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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Bummer you can't put it by the washer. Maybe under a sink?
  2. I manage to use one! It's much easier than it used to be, with the fusion website. I can't do all the fancy stuff going on in this thread, but it's so useful in just the basic things it can do that's it's definitely worth it anyway. And there's plenty of Apex knowledgeable people in the club that would be happy to help I'm sure!
  3. Glad to see an update on these! The toad stool looks pretty good in that spot actually. What was happening that made you think there was a chemical war? Did removing the toad stool fix the problem?
  4. I've read of a couple members that couldn't keep Xenia, but for most others xenia and anthelia are considered a weed and really easy to grow. And hard to control after it's gets going! I believe Mike or maybe Timfish usually have bags of the stuff to give away free at the meetings, if you can make one of those. I love filefish and it's exciting they are able to breed them!
  5. KimP


    I've definitely had them work in the past. I can't say for sure this last time. I have several wrasses and I added an aptasia-eating filefish soon after the berghia. Then one day I suddenly noticed I couldn't find a single aiptasia! I can't be certain what it was though.
  6. I can do it. Send me a pm with details.
  7. Thanks for having us all over Ty. It was great to see everyone! We had a great time and enjoyed the delicious food and getting to see your incredible tank. Thanks for the frags too!
  8. Sorry to read this news. That's a real bummer, especially with them being so hard to find. And because of a silly mistake!
  9. Do you have any other lps? Acans, blastos, etc?
  10. KIM!So glad to see you're still here!!! Do you still have your seahorses? Thank you for the very sweet compliment. I'm very eager to hit the ground running. xx No, no seahorses for me right now. I have 3 little boys that take up my time these days. I just have a regular mixed reef right now I try to keep alive.
  11. KimP

    Scoly recovery

    Thanks. Migs is still the real scoly whisperer though! I'm excited to see if I can get this one back to at least it's original size. I do like the new coloring better, so that's a plus! Too bad scolys don't reproduce from skeletons like your plates.
  12. I got this scoly at least a couple years ago and it looked like this: Then just over a year ago something sudden happened in the tank and it looked like this and only got worse: I kept trying to get around to throwing the skeleton away and now I'm so glad I didn't. After total neglect (or just leaving it completely alone) I noticed it was making a big recovery, and now looks like this: I don't do anything special for it, but I do broadcast feed. I'm thinking of starting to spot feed it a bit now that it's recently started to show a feeding response. Yay!
  13. Very exciting. I bet those will disappear fast!
  14. That's such a great deal, not only the corals but the fact that it's been established for a year.
  15. Welcome back!! Your tank is looking good and I'm excited to see what you do with it. Sorry about your last tank, it sure sucks to lose fish.
  16. What everyone else said, and keep up with manual removal. Even better if you can pull the rock(s) out and scrub with a toothbrush.
  17. KimP

    New here!

    Welcome to the club!
  18. Wow, that's a really beautiful cabinet.
  19. That is a bummer. He sure was a beautiful fish!
  20. That was hilarious! I needed that! Brian helped me out with the SoaSA swap and if you stood at one end of the frag swap and looked down to the other, you'd see this cascade of blue lights and then one oddly bright white setup where Brian and I sat. I felt so out of place not running a ton of blue that I turned my whites down a bit just not to offend people. I even had one guy ask me if I can turn up the blues to look at some coral!Does everybody run blue tanks at home these days and I'm just the old dinosaur that still runs my white? That's funny! Have that be your trademark thing and everyone can find your set up the easiest I still run my tank white all day, but the early morning and late evening the lights fade from/to blue just to enjoy the color differences.
  21. Thanks for the ideas, I'll look those up. They are really soft and flexible, like hairs and I don't see any kind of fan, but if it had one it would be very very tiny.
  22. I've always had these on my rocks, but they're noticeably bigger and more numerous all of a sudden in this section of my tank. Just made me curious what they are.
  23. I grabbed a screenshot of my order history of the Hanna reagents through amazon. Hopefully that'll be good enough.
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