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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Does anybody here use their products? I'd like to try out the gorgonia system, but am having trouble figuring out what all I need and especially where to purchase. I'd love to hear of others experiences with it. Thanks!
  2. Thanks everyone! I think it's awesome too I don't believe they have any more but hopefully they'll bring some more in. Yesterday it finally looks like it's starting to put it's polyps out. Just the tips, but hey any progress is progress! I've been giving it a squirt of the filter feeder food every day when I feed the basket stars since everything goes bonkers for that food, plus the mysis that flows near/through it as the seahorses eat. I can't wait for it to fully open!
  3. I'll take them. When I get another minute I'll pm you. Great price!
  4. I used it forever with my freshwater tanks. Much cheaper but also finer, so it filled up faster. If I used filter floss on my saltwater tank, I would still use batting.
  5. I don't know much about this, but I think formalin is for parasites, and pop eye is a bacterial infection. Sorry you're having so much trouble! That's always a bummer.
  6. I've had several sun corals for a while, and I just got one in bad shape. Just keep offering food and feed whatever comes out. I've seen no rhyme or reason to when they open for food. I'll catch some of mine all puffed up and ready for food in middle of the day when there hasn't been any food for a while and wouldn't be, then some stay closed through a heavy feeding I would say just offer food when you have a chance (without crashing your tank), and definitely don't miss a chance to feed if you catch even one tentacle sticking out. Cylopeeze is a good choice too if the polyps are small, or only a few stick out. I've also read of people sticking the coral in a bowl every couple days for an hour saturated with food but I don't have luck with that. Good luck!!
  7. Super exited to go to the Dallas aquarium tomorrow! Any tips for taking an 18mo?

    1. migs


      Hahaha... Lots of lollipops!

    2. KimP


      Why didn't anyone tell me *don't!* That would've been a great tip. That was seriously the Worst. Mistake. Ever! And why do they even call it an aquarium?

    3. Teresa


      oh no! Well thanks for sharing with the rest of us.

  8. My new spiral wire coral. This was the best picture I could get. It's a dark blue with maroon spots where the polyps (will hopefully soon) come out. So neat Thanks for getting in such cool stuff Aqua Dome!
  9. Pics or we don't believe you
  10. KimP

    Tap Water

    I'd like to see pictures too!
  11. I have a mixed reef with many leathers. I run carbon 24/7 and change it frequently. No problems. I even have a toadstool close to the sps and they are all happy and growing.
  12. Does it have to be an express delivery for the souvenir, or can it be priority?
  13. Hey there Welcome!
  14. I don't know what's best but my water goes in the toilet simply because it's quick and easy. Never put much thought into it. On the lawn sounds fine, but sodium build up in soil can be a serious problem down the road, so maybe spread it out. I'm curious what others do...
  15. I direct feed several corals because they are non-photosynthetic. I also sometimes feed my regular stuff like acans, lobos, etc when there is left over mysis in the seahorse feeding dish. I will also spot feed my inverts and hit the sps too while I'm at it just because it's the right size food for them too. My tank is well established and handles all the feedings very well but in a newer system I would start increasing any food slowly and watch your tank params. Part of what I love about keeping coral is watching the different responses to things like food Edit: by inverts I mean my tunicates, basket stars, feather dusters, etc, not snails, that would just be silly!
  16. That's a great one. I got one of those silver gorgs from the dome many months ago. They grow so fast and always keep the polyps way out, even when there are seahorses hanging all over it. It doesn't shed either which is great. I love your collection! I wonder what type the little frag is? Do you know what the one on the right, in the middle picture is? I like the way it branches. Thanks for posting pictures!
  17. KimP

    Cute and Cuddly

    Now that it's right side up I can see how awesome the fish are That wasp fish is so cool!
  18. I'd love to see pics of them!
  19. Oooo what gorg did you get? I was there this evening too and they do have a lot of neat fish! Seahorses and pipefish too.
  20. Welcome! I saw your video on maast and it looks like it's turning into a fabulous little store. Can't wait to check it out
  21. Kinda hard to see on my phone, but looks like bryopsis to me
  22. Thanks I owe it all to you and your great photography lesson!
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