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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Those all sound like good reasons to me!
  2. I think your tank is pretty incredible. The coral color is good and it seems you have good growth. What are you hoping to gain by increasing par?
  3. Ha! Is that also a little feather duster on the snails back?
  4. Very cool. Glad you found a fix!
  5. Great! I look forward to following! There's a thread brian.srock started where you post a picture every whatever-interval, and he'll make them all into a gif. Pretty cool. That's what I'm trying to do, a weekly fts for all of 2016
  6. Speaking of pH, does anyone know a good way to clean the probe? I looked it up but didn't find anything really. It looks like I have a sponge growing up in it, where I can't reach with a brush. It seemed to calibrate fine but still seems like it should be cleaned once in a while.
  7. Yes, but I'd think it was a bit undersized, and it shuts off for a while at night. My pH actually used to sit lower than that. It's only recently that I've ever seen an 8 on the display! I just recalibrated the probe too. I don't chase the pH either but I do like to watch it and see what it's doing. Especially while dosing alk. The alk did suddenly raise to 9 when the rtn started, so I think that was the problem even though it was only 1dkh in 24hrs.
  8. Aww, thanks I'm totally blushing, that was nice of you to say all that. It was a fun, interesting project, so thanks for giving me a shot at it!
  9. Thanks for the advice Would you consider the raise in alk a stressful event, or are we talking a reaction from months ago, maybe from the algae outbreak? Or maybe getting placed in a new tank? What would you consider to be the most dkh alk should be raised in a 24hr period? I tested everything a day and a half ago: Phos 0.092 besides a dip a few weeks ago, this is the level it's been at for at least a year Ca 395 I've been raising this Mg 1305 also been raising this Alk 9.6 up from sitting between 6-7 for a long time Salinity 35 Temp now sits between 78-79 instead of 77-78 Nitrate 0, on an api kit pH stays between 7.7-8.1
  10. Here's my weekly fts: Some random pictures of corals I've been really enjoying lately: And here's the baby thorny oyster My alk consumption is down a little more today. I'm wondering if this means the corals aren't growing as much and if so, I wonder why. Other than that, algae growth continues to slow and clear out, and things are looking pretty good.
  11. Yay! So exciting to read that it's coming together!
  12. Using the "Coral Biome’s patented extraction method" to isolate palytoxin from the new palys that "produces significantly higher concentrations of palytoxin than any species previously known to science" sounds like a scary job! I don't think you could pay me enough!Psh, I did that the other day. They make it sound so complicated. [emoji53] To be truthful, I haven't even stuck my hand back in the water yet. I'm a little water shy right now. That's why I've been messing with lights, doing QT work, everything else but getting my hand into my tank. [emoji33] Nice!
  13. At first I only saw two dogs! [emoji5]Ha! Me too!
  14. Using the "Coral Biome’s patented extraction method" to isolate palytoxin from the new palys that "produces significantly higher concentrations of palytoxin than any species previously known to science" sounds like a scary job! I don't think you could pay me enough!
  15. You're still welcome to borrow mine if you need. BML is going out of business? Or just moving or something?
  16. I have one that you can borrow but it's on a 12" fixture, does that matter?
  17. Here's the last week, including this morning's results.
  18. Frustrating day so far. Last night I noticed something didn't look quite right. I've been testing my alkalinity twice a day just recently because I ran out of alk buffer again (!) because the tank was just flying through it. Didn't have too bad of a dip, just minor. No big deal, grabbed a jug of the B ionic alk that the Dome carries, while I wait for my BRS order to get here. Things are going smoothly again and I'm slowly raising my dkh, shooting for 9. Well I tested it last night after feeling like something wasn't quite right and all of a sudden the alk is up to 9. That's great, just got there faster than I had planned. I'm using a doser and have kept the rate steady, so unless the doser malfunctioned, which I see no convincing evidence of, my alk uptake is inconsistent. That's frustrating. I lowered the dosing and it's only 9.3 this morning. I'll lower the doser again. So far I see some bleaching and hopefully that's it. I have some rtn at the base of an acro and I unfortunately can't get to it until this evening. I hope it doesn't move too quickly! And it would be nice if my alk uptake would pick a rate and stay there.
  19. Dang, sorry about the fish. I was wondering how that was all going while you are recovering.
  20. Aww, so glad he's okay!
  21. Welcome to the club! I'd get the 360 if you go with Kessil and want to be able to keep corals with higher light needs. It can be turned down if it's ever too much. I'm not familiar with the AI fixtures. I'm sure there are other great LED options out there too!
  22. I don't think you'll need to really worry about dosing or anything with those corals, assuming you're keeping up with routine water changes. Watch your alkalinity, if you want, along with phosphate and nitrate once in a while, and if you see something get out of line, then think about kalk or whatever.
  23. Okay got a chance to look at the site closer and it's just some. Like the Titanium Acropora, but now I see you have additional pictures that's aren't as blue. And it helped to turn up the brightness on my phone. I think you're fine!
  24. I love this idea too, I'm really excited about it! One thing about the frags you have listed, on my phone the pictures show up so blue, that I can't see any color at all. Other than that, it's very easy to navigate.
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