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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Do you have any idea how it started? Was there a chip in the glass, a scratch, anything? I'm pretty paranoid about this sort of thing. I was cycling a brand new 30 gal years ago, no fish in it yet, when I heard a few pops and then water started leaking out onto the floor. Brand new tank and the bottom just cracked out of nowhere. Anyway, glad you got a new tank!
  2. Oh no! So sorry to hear that happened Glad you found a place for your fishies.
  3. I'll take 2 coralife. Thanks!
  4. I'm in too, if it's south.
  5. What do you use for your daily scrubbings? Like a sponge scrubber or just a paper towel or something? Do you just stick your hands in the water with the fry and wipe all the surfaces or empty the tank?
  6. These pictures are incredible. Thanks for posting!
  7. That's really good though. I know bacteria can be a problem with fry, but whatever system your using is certainly working.
  8. Thanks for the update. Wow, you are sure doing great with those fry. Like really, really great!! How often, if at all, do you rotate tanks and sterilize?
  9. Sounds good to me, I'll be there! I sure could use the photography tips.
  10. I think you'll be really happy with the standard size remora. Works great on my tank
  11. KimP

    Good Afternoon!

    Welcome to arc! I'm pretty new here too and this club has been a great resource.
  12. I'd love an update on your fry! Hope all is well
  13. Lol...I thought the same thing. This was quite interesting, thanks for posting!
  14. You can certainly do that. If it were me, I'd keep it around though in storage or something. It really is very handy if you need to run some carbon or other media. I have the same fluval model and it has run great (no leaks - yet) for the past 3 yrs, but just like Derekreefer said, you have to keep it clean.
  15. They can be handy for running things like carbon, purigen, etc. Some people put in live rock rubble, and it is another source of flow. They're not necessary though as long as you have rock and sand in the tank for your biological filtration to take place on.
  16. KimP

    Ball of codium

    Well I certainly owe you Robb! Are you going to the meeting?
  17. KimP

    Ball of codium

    I am going to cut back the ball of codium I have in my DT to make some room. It is a type that grows as a ball, not the erect kind. In the picture, there are a few small pieces of red ulva caught in it. Anybody need some?
  18. Don, you went way above and beyond what I expected from this order. The toadstool was a huge surprise, literally, it is at least 3 times bigger than I thought it would be and is looking great! The brittle star looks very healthy and after acclimating it, it has been pretty active and went strait to work. I love the red ulva, it's a pretty splash of color in my tank. I'm so glad you ran out of the green I will certainly be ordering again from you in the future. Thank you!
  19. I love tanks with a rock wall, and yours looks fantastic! Great job! I look forward to seeing it come along.
  20. I pulled mine out right away. Gary, at the dome, checked up on it for me just to be sure it included the newer models so I didn't buy a new one for nothing (thank you Gary!), and they are recalled. Haven't figured out what to replace it with yet. The nicer ones I've looked at appear to be the same as the stealth ones, just a different brand. I need to keep looking though.
  21. I'm south and will leave shortly to pick up mine and vwmike's order.
  22. Either is fine, I'll PM you.
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