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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Mine too, thanks for posting about it. What did you guys put for proof of purchase? I assume they want a pic of the receipt but I ordered through amazon.
  2. KimP

    New to ARC

    Welcome to the club!
  3. Oh no, sorry! That's rough Water change, lots of carbon. I'd check all other parameters just to be sure. Salinity, temp, pH, alk, etc etc.
  4. Having redundancy in my return pumps really came in handy this week. I had noticed that my water level was just the tiniest bit lower than usual, but it was such a tiny amount that I thought maybe I needed to clean the return pumps or just didn't remember where the water level used to be. Turned out one impeller was bad. I'm so thankful my tank kept right on running as usual while I took a couple days to figure out where to buy a replacement! Everything's running like it should again On the agenda today is a water change and algae scrubbing, then replacing the rocks that were pulled out to dry. And the best part is I'm getting another nice coral from Jolt today!
  5. Wow, this is quite the set up you have started. I can't wait to see this go together! Any updates?
  6. I'm really excited to host! My house is very, very kid friendly. I have 3 boys, 6yo and under, so bring the kids! This will be a very family friendly meeting. Any requests for a topic? Maybe drilling rock? Building net tops? Childproofing, lol? Placing a tank in a wall as a room divider? That was the topic of the previous meeting at my house, but we could certainly do it again if there's interest. Any other ideas?
  7. We'll be there! Really looking forward to this one.
  8. Thank you! I'm very pleased with it and it seems to really like that spot.
  9. Here's a picture of one of the frags I won! I got some good zoas too but didn't get good pics of them. I got the zoas for practically nothing! This coral was a steal too and it's a big frag Jason Fox toxic aculeus
  10. KimP

    DI Resin

    Thanks for the offer! I'm ordering some from BRS. I was just surprised no one south carries any, and that no one has looked for some at the Dome.
  11. KimP

    DI Resin

    Where does everyone get their DI resin from? I asked Gary at the Dome today if they carried any and he said they don't and he's *never* been asked that. I'm still shocked. Is this something that everyone (in south Austin) orders through the mail? It seems like it would be as common as someone needing salt. Or carbon, or sediment filters. I don't mind getting it from BRS but figured since I was at the fish stores today I'd just buy it local and save shipping. Anyway, just curious! And anyone need anything from BRS?...
  12. KimP

    New Reefer

    Welcome to the club!
  13. KimP

    Hey guys

    Sounds good, welcome to the club!
  14. Ha, purple death would be a fitting name They sure caused trouble for me. I had new carbon running too so I never expected trouble.The peroxide has been a pretty fun project! Have you used it out of the tank on rocks with corals on them? Just avoiding the corals?
  15. I can't believe I forgot this in my update above. I was scrubbing algae off with a toothbrush and got around the purple palys. They're really the only zoas/palys in the tank now. Did that at night and in the morning I came down to a sad looking tank. Both pincushion urchins dropped nearly all spines and I was sure they were going to die, but the black urchin didn't seem to be affected at all. My red Monti cap and the Jedi Mind Trick Monti were almost completely bleached and looked terrible. I can't remember right now what all else looked bad, but it was a sad day. All I can think of is it had to have been those palys. Can't say for sure though. It was interesting how really only those 2 monti's were affected, but not the branching monti's. And both pincushions but not the black urchin. It was so random. And the 2 monti's that looked terrible are on opposite sides of the tank, so it's not like it was localized. Anyway, good news is they both completely recovered as did the urchins! I really can't believe it, I was ready to pull them out. I won't be going near those palys again, that's for sure. Those right in the center of the pic:
  16. Time for an update. Strange thing I've been watching. About 2 or so months ago I pulled 2 big rocks out that were covered with fairy dust palys and within hours my pH rose higher than it's ever been in 2 years. It's always stayed fairly stable but quite low. Every evening for a week or two the pH crept up a little bit more and is now always right around 8.2. Really interesting. Even stranger is the pH dips during the day and raises every evening to 8.2-8.3. My refugium is lit 24/7 currently, so it's not that. I don't know what role those rocks or palys played in keeping the pH low but that was the only change in at least that month, and it's been consistent every day since. Maybe a coincidence, I don't know, but I'll take it! Other than that, I added those 2 bags of Chemipure Blue and shortly following the addition of the second bag I started to see an increase in algae. No idea if they're related. So I've been battling that for a while. Really just manual removal and water changes. Timfish has been trying an interesting experiment with hydrogen peroxide on the rocks, mainly hitting the red hair algae I have spreading around. We removed the rocks without corals on them to let them dry out. Things are definitely on the upswing. Fish have been really happy and nearly all the corals are looking good. Lost a couple sps frags after that big alk drop, then raising the alk too fast. I had added a mystery wrasse and a m/f pair of Scott's fairy wrasses after the Christmas party from Just Reef and they made themselves at home immediately and have been perfect additions. I'm really happy with the quality of fish I've gotten through them! FTS from a few days ago
  17. I love my flipper too. I just have one of the old regular ones and it has done a fantastic job over the years. I've only had to replace the blade once so far.
  18. I love picotopes! I'm very interested to see what you do with them. I second the mushrooms. A lot of people would do zoas/palys but I never had luck with them in a small set up. I've had a lot of luck with leptastreas.
  19. Congrats! I'm sorry to see you go too. Good luck with the sale!
  20. I can host March or a later month since I'm also south. Then we won't have 2 far south meetings in a row, if that matters.
  21. 1/6/16 1/13/16 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/11 2/17 http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160218/d5428bc1dae5ccee66eb35947347311e.jpg http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160218/019ded082271231fa150aa59e305cb44.jpg I know my glass is covered in algae in some pics. That's my life right now, just keepin it real. 2/25 http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160226/a27af13fdd40ad66e3a5e930fed899f7.jpg http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160226/36a03e777268f245ffdf35e32a4af7e2.jpg 3/2 http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160310/0eb112614708e260c24bb2cdfb01ee8e.jpg http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160310/d5d7dc762a16c67181b93a3bba0bcee1.jpg 3/9 http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160310/a0042503d1b22f071024ed7d4a070942.jpg http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160310/76e058aa7e6fec7ca2481306cdeffd2d.jpg
  22. Happy birthday!! I hope you had a great day!
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