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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Oh no, that sucks! I hope you find some. I'm all out. Do you have any Prime or similar to add in the meantime?
  2. Hi! Welcome to the club!
  3. KimP

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to the club!
  4. I can host in Feb, but I live really far south. Not very convenient.
  5. I got a mystery wrasse and a M/F pair of Scott's fairy wrasses. They're all so pretty and everyone adjusted with no trouble. Really happy with those! I have an in line tds meter and magnetic probe holder on the way.
  6. That is a great deal, wow
  7. I had a great time at the meeting. Thanks for hosting Just Reef!! The auction was fun and I snagged some awesome frags at a really great price! Thanks Mike, Dan, and Brian and everyone else who came
  8. Hate to say it Ty, but I think you've gone over the edge. I'm with Victoly on this one! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  9. KimP

    new here

    Hi! Welcome to the club! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  10. Wow, that's SO lucky you were home and caught it! I agree it seems like you're safe but I'd keep running the carbon for a while after hooking up the sump again just to be sure. Maybe even throw in a polyfilter if it seems anything doesn't look right.
  11. KimP

    Tube anemone

    Wow those are beautiful! My sandbed varies around the tank. Where I'm wanting it to go it's probably 2" but I can easily change that. I bought a couple bags of sand to add to the tank where needed.My sand bed was maybe 3"? They aren't picky at all once established. The "foot" or whatever just needs to be fully covered. They eat way more food than you would think though. At the size in that pic, each one ate like an 8-10" grouper. When it hit sub-woofer size, you could just hand it frozen cubes and it would swallow 2-3 whole. They like to eat.If you haven't bought anything yet, the white/purple is much cheaper and easier than the green/orange. Just be aware of the space requirements. This is another angle ImageUploadedByTapatalk1448219302.819002.jpg I wish I had more pictures from back then. I lost a bunch of stuff when my old phone blew up. Always sync. The big ones could fully occupy half a 40b at night (an 18" square). No idea how tall it would go in a deeper tank. The green/orange seemed to max out at a 5-6" disc and lays more flat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Wow that's a lot of food! I have an orange and green one. It's pretty small right now. They're so beautiful! I'll find a good spot for it then and bury in some deep sand. Right now it's in the pvc tube just sitting on the sandbed, but it's been looking great so far. I really appreciate the advice!
  12. KimP

    Tube anemone

    Wow those are beautiful! My sandbed varies around the tank. Where I'm wanting it to go it's probably 2" but I can easily change that. I bought a couple bags of sand to add to the tank where needed.
  13. KimP

    Tube anemone

    I never considered vertical. Is that how people do it?
  14. KimP

    My 40b Lagoon

    I love it! I haven't seen a nice lagoon set up in a while.
  15. KimP

    Tube anemone

    I've always wanted tube anemones and finally picked out one I like. I thought I'd try the trick of putting it in a pvc pipe that I've read about. Total fail. Can anyone explain exactly how they did this? I thought I had it figured out.
  16. Finally got the alk back up to where I've always had it, now to keep it there. Haven't dosed calcium yet. I've added a few more corals, a sand sifting cucumber, and a tail spot blenny. The blenny is so funny, I've always loved these fish. He's mostly out in the wide open, perched on some rock or coral, and if he's not out in the open, then his head is poking out from one of the many barnacles. Such a character! I still haven't decided on what other fish to add or gotten a hawkfish yet. I picked up this mushroom at the Dome this weekend. It looks like copper and it's soooooooo bright! I can't believe I actually snagged a coral like this. I wish it showed up better in pictures. I've never been so excited about a mushroom before [emoji2] Look how bright it is with the lights turned all the way to white!
  17. Oh don't apologize, it's very interesting!
  18. We need a lfs that delivers :-/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JamesL


      What, your kids aren't old enough to do an LFS run yet? ;)

    3. ckyuv


      Yeah even to lago :D

    4. Vincent-Thai


      I know nikos reef do delivery

  19. Aaaaand now my calcium is low. Tested 370 ppm. I'm pretty excited because this is the first time I've ever needed to dose calcium and I get to use the empty dosing pump that's been waiting around to be used. Growth is good! I'm wondering though if once things start to take off, if it's going to be possible to get the dosing dialed in and relax a bit, or if I'll be stuck testing and adjusting constantly. Only time will tell, I guess.
  20. Very nice! I love the way that rock looks in there.
  21. That still sounds risky. Not to the tank, but to myself. Maybe I'll just get new rocks to replace them. Thanks for the discussion!
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