as much as you want. I'm located in far south Austin if that's convenient for you.
  18. That's awful, I'm sorry that happened.
  19. Thank you, it's coming along! I have thought about it. I have a yellow wrasse and the foxface already, so it'd be another yellow fish.
  20. I was thinking maybe they pester the eels or something but a bigger eel eating the hawkfish is much more likely, I agree.
  21. Liveaquaria's compatibility chart shows hawkfish not compatible with eels. Do you think that's because the eel would eat the hawkfish, or the hawkfish would hurt the eel? My eel is a small one and hasn't eaten any of my fish. I'm assuming the chart is taking about bigger eels.
  22. I hadn't even considered that since I lost my filefish. I'll look it up, thanks.
  23. I'm for sure getting a flame hawkfish, thanks for the idea Ty. The angel is a bit expensive right now, although beautiful. I just remembered I had been wanting to get a shrimp to go with the watchman goby. Do you think it's too late for him? I've had him quite a while and JamesL had him for a long time before that (sorry your shrimp died James [emoji53] ) He used to be paired so do you think he still would if I put a shrimp in there? If so, any recommendations?
  24. I just got some of this Chemipure Blue to try out. One container says it treats 75 gal, so I'd need 2 but I'm going to start out with one and watch my phosphates and the tank and if all goes well I'll add the other in 2 or 3 weeks. Then when it comes time to swap them out it'll be staggered and not hit the system too hard. Says it lasts 4 months. That'd be nice. I'm going to toss it in the sump first and eventually move it to the carbon reactor since I won't need to be running it with carbon anymore. Time to test the phosphates, then toss it in!
  25. Looks like things are going well for you!
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