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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Well I didn't want to wait that long but I couldn't find it anywhere online and the dome couldn't get it in. So I just about gave up. The waiting wasn't by choice!
  2. You could get rid of the hermit I picked up a fox coral this weekend too. I love your little one! It looks great in the picture. I've been waiting 7 months for one. I hope you end up finding a good spot for yours.
  3. Nice tank! I'm excited to watch it come together.
  4. I'm so glad you posted pics of the blastos. I stared forever trying to decide on just one! That place is stuffed with nice corals. There