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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Wow, that's still gorgeous! It looks very happy!
  2. Thanks! That was great advice in general that I will keep in mind for all my coral. I will leave it as is.
  3. That's what I would think too but since it's only been in my tank since Wednesday, I want to make sure. If it will hurt the coral, maybe it wouldn't happen right away?
  4. Wow, that looks great! Thanks for sharing pictures. I bet your seahorses are in heaven in there. I don't usually like the spotlighting, but it works in there because the horses can get out of the light if they want but you can still have high-light grasses. Nice job!!
  5. I have this lobo and it's nestled in a great spot (I think), however I'm not sure if it's okay for the meat to be touching the live rock. I can pull it out some but I don't want to move it unless necessary because it's very happy right now What do yall think?
  6. Yikes, that's really awful, poor seahorses Sorry that happened! I've had regular cheapo CUC hermits for the 4 years I've kept erectus with no problems. I never would've thought this would happen. How would you go about getting them out? I guess I could probably just grab them... Glad you figured out what the problem was.
  7. Oh darn, that sucks Sorry you lost your fish.
  8. There's a link at the top, before the pics. I think they're aqua-sd.
  9. KimP


    Sorry you've lost so many of your little seahorses. I bet it's especially sad when you work so hard to care for them everyday. Sounds like you and collin are on the right path. Good luck getting the kinks worked out!
  10. I'm so happy, tonight I found micro brittle starts in my tank. Not sure how they got there but I'm thrilled. Been trying to get my hands on some for quite a while. :D

    1. KimP


      Stars....dang phone...

    2. jestep


      There's an online retailer that sells them. Not super cheap though. http://www.ipsf.com/

    3. stoneroller


      I have lots if you need more...

  11. time to do some serious research on NPS corals

  12. KimP

    HOB filter

    Thanks for the tip, I'll look into those today.
  13. The box just arrived! Everything looks great, they did an excellent job packing the corals.
  14. KimP

    HOB filter

    I need a HOB filter that is no wider than 10". The length or depth doesn't matter. Hoping to find one quickly that moves as much water as possible. Let me know what you have! I can trade for a larger filter, or pay. Thanks
  15. KimP

    40g build

    Great job on the aquascaping! Can't wait to see it with the light.
  16. Not a problem at all I had free shipping on my own, brian and I just wanted to share the free shipping with the group. Please post how that coral does for you, I've been interested in them for quite a while. That's the prettiest one I've seen!
  17. Wow, definitely drooling over here. That is gorgeous!
  18. Actually, mike (atxmandarin) was over helping me re-aquascape my tank and he had some coral cutters. He cut the rock right underneath the mushroom so it left some "rubble" for the new owner to glue. They came off very easy.
  19. Box ships out tuesday, so anytime before then
  20. Hey great minds think alike, that's exactly what I did. My main concern was gas exchange since the footprint of my tank is so small compared to the volume. Having the pump at the top creates just enough agitation. The skimmer should take care of the bulk of it I'm sure anyway. Thanks!
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