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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP

    40g build

    Wow, nice and clean. Love the aquascaping, and that is some serious light.
  2. You will certainly have no trouble finding xenia, even for free! But if you want to work something out to order blue or green clove polyps, that sounds great to me! If no one has any to share that is I'll pm you...
  3. The box containing my new lights just arrived :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. KimP


      Lol...I didn't expect anyone to want pics yet since I can't hang it until the mounting rails get here. I put up the ones I have so far on my build thread. I just got the one unit. It's all I need over my 18x20" tank...I think!! I'll order another if I can't get the coverage I need.

    3. Will


      let me know how it works, they are back orderd on mine and it may be a week before i get it

    4. mcallahan


      If you want yours faster Will, let me know

  4. Thanks for the offers everyone! I'm good now on the montipora, just looking for clove polyps still.
  5. KimP

    IMG 3434

    Young female H. erectus
  6. If you have either and live near south austin, please let me know what you have. I'm interested in any color of the monti cap, and something other than white or pink in the clove polyps. Thanks!
  7. I want to see a pic too. Hope everything else in your tank is fine.
  8. I had forgotten to update everyone on my little basket stars. I still have the one on the green lace gorg and the other on the dragon's breath macro. I don't see them stretching out much, which is how they filter-feed as I understand it. I've been hoping they just stretch out at night to eat when it's all dark and I just miss it. Well I ordered some filter feeder food from reefcleaners specifically for my gorgonians and tried it out last night. Everything in my tank went bonkers for it! Prior to this I didn't really believe different foods of the same type/size made a difference. I do now! Both basket stars stretched waaaaaay out. Whew I'm thrilled to have found something they like.
  9. Thanks for the compliments. There's still work to be done on it, but I guess that's always the case! Thanks for checking it out
  10. Now for some random updates... I've found some dragon's breath growing on the aqua-mag that my devil's hand leather is on. I'm very surprised because I've never had the dragon's breath on that side of the tank. Kinda neat! Found one crazy seahorse sitting in the rubble box Some coral pictures - a happy brain, happy litho, happy seahorse, and solid yellow sun polyps. Got a decorator crab, new gorgonian, some chitons, and these beautiful virgin nerites. I have to say, the inverts in my tank are easily some of my favorite things in there.
  11. A new fts. In this picture, I hadn't figured out where to put the red finger gorgonian yet, so that's why it's in the feeding dish. It was pretty clear the xenia was irritating it. Vwmike took a look and agreed (thank you!). It was opening up in the feeding dish after days of not opening up at all. Glad I moved it! I also moved some of my sun polyps. I thought they'd be completely in the shade under this rock, but it's not in the shade at all! What was I thinking? I'm going to watch it and if it shows any distress or signs of algae growth, I'll find it a new place. I am having trouble with my duncans. I have 2 frags, and neither of them are opening up much. I'm probably going to move them lower. When the new light gets here, they will be directly under the light and will probably be even more unhappy. If anyone has coral placement comments, I'd love to hear them I'm trying to make the tank visually interesting from all 3 sides since it's basically a cube.
  12. First here's a fts from 6/2. In a second I'll post a fts from yesterday. I've been working on moving a couple things around and further cleaning up the look.
  13. Hmmmm...might just have to make a trip over there! Nice!
  14. Yes, just email him about it. You can go through the reefcleaners website. He's very fast to respond. Sorry you lost so much, what a bummer!
  15. Wish we lived closer, I have a microscope and would love to see what you've got. Don't you work at a school? Could you use one of theirs? I'm really curious to know what you have!
  16. what she said!! Hope you don't get an infection!
  17. I've got 2 aiptasia way down at the bottom of my 30" deep tank. Taking the rock out isn't an option because it's a base rock for my rock tower. I've had these 2 for years and never cared much about them until I started fixing up my tank. I've tried epoxying over their holes, putting plugs of coral over the hole, and they just pop up somewhere else soon after. I try to ignore them but now one popped up right next to a group of zoas I really love and the zoas stopped opening. I've moved that group of zoas, and now really want to just get rid of them. I have peppermint shrimp that got rid of tons of aiptasia except for these a long time ago. I've read the threads on how to get rid of it, but if I stick my arm waaaaaay down to where they are with a syringe, I can't see what I'm doing at all I have a syringe feeder, but when I use it to feed something like oyster feast for instance, I can see some leaks out as I get the feeder down into the tank. Would it be okay for some kalk paste, or lemon juice, or whatever to leak out a little bit? Any other ideas? I need go-go-gadget arms
  18. sounds like your zoas got a good sting. What a bummer. Too bad you can't get that frog spawn to stay put!
  19. Thanks for the update. Are you going to start another culture with a new bottle, or use some of what you grew out?
  20. So far my order looks good except the gorgonian. I'm going to wait a while on that though to see if it shows any sign of life. Surprisingly all of my chitons made it, which I'm very happy about since this is the second try! Gonzobob, that sucks so much of your order may be dead. It's such a bummer. I hope they recover. I ordered some virgin nerites, and oh my! they have the most gorgeous shells! The description was right. They are super fast little snails too. Did anybody else get some?
  21. Rubble boxes are so incredibly useful when you don't have a refug or sump

  22. Great to meet you too! Thank you for arranging this, and for sorting out the mess. I got those 2 bags of dead hermits into new water. It looks like maybe half are still alive and I culled the dead. I'm so glad at least some made it! Anyway, enjoy your vacation
  23. Just picked up the goods. Some things are lookin pretty rough. I'll be home in about 40 min or so.
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