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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I was wondering what groups y'all were mentioning.
  2. You picked up some nice pieces!
  3. Thanks for hosting Juiceman and putting up with my oldest kid talking everybody's ear off [emoji2] We had a great time and I think you guys successfully convinced my husband to help me put a camera on my tank!
  4. I'm so glad you're okay! How scary! And I'm glad I'm reading this today and not before now. I was nervous enough pulling out a big rock in my tank and removing a bunch of palys I know have palytoxin. I'm glad you're sharing your story so we can all learn. How's your dog? What did they do for him? What did you do to decontaminate your house?
  5. Well it was actually the blastos I really want to see. They're one of my favorite corals!
  6. You forgot to attach the pictures....
  7. I'm a little bit late posting my weekly fts, but these are from Wed night. Thought I'd post them to show before shots of when I crash my tank tonight replacing the barnacle. I hope I'm just kidding! It's been through a bleach soak, all paly/zoa tissue pealed off, rinses, drying in the sun, peroxide soak, more rinses, and a Prime soak, just in case there was any residual bleach. It's going back in tonight. The urchins keep walking off with all the loose corals, dropping them around the tank, touching them to each other killing the tissue - like dropping a birdsnest in the bubble coral, and it's driving me nuts.
  8. Yes! Good idea, I'll bring it then. Assuming Timfish is there, you can get all the details of how to best set it up
  9. How big is this tank? I have a UV sterilizer you can borrow, if you decide to try that. We'll have to see if it's the right size.55 gal.It'll definitely be big enough then. Just lmk if you want to use it.
  10. How big is this tank? I have a UV sterilizer you can borrow, if you decide to try that. We'll have to see if it's the right size.
  11. Wow, what an adventure! I'm surprised he survived all that and didn't get sucked into the return. Can you put him in your refugium? I guess maybe he'd just travel back into the sump, lol!
  12. I've used one for years and it's really worth the money.
  13. Oh and if you have it hooked up, just try turning each vdm port on and off and look at your lights and you'll be able to see which controls spectrum and intensity.
  14. Okay, I hope this makes some sense. You need 2vdm ports to control the lights. One for spectrum and the other intensity. This is what I have for spectrum: Set OFF If Time 08:00 to 10:00 Then ColorSun If Time 10:01 to 19:00 Then ColorDay If Time 19:01 to 20:00 Then ColorNight Then for intensity you use the wizard and just make your curve however you want. I set all this up prior to fusion, so I don't actually know how in fusion to program the virtual outlets (I think it was called) to tell the apex what "ColorSun" means. I hope someone jumps in to help! You might want to post this question in the controller equipment discussion forum.
  15. That's basically what I used to start out with. I'm definitely not one of the apex savvy members but let me look at my settings and compare them.
  16. KimP

    Scoly recovery

    Not fair... I'm certain you're feeding the tank when you took this one. When I feed rods once a week or so, my lone scoly looks like it's going to invert itself to get every last morsel of food. But seriously, I'm amazed it came back from that state. looked like a complete goner. Yes, during feeding is when I tend to stare at the tank and think to take pictures. I'm still totally amazed it came back from that too, I certainly didn't think it had a chance.
  17. Good job with it! You can't even tell it was covered in hair algae. It's nice to see a different kind of setup. Was that a blue sponge in there before the move?
  18. KimP


    Sleep issues are SO hard and will make you lose your mind quick! There's a good reason sleep deprivation is used as torture. Have you talked to the pediatrician about it? Is she teething maybe? Ear infection? I'm sure you guys have tried all the tricks. With my oldest we had to completely black out the room, have absolutely nothing but his bed in there (no toys, books, furniture, anything he could try and play with), white noise machine, cool temps, thing on the doorknob so he couldn't get out, stick to a strict routine, etc, and a ton of sitting in there with him in the dark during the times he needed to be sleeping (we didn't do cry it out, though I would've if it came to that). It was hard for a couple years. I hope you can figure out what she needs so you can all get some rest! It seems like if nothing else, they eventually grow out of it and start sleeping well.
  19. Thanks! I know, I can't easily tell in the pictures which side of the tank I'm looking at without that big green leather. It'll grow back soon though!
  20. It's been interesting watching the tank now that it's more fully stocked. Currently my parameters are: Salinity 1.026 Phos 0.12 (up significantly after a steep drop, after being steady at 0.092 for a year+) Elos professional Ca 345 Red Sea Mg 1200 Salifert Alk 7 Salifert nitrate 0 API This is recently all 3, alk Ca and Mg have dropped, so this is the first time I've ever needed to bring all 3 levels up at the same time. I haven't exactly decided on a plan long term, but today I started dosing alk and Ca. I'm waiting for the Mg mix to dissolve, so I'll start that tomorrow. My goal is to get alk close to 9, Ca to 420, and Mg to at least 1280. In the meantime figure out how to keep up with all 3. I don't want to be testing all the time or necessarily dosing anything but alk all the time, although my doser has 3 slots. Maybe I'll alternate weeks testing and dosing Ca and Mg. Maybe I won't continue to need them as much.
  21. This fish drives me nuts. I swear he always has to get in the way of every shot I try to get! [emoji35] ...MOVE FISH, get out the way, get out the way fish, get out the way... (ludacris anyone? [emoji23] )
  22. Thanks! It'd look a lot better if that other barnacle was in there. Can't wait to get it back in! Possibly this weekend.
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