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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP


    I bet it is beautiful. Hope it does well for you!
  2. I have a ton of spaghetti worms in my sand bed, you can have some. I'm south though.
  3. Ahh, got it. Sorry you're losing corals. That's always a bummer. Hope you get it figured out!
  4. Okay, so it's the nitrates and phos, not like just having detritus in there, which is what I pictured as dirty. Although that probably would contribute to the nitrates, etc. Also, the reference to having a dirty but not toxic tank, would that be toxic as in ammonia and nitrites, too much copper or things like that? Just tryin to learn because I love my lps.
  5. I don't mean to hijack the thread but what do yall mean by having a "dirty" tank, but not a toxic one?
  6. Ain't that the truth! Thank you for helping me brainstorm. At least it made me really think about all this water chemistry stuff and work to understand it better - at least a little bit I'm really not going to worry about it and I'll just have it checked once in a while and hope the kit is accurate. I do better about watching the corals to know how things are going in the tank. About my Ca, Mg, and now alk levels being high, I think the only good solution to lowering them is to get a bunch of new corals
  7. Welcome to the group. Lots of experience on here, so ask away! I've found it a great resource. Warning: The learning and spending never seem to stop
  8. Just kick it across the room really hard or something if you're mad at it. I would if I were you...
  9. IMHO, you should keep it!! You might decide you want it someday, or get a bigger tank and need it. Or want to sell the skimmer. Just my .02 cents
  10. When it was a 6 a few weeks ago was the first time I've checked it. I took a water sample to the LFS today and guess what? My alk is 13 dKH . I had tested it with my brand new kit just hours earlier and it was still reading 8.4. So apparently my kit is bad, or I'm retarded and can't do a simple titration with a super easy kit. I was suspicious when it always read 8.4. So anyway, there's no problem after all Although now I have the problem of not trusting any of these darn test kits...
  11. KimP

    RO/DI hookup

    You guys are the best! I will take all of your advice when I get it together and working tomorrow. I really appreciate the help. Stoneroller, what makes the best splitter? The most expensive one? I certainly want to avoid leaks.
  12. KimP

    RO/DI hookup

    Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering what that meant! I'll go to HD later today and hopefully find the parts. Thanks for the help. Even though I can ask someone there, I still like to have an idea of what I'm looking for.
  13. Wow, that dragons breath sure looks beautiful! What a great hitchhiker you got!!
  14. I agree! I love the new kits, very easy to use. Your tank params look great so far. Wish I could get my alk up to 13
  15. For those of you who run your rodi off of the washing machine water supply, what part did you get to hook the 1/4" tubing up to it with? I have the Buckeye Field Supply one if that matters.
  16. Lol...I would have never thought to take black & white of a tank if Dave hadn't insisted it can work. I love that shot
  17. Thanks! I still need to follow the rest of his advice, and clean all sides of the glass, not just the front. I also had a ton of light coming in from the windows right next to the tank, but it's progress!
  18. I'm interested in both, especially the red ones! Please send pics.
  19. I've been trying out some of the tips from Dave at yesterdays meeting. I'm happy with the difference!
  20. I'd like to add some acans to my tank. Anybody looking to sell some?
  21. You know, I do have some macros in the tank for the seahorses. I'm certain they use the phosphates to grow. Maybe that's why?
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