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Everything posted by KimP

  1. You got it! Lmk when you want to pick up.
  2. Oh, I meant out of all bristle tooth tangs, see what the lfs can bring in Not just the white-tail.
  3. Thanks for all the great info! Now I need to see what I can actually get my hands on. I found one place online that has a white tail, but I'm going to try and see what's available locally first.
  4. I've decided to let one of my Cerameco frag stations go. I've been very reluctant to let it go because I'm pretty sure these aren't available for sale anywhere anymore, but I don't have a good spot for it. It has holes for plugs, but also each spot is cupped a bit and will keep something like an acan in place without it being on a regular plug. It looks much nicer in the tank than a traditional frag rack and just becomes part of the live rock. I also have a bag of the Cerameco frag plugs to include. It's been in my sump for a while so it's definitely well cycled! Here's one of the Cerameco sites: http://aqua-tecture.com/?wpsc_product_category=vidarock-artisan Roughly 12" x 7" and 6" tall Top Side Asking $25 or trade for coral. Pick up far south Austin.
  5. The same Mag 5 stopped working again, leaving me once again thankful for redundancy. Perfect timing though because I grabbed the Sicce 4.0 that Brooks listed. I swapped the working Mag 5 to be a regular return, and put the Sicce running the manifold. It's a big pump! I also cleaned up a whole bunch of cords and a power strip that has been just hanging out right in the way of everything. It's so much cleaner under there now, not sure why I waited so long. Added this beauty yesterday from juiceman. I'm trying really hard to not kill it! I never did manage to get it attached as well as I'd like yesterday. The base is so small and the colony is big enough all the way around, that there's not really a way to grab it and push it down firmly into the epoxy. I've been checking the tank compulsively to be sure it hasn't fallen. I'm really excited about this addition! The weekly water changes are going well and the sandbed is starting to stay clean. Swapped out a bag of Chemipure Blue after finding out the reactor I have them in was completely clogged. I will need to check on it much more frequently. My Ca and Mg are up in nsw range again, so I'm happy about that. Just gotta continue keep my alk steady.
  6. Wow, that's gorgeous Mike! It is a lot of fins for my tank, I think. I don't have as much open space as you.
  7. I've never had a kole tang but that's the 3rd instance this month I've heard about them attacking smaller non-tang fishes... interesting. I'm currently in love with this guy... white-tail bristletooth tang. Too bad my tang collection is finalized! http://www.nyaquatic.com/white-tail-bristletooth-tang-3-4/ That's funny Ty, the white tail bristle tooth has been my favorite so far as I research them this morning! I'm concerned about them attacking my smaller fish though. I need to read more, but are the kole tangs a kind of bristle tooth, or is that another name for all bristle tooth tangs?
  8. I'm thinking about getting a tang for my 150gal. I'm looking for part utility and part I've just always wanted one. So what's a good grazer and interesting tang for a tank 4' long and 2.5' wide? If it's important, tank mates are: [ ] Brittle star [ ] Sand sifting cucumber [ ] Scott's fairy wrasse [ ] Mystery wrasse [ ] 2 urchins [ ] Long spine urchin [ ] Tail spot blenny [ ] Yellow watchman goby [ ] Tiny clear goby [ ] Yellow wrasse [ ] Springer's damsel [ ] Red lined wrasse [ ] Royal Gramma [ ] 2 Conch snail [ ] Dwarf Golden Morey [ ] One spot Fox face
  9. Those sound neat! Can you post a pic?
  10. Can you put some rocks or rubble down there? They'll grow on the rock and you can move the rock into your DT.
  11. Sounds like drilling rock it is!
  12. Should tell her that if there's ever a leak, if its in the garage, you'll have less water damage than under the sink. [emoji6]This happened to me actually. The water pressure blew out the John guest fitting at the water supply and flooded my entire laundry room out into the kitchen and dining area. Caught it within inches of moving onto the wood flooring.
  13. Yeah it's funny how they claim it's the most expensive coral in the world. I have a $10,000 leptastrea frag for sale in my tank they forgot to ask me about.
  14. Wow, I had no idea! I also didn't realize chalices were still the "in thing". I definitely don't have any bounce corals in my tank.
  15. KimP


