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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Instead of doing a big official group buy (unless a bunch of people are suddenly interested), anyone who would like to order a few things with me and possibly split the shipping, just let me know and you can pay me on pick up. I'd like to order within a week or so.
  2. Well I just learned the minimum for free shipping for group buys is $200.
  3. I don't care whether the box gets shipped here or to someone else's house. I'm pretty far south, off of Slaughter, but can also meet more central. I will let you guys know when I hear back from reefcleaners about the group order. I'm not sure if we'll get enough for the free overnight shipping. I don't have a problem splitting it though, and if we need to get overnight shipping then there's definitely more I'd like to add to my order.
  4. HorseRUs and I are going in together on a group buy from reefcleaners.org and thought we'd see if anyone else wants to jump in on it. For now we're only ordering macros that can be shipped priority and have already met the minimum for free priority shipping. Some CUC's need to be mailed express and that's $28, or if the order total is over $175 then it's free. Anyone interested?
  5. Thanks! I've been thinking about spotlights I just feel so lost when researching LEDs. So I noticed the brand you got come in 3 different bulbs, which ones are you using?
  6. Cool! Do you feel like the light penetrates well enough to the bottom? Could you put corals with med light requirements on the sand? How are your horses reacting to the light? Do they try to stay in the shade? Hope you don't mind all the lighting questions, I just think your tank looks great!
  7. Is that your seahorse tank? How deep is it? What lights are you using? I'm wanting to upgrade my light, just haven't had time to do all the research yet. It looks great, btw!
  8. That is an amazing find, good eye! We certainly paid more than that for our G11 and love it. Enjoy!
  9. Well I can't give you any good advice on mixing the fry . I've done a ton of research on rearing erectus fry, but don't quite remember any info on exactly that (it's been a year or so). I would search the forum at seahorse.org, you should certainly find info on it. Or post the question there. If you can tell your male is about to burst, imho, I would take him out. You could probably wait until the morning though to reduce stress. Seahorses almost always (in my experience and what I've read) give birth at first light. Mine have always done this. They start twitching and acting funny like they have parasites soon after the lights turn on. I used that as my key to get him out and they always seem to burst with in minutes of being pulled out, then I put the male back. It saves so many fry from getting sucked into the filter, caught by mouths in your tank and lost in rock. Also, I feel like it reduces any damage to the fry from sucking them out with airline tubing or a turkey baster. What time did your male give birth last, just curious? More babies...WOW
  10. KimP


    Yay, the rocks arrived today . They are quite a bit more substantial than I expected, I can't wait to give them a try. Stoneroller, I will pm you to arrange pick up.
  11. Good call Brooks Hopefully you'll never need to know about it...
  12. In my own experience, seahorses will sort of drift or swim all over every inch of the tank including wherever they can squeeze behind or under, and hitch to whatever they drift into. That being said I've had the unfortunate experience of having to stick a very sharp, tiny needle in a seahorse on a daily basis for a very long time, and their skin is *incredibly* difficult to penetrate. Incredibly. Especially the pouch. I never thought about the eyes. I wouldn't personally risk it though.
  13. Sorry to keep sending you to another forum, but I got curious about your question and looked up some info on it. Here's the best discussion I could find dealing directly with long-spined urchins and seahorses as tank mates. http://forum.seahorse.org/index.php?showtopic=13114&hl=long+spined+urchin
  14. Also, I'd think the average seahorse aquarium would be on the smallish size for one.
  15. KimP


    I already placed the order on the 1st. Expecting the box anytime, I'm excited to give them a try!
  16. Anybody else willing to sell some dragon's breath or other red macro? I haven't been able to reach chainman :/
  17. KimP


    Omg, they are so cute! Love the close-up! Those plants you have in there look great for hitching. Glad you're having such good luck and thanks for updating us
  18. You know what, seahorses, at least erectus that I know of, will sometimes eat baby mollies. I've heard of many people keeping them on hand for emergencies. You're already set to go!
  19. That's probably best, and hey, any reason to fix up a new tank, right? This way you can set it up specifically for the seahorses, and save yourself a lot of potential frustration, and unhappy clown fish or horses.
  20. Back when I was first starting out, my tank ended up being about half covered in aiptasia. Got 3 pep shrimp and in no time the aiptasia were *all* gone, except for 2 large ones. I always figured it was their way of ensuring a continuous food source so I've left those 2 big ones alone and in 2 yrs haven't seen an additional one.
  21. I forgot to mention, the deal with SPS is not so much whether they will sting or not, but more of different environmental needs. They generally need more flow, light, and temps way too high for seahorses.
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