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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Box just arrived, everything looks great! I will be available for pick up or meeting after 2. If it's convenient for those that live north, I will be picking up my frags and more order from Robb later today and can bring the orders with. Thanks!
  2. Way south Austin. I can most likely pick mine up from you.
  3. Wow, thank you so much for all the responses! For one, I somehow missed the fact that there are clear hob filters! I've had aquariums (freshwater) for 12 or so years and have only seen or used black ones. I will look into those as a possibility. The main reason I was looking into getting a refugium is to add at least a little extra water volume, but mainly to grow macros, pods, and have a place to put a fish or coral temporarily if needed, and also for the learning experience. So it doesn't sound like there's really any reason not to, which is great. I will start looking for a used one while I make sure it won't drive me crazy to not be able to see into the upper part of that side of my tank. One more thing, if there are all these pods multiplying in the refugium, how do they get into the DT? Do they just float on over with the current, or do you have to get them over yourself? Thank you
  4. That sounds great if everyone's fine with that. The box ships Wednesday.
  5. Any word? I'm ready for my toadstool!
  6. Thanks for the heads-up. I use one of these in my tank. Sorry you're having to deal with this mess!
  7. I have been debating getting one of these for my tank for quite a long time now. Is this a dumb idea? I've read about all I can find about the CPR ones online and the only bad thing I've been able to find is that if you put a DSB in them, the part that holds it on your tank can break from the weight. My tank is only a 47 gal tall and there is a ridiculously small amount of room in the stand (seriously), so I don't have a sump. Also, I've read all about making one out of a HOB filter, which I have 2 large ones sitting in the garage, but I was thinking of the CPR ones because it'll look better since it'll be hanging off the side of my tank right in the livingroom. It'll be sort of a display refugium. One last thing, I was wondering if it'll be heavy and possibly break the glass hanging off the top of the side like that. That might be silly, but figured I'd ask . Any thoughts? Anybody have experience with these?
  8. Order's placed and we reached free shipping - yay! I'll post here when I know for sure when to expect the box. Thanks everyone!
  9. WOW!! That thing's unbelievable, and it gets bigger? You'd have to have a huge tank!
  10. Hey, just let me know soon and I'll add you. I had to get the baby down for a nap so I'm still getting everything together
  11. KimP


    Not sure what type of halimeda you're looking for, but Aqua Dome had some really nice mermaid fan type halimeda as of Friday. Great price on it too.
  12. I've started using red sea pro. It's for low range nitrates, like 0-15, but it's a million times easier to interpret the results. I love it!
  13. You might want to call before you have it tested there. They were going to be out of reagents for nitrates for several days as of Fri. Plus they're closed on Mondays
  14. I was using an api kit as a matter of fact...
  15. This is a long shot but get your water tested by at least one other person/place/kit. The same thing was happening to me and just about as I started feeling crazy frustrated I found out my test kit was bad. Probably old. My nitrates that stayed at 40 no matter how many 50% changes I did turned out to be practically 0. Good luck, you'll get there!
  16. I would like to get in on this. Do I just follow the directions posted at the top of this thread? How much more do you need?
  17. If you'd like to get in on the order, just post here exactly what you want and the total or PM me by Monday the 14th at noon and I'll order shortly after that. The weather looks good for shipping and I'm guessing the box would ship either Tue or Wed for overnight delivery. I'm fine with cash on pickup or paypal. Thanks!
  18. Just saw a good size one at aquadome today if you don't find one here.
  19. Oh, forgot to add that he also said it was still fine to put orders in, just not "group orders" where they split up everyone's orders themselves, give a discount, handle all the separate payments etc. At first I was worried they weren't currently open for business!
  20. Yes, that's where I filled out the form and started emailing back and fourth with John. He said our timing was interesting because just yesterday they had decided to stop doing group buys while they rethink the process.
  21. I just heard back from them and they're not doing group orders at this time :/ boo! I asked him if they're still open for business and we can just stick with the original plan and combine into one order. I'll just have to keep track of everything myself, but no big deal. Hopefully that'll be fine and I'll post as soon as I know...
  22. It sounds like there's quite a bit of interest in this, so I'm going to go ahead and set up a group order through reefcleaners. I can certainly meet people at a central location but I'm also totally open to having the box shipped to someone's house that lives central. I'm thinking we should close the order this coming up Monday and have it shipped to arrive Wed (depending on how they handle this w/a group order) The weather looks great for next week...for now I'll update when I know more! Thanks everyone!
  23. Thanks for all the great suggestions! Well except for the green moray "pipefish" one lol I went on over to aquadome this afternoon and unfortunately they didn't have any of these except for a couple of blue-eyed and PJ cardinals, but not enough of each. Hopefully they'll get more in soon! The only fish I came home with was a betta - don't laugh, I got it to put on our dr table for the baby Subsea, about the PJ cardinals, you don't think 3 of these would be too much? AD had 2 pretty small ones and one big one and the big one was pretty big. I do like them. Also I would love to have a mandarin but don't feel like I could properly care for it with the horses hunting pods all day. Can they live long and be healthy on a diet of mysis (if I could get one to eat it)?. Keep the suggestions coming if anyone thinks of something else Oh, and I have to report, aquadome was setting up the new coral tanks today!! So excited about that!! Hopefully they'll start filling em up next week, they look great
  24. I have been looking at fish to add to my seahorse tank for some time now. This will be the first saltwater fish I've ever bought besides the horses. I have my QT tank all ready to go, I just need the fish. I am looking for something small, my tank is 47 gal and skinny & tall, something that doesn't hide all day, and is reef safe. This is mainly for my 14 mo old son as he loves fish but I doubt he even notices the horses . That's why I am looking for something that doesn't spend all day hiding. So far I'm interested in blue-eyed cardinals, possibly getting 3, or maybe one PJ cardinal and a goby that stays low in the tank. Any thoughts on these? Bangaii cardinals are neat too. My tank is about 1/2 uncovered so a firefish or dartfish wouldn't work, though I like those too. I've researched several of these fish, but any site that is selling them all seem to make them sound so easy and great for any conditions, so personal experience would be great here! I have great water params, my tank's been running for almost 3yrs, my main rock is a large holey rock with lots of hiding places, and I can handle feeding any common food. The horses get mysis a couple times a day already. Feel free to mention any fish you think would be colorful and fit the requirements that I might not know about. Thanks!
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