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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Any thoughts on removing the rock, letting it dry out in the sun, then washing or scrubbing or something before putting it back in the tank? Any idea how long the toxins hang around before breaking down? I'd want to make sure I couldn't get hurt washing the rocks off after they've dried out for a few weeks, or hurt the tank after putting them back in.
  2. Last night I started trying out running my closed loop with the apex. Looked up the tides for Galveston just to get times to try. At 0% the pump runs at its lowest speed and 100% is the highest speed. Without shutting off the power, the apex can't turn the pump off, only change the speed, if that makes sense. So at low tide I have it at 0% and high tide at 100%. Low 0600 High 1000 Low 1630 High 2330 And it ramps up and down to each of those points. So far it's working, which makes me so happy. This is one of the last things I've always wanted to do finally falling into place with this build.
  3. Thanks! It's one of my favorite corals. Great for brightening up dim spots.
  4. I finally got control of my closed loop with the apex. Had to update the apex then turn the pump all the way down. Now I just need to figure out a program for it [emoji2]
  5. Thanks for the urchin, and your tank is beautiful! Definitely worth going to see in person.
  6. Yikes, alk was down to 121 tonight. I'm surprised it's dipping so low. I added quite a bit of alk again tonight and upped the doser again. I'll probably test in the morning to prevent it from getting any lower.
  7. KimP

    Adding Sand

    I have existing sand and in most areas around the tank it's barely enough to cover the glass bottom. You said exactly what I was wondering. If adding new sand on top could cause problems because of the critters and even algae growing in/on it. So what should I do? Just add a shallow layer each day? Each week?
  8. KimP

    Adding Sand

    I need to add some sand to my established tank. I'm planning on getting a pvc pipe and just pouring it in where I want it. Is there any reason to not just dump a bunch of sand in? I can't think of one but thought I might be missing something. This is the bagged wet kind.
  9. Do you still have the urchin?
  10. Or better yet, make sure your battery powered back up air pumps have working batteries
  11. KimP


    Welcome to the club! Lots of members started with biocubes. Just ask a bunch of questions and we'll help you get it figured out
  12. I just tested my alk and it's my first low reading in many months. It's usually right around 147 but it's 135 tonight. I'm pretty happy because I've started seeing growth on some sps in my tank. Yay! So I dosed some extra alk, then bumped up the doser a bit. Now I'll have to watch it closer, which is a good tradeoff for coral growth.
  13. I can't get the video to work on Tapatalk [emoji53]
  14. Wow that's really looking great! Beautiful fish.
  15. Great job on the stand and aquascaping! I admire your patience and qt process.
  16. That was my first thought, that it's red like a sea apple but the colors aren't quite as intense, but maybe it's still young? I started dosing phytoplankton a while ago, with my dosing pump, so it's getting a tiny bit several times a day. I wonder if that has something to do with all these interesting creatures popping up all of a sudden. And feeding Rod's food too. Everything in my tank goes nuts over that stuff.
  17. This is even more weird now, lol. I wonder where it came from? Saltwater tanks are SO cool! I've also found teeny worms with hard tubes on the rock, that have red fans that come out, maybe 2mm diameter. So neat. I wish I could get a pic of those.
  18. What do your sand eating ones look like? The mouth, I mean. I haven't poked it yet, hadn't thought to do that. Do you have any red ones?
  19. Just noticed this for the first time. I'm guessing it's a cucumber but I don't have any in the tank that I know of. I did just add a rock to the display that's been in my sump all along, and a ball of chaeto full of critters from FarmerTy's tank. (Are you breeding cucumbers now Ty?) Would you all agree that's what it is? The body is red but I don't think it shows in any pics I managed to get. It's pretty deep into the tank.
  20. That's a sea apple. Brian.srock has one too. They are gorgeous!
  21. KimP

    Random stuff

    Of course. It's yours.
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