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Everything posted by KimP

  1. How neat! Thanks for sharing I bet the students just love it. You'll have to keep updating with pictures as it all grows.
  2. Sorry to hear this, but I'm glad it sounds like she's doing better. Just to clarify, do you mean like a little air bubble near the eye just under the skin, or pop-eye? What kind of seahorse? In the meantime, what's your tank temp? No matter what the problem, lowering the temp is always a good call until it's resolved.
  3. KimP


    Welcome! It's great to have you. This is a fun and active group, and I've learned so much since I joined. You'll have to start a build thread for your tank so we can follow along
  4. KimP


    How are your seahorses doing? Any luck with the feeding station?
  5. KimP

    New Here

    Welcome to the group! Those are the 3 stores I would've listed also. Tell us about your tank(s)
  6. KimP

    Hello, new here

    Welcome to the group!
  7. Thanks for all the great ideas. I'm going to try and make room for a trashcan in the laundry room and see how that goes. I'll make the rodi water the day before and mix the salt in the next morning and test salinity. I have an extra power head I need to get tubing for to get the water out. That night or next morning I'll test salinity, pH, and temp. If all's well I'll do the w/c. Sound like a good plan? I also need to check out this aqua lifter thing. Sounds handy.
  8. Ready to start making my own saltwater - finally!!

  9. I finally bought salt and an RO/DI system and got it all hooked up and ready to go. For some reason I just can't get it together and actually make some darn saltwater. Most of my problem is I'm getting nervous because of the recent mentions of having something go wrong in the stored water, not letting it sit long enough, mix well enough, sitting too long, etc. I need some ideas so I don't screw this up Does anyone make their saltwater in the 5 gal jugs, or does everyone use a trashcan or similar? If I were to make room for a trashcan where the rodi is, how would it be best to get the water out of the trashcan into my tank or into the jugs? The rodi and tank are quite a distance apart. I have 4 of the 5gal jugs already, but I'm not sure how to get it adequately mixed in there. If I got a trashcan, is just rinsing it before use enough to get any residue from manufacturing off? Thanks for any help brainstorming on this! I wasn't able to find much on this in the archives.
  10. How long would you expect it to take to see the effects of increased bioload in a system? I'm mainly curious about the effects of adding fish, but really anything that adds to the bioload. If there was going to be an increase in nitrates, phos, or algae, how long would it take for these to show up?
  11. KimP

    Reef Cleaners

    You read my mind. I live waaaaaay south
  12. Welcome to the group! Edit: forgot to ask: What are you planning on doing with your tank? Any ideas at this point?
  13. KimP


    I bet it's even harder when they're changing color on ya! I love the pics btw!
  14. Here are some photos of subsea's tanks that he's asked me to post.... Hope to see everyone at the meeting!!
  15. KimP

    Reef Cleaners

    Any word on the delivery?
  16. I use a Red Sea Pro kit. It comes with an alk, Ca, and Mg test. It's very strait forward and easy to use. I've tried a few other brands, and I really love this one! The alk is especially easy, no problem doing this one every day, it only takes a minute.
  17. KimP

    Hi All

    Welcome! I look forward to watching your build thread.
  18. KimP

    Reef Cleaners

    Friday's fine, no problem. Sorry you missed so much work, and thanks for arranging it all!
  19. Well anything is worth a shot. The only thing I can think of is the water would get stagnant in the tube. Are you thinking of leaving it in all the time? I don't know if this helps at all, but when I was raising fry I would put the bbs in the water, let everyone eat, turn the lights off in the bathroom where the tank was so it was dark, then shine a bright flashlight in one spot in the tank. I'd come back a little bit later and suck out all the left over bbs with a hard airline tube. The bbs are attracted to the light and I could get them all pretty efficiently. Good luck, you never know what'll work for you and your tank until you try
  20. KimP

    New Guy

    Welcome to the group. It's great to have another, or almost, seahorse owner! Any idea what type you plan on getting yet? Your tanks look beautiful.
  21. +1 on etannert's comments. It sounds like you could add a lot more rock to your display tank and that would go a long way. My tank doesn't have room for any kind of sump in the stand either. I have a HOB skimmer as well as a canister, but I only use the canister to run carbon, purigen, or whatever other media I need to at the time. They require frequent maintenance and can be a pita for nitrates if you're not careful. Anyway, I say add more rock
  22. KimP


    Here is the picture of subsea's carnation coral that he's asked me to post for him.
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