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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Here are some great links (I hope it's okay to post them) Corals: http://forum.seahorse.org/index.php?showtopic=17197&st=140 Tank Mates Guide: http://www.seahorse.org/library/articles/tankmates/tankmates.shtml In general, seahorse.org has tons of info on this subject. Great to just poke around on! P.S. Clowns are actually not a good tank mate...
  2. Oh thanks Tim! I just wasn't thinking of it at the time. That beautiful sun coral was my focus
  3. Happy Birthday! Hope you get to do something fun even though it's icey out
  4. Wow that sounds great! Can you pm me your address or where I can meet you and what's a good time? Thanks!
  5. I want to buy some macro, especially red, and would love some dragon's breath. Or even a lead on an online retailer that has some would be great too! Thanks!
  6. You guys were a tremendous help to me today! I can't thank you enough for helping me realize it was my test kits causing me to think there was a problem with my DT, and helping get my QT all ready to go. Couldn't be more pleased with the help, or the prices!
  7. I have to agree with barderer, that IS one of the coolest things I've seen in a tank. My what crazy things the ocean has
  8. I count 4 so far, so we only need one more.
  9. Where are you getting them from, and what type? Great looking tank, btw!!
  10. I'm in for a toadstool, possibly some others.
  11. I'm really enjoying the sun coral. It looks even better than I thought it would in the spot I planned for it. It was great meeting you and your tank is beautiful! A great person to buy corals from!

  12. KimP


    Sure, you can just give me the money when we meet. I'll add 1 jr.
  13. KimP


    Forgot to post the website. Aqua-mags.com
  14. KimP


    Anybody interested in ordering with me? I've already hit the free shipping and figured I'd pass on the savings if anyone else wants to try them out I live south but can meet north. Lmk by tonight, I'll be putting in my order in the morning.
  15. Thanks for doing a review on these! This is exactly what I've been needing for my tall tank. I can only get rock piled half way up safely and I've been disappointed with the way my aquascaping has looked all these years. I'm excited to try it out, and especially excited to utilize the upper half of my tank!
  16. Thanks for the leads on other kits. I was hoping there was something out there at least a little easier to read than the API one. I'll be trying out one of the others
  17. I've always used api kits pretty much by default. I'm just about out and figured I'd ask before heading to the store. Wish there was a hanna checker for nitrates Thanks!
  18. Wow Brooks, that's truly incredible Keep up the good work!
  19. Kind of OT...There's a pretty good one right now for droid phones. Lots more features in the works it seems, but what it does now has been pretty nice.
  20. Those are beautiful seahorses! Love the pic where one is hitched to the other's neck. Cracks me up when they are hitched to each other, especially when trying to swim in opposite directions
  21. Thanks for the advice. Do you feed it phyto 2-3 times per day? I've read about not letting any kind of algae grow on it. It's in a place where it's getting pretty good flow, but I'll certainly be keeping an eye on it.
  22. Wow! That's really great!
  23. Since it's my seahorse tank I only have a 96w compact flourescent. And the tank is 28" deep. I can see how it does down there I just wasn't sure what to look for if the light wasn't enough. I'd sure like to keep it there!
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