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Everything posted by KimP

  1. The canopy looks great! I hope you post pics when your aquascaping is done.
  2. Got my order in. $219 we definitely got free shipping They sure have amazing stuff! I'm really flexible for pick up, so I can work with anyone on that, I know my house is way out of the way for some. I can also meet somewhere north if enough people need that.
  3. +1 for seahorses! I don't even know who all has them, so it would be great to see pics of what members have.
  4. Awesome! Looking forward to pictures.
  5. I've had a canister filter since I set up my tank, so like 4 years now. I've used it to run carbon, etc. Well it crapped out on me today after running flawlessly all this time. I decided it was actually a blessing, to not have to unhook and clean the darn thing every week, so I pulled it off the tank. I plan on getting one of my hob filters out of the garage and just using that for media. Anyway, I just realized, duh - the other main thing I use it for is surface agitation. It's been 6 hrs or so since the canister quit and there's already a slight film on the water surface. I have an aqua c remora hob skimmer, so I think that is doing a good job of gaseous exchange. Is this a problem? What do yall do for surface agitation that don't run a canister? When I get the hob filter going will that be enough? Thanks! I hope removing the canister on my measly 40 gal doesn't cause a cycle....
  6. KimP


    Hey, welcome to the group! Glad to have another southie Your tank idea sounds neat, I hope you start a build thread when you begin your tank.
  7. Yikes, thanks for mentioning the ads! I didn't even notice them. Probably wouldn't have posted it if I had... Haha, if you use those for inspiration for a saltwater tank all you'd have to do is have some strategic rock placement, then let the hair algae go ca-razy and call it a day
  8. Came across this site and wanted to share. The aquariums featured are beyond incredible. Great aquascaping inspiration, wow. http://twistedsifter.com/2011/05/top-25-freshwater-aquariums-in-the-world/
  9. That sounds fine to me, your ca is way high though like you thought. Hey, you could just get a bunch of sps now But really, over time with water changes it'll start to come down to whatever your mix levels are. I wouldn't mess with anything. Everyone's tank is different.
  10. That's cool, you can certainly have whatever is left. Just pm me and we can coordinate pickup.
  11. I'm sure others will know for certain if it's okay, but I just wanted to add that they are beautiful so I hope you're able to use them!
  12. Sounds great! Are you sure you just want some and not all?
  13. I hope nothing's wrong with it I've been using dead acro for great hitching posts for years (I didn't kill it ). Do you know if they were coral and they just died and were pulled out, or were they treated and intended for use as a house decoration?
  14. I removed several watermelon striped mushrooms from a rock I was moving yesterday. They are almost all on rubble. 5 good whole ones on rubble plus several smaller ones, not all on rubble. I'd be happy to trade for something, or just give them away, whichever
  15. I'm no help at all, but just have to say wow! I hope your fish is okay!
  16. Okay, so it sounds like she's able to eat some for sure, right? A few years ago I had a seahorse with pop-eye and he couldn't see the food well enough to actually eat any of it, but he'd go crazy when I went to feed him and he'd try and try. He would've starved to death I'm sure. I managed to get him in a qt tank and treat with antibiotics. It healed right up and he went right back to normal, so if you need to treat it I would give it a shot. But not if she's still able to eat I guess. That sounds hopeful! Anyway, good luck with her, and thanks for the update, I had been wondering how it was going.
  17. Your tank is looking great! I wonder if that unknown coral are blastos. I don't have personal experience with them, but that looks like pictures I've seen of blastos. The new duncans are so beautiful. The pictures don't do your tank justice at all, and especially don't show the pop of your led's I want to steal that little lobo or scoly or whatever it is!! Thanks for the update!
  18. KimP


    Wow, very cool! I'm glad they're working for you.
  19. That sounds like fun Patrick! Wish I could make it. I hope others will join you. Enjoy
  20. I love the idea of ugliest fish! That would be hilarious and fun to have in a calendar. We see pictures everywhere of beautiful fish, that's nothing new
  21. Sent you a txt about the kenya trees. I'm way south though.
  22. I'm sure it's not the the best way, but for tests like Ca if I'm not sure I'm getting good results with my test kit, I'll run the test on fresh saltwater. If it's relatively close to what it's supposed to be (the salt mix usually says the range it should mix up as) I feel pretty confident I'm getting good results on my tank water.
  23. Are you sure your test kit is giving you accurate results? That's really high, especially if you haven't done anything to get it there.
  24. I was browsing around on seahorse.org and came across this discussion on the use of Chemi-Pure Elite and seahorses. I don't know if anyone is currently using it on a tank that houses seahorses, but I figured I'd post just in case, plus I just found it pretty interesting Basically, the idea is it may irritate the gills, so just use regular Chemi-Pure if this is something you use. http://forum.seahorse.org/index.php?showtopic=37826&hl=
  25. KimP


    Oh no, that's a bummer!! Sorry you lost another one It's a good reminder about how sensitive seahorses are to bacteria. Well, at least now you know how to keep the rest healthy. Cool about the macros! I'm excited to see new pictures of them.
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