    My calcium has been low. I actually just pulled out the stuff to start dosing last night. Thanks for the idea. I need to test the level again and get started.
  16. I'm still working on some algae growth and I like urchins. I like to cut above the death line too, good advice!
  17. KimP


    Thanks for the idea. Hmmm, unless my apex is acting up I can rule that out. I have a notification set up for a pretty tight window. I do get a little cooler right after a water change, like 1-2 degrees cooler for less than an hour. Think that's enough?Not at all... Hmmm... Your lighting schedule hasn't changed at all?Not at all. The only thing I can think of is I started weekly water changes without missing a week, and it used to be every other week-ish, so maybe it's a nutritional thing? My phosphate is the same as always and I don't test nitrates frequently because I always have a negligible amount, so even that doesn't seem likely. I feed the same as always. These corals just look sort of clear, but you can still see their color, if you know what I mean. They look florescent or something and it's not getting better. My pH has done some fluctuating. Any idea if that could cause something like this? Remind me of your system Kim. Are you carbon dosing? Skimmer? What are your nutrient levels? Do you know your par levels? Like Jestep mentioned, monti caps just have their own temperament sometimes and perhaps like he said, a delayed reaction to the alk dip. That wouldn't explain your soft corals looking pale either. I only see those looking pale when there isn't enough light or not enough nutrients in the system. No carbon dosing, undersized skimmer, nitrate always negligible, phosphate always seems to be 0.092 tested with elos professional kit. I have tested par a few times but with the Kessils I've read that the par meter isn't accurate, so I've just used the numbers to move coral from one tank to the other, under the same lights. I think jestep may be onto something with the mushrooms. I can easily move them into brighter light and see how they react. Maybe the monti's are reacting to the alk fluctuations? It's noticeably the setosa and red cap. Then not as bad on the warp speed and Jedi mind trick I got from you Ty, and an unknown Monti. No problems on the German blue.
  18. KimP


    Thanks for the idea. Hmmm, unless my apex is acting up I can rule that out. I have a notification set up for a pretty tight window. I do get a little cooler right after a water change, like 1-2 degrees cooler for less than an hour. Think that's enough?Not at all... Hmmm... Your lighting schedule hasn't changed at all?Not at all. The only thing I can think of is I started weekly water changes without missing a week, and it used to be every other week-ish, so maybe it's a nutritional thing? My phosphate is the same as always and I don't test nitrates frequently because I always have a negligible amount, so even that doesn't seem likely. I feed the same as always. These corals just look sort of clear, but you can still see their color, if you know what I mean. They look florescent or something and it's not getting better. My pH has done some fluctuating. Any idea if that could cause something like this?
  19. KimP


    Thanks for the idea. Hmmm, unless my apex is acting up I can rule that out. I have a notification set up for a pretty tight window. I do get a little cooler right after a water change, like 1-2 degrees cooler for less than an hour. Think that's enough?
  20. KimP


    I'm trying to figure out why some of my corals look somewhat bleached. I've been recovering from a sudden alk dip over Christmas and going through some algae phases, but things have been really stable besides. Nearly all the algae has cleared out and overall the corals look good and I'm seeing some growth. I check my parameters frequently and the tank gets weekly water changes. This is happening in a couple brightly colored mushrooms and a few montiporas. Besides lighting, what else could cause bleaching?
  21. Interesting. This doesn't make me want to get rid of all of them, just the one I caught red...uh...spined? I'll probably try a tuxedo to replace this one.
  22. Any products I can stick in my filter?You can buy a bag of carbon and put it in your filter. I agree with running some carbon too.
  23. Sure is. Should I leave it as is or cut it right above the damage and reglue?
  24. So this guy has a taste for acros [emoji33] I put these new frags in yesterday, then noticed soon after the black urchin sitting right on top of them. There was this frag you can see in the pic, then a smaller stick of the same frag right next to it. The urchin sat there all evening and was still there when I last checked the tank around midnight. I thought it was unusual. Today I figured out what he was doing! The smaller stick is off to the left now, where you can't see it in the pic, but it's nearly gone, and the bigger one is clearly eaten. He'll be moved to the sump here in a few minutes. I've been having trouble with all acros the past month and was about ready to give up on keeping them, now I wonder if this guy was to blame.
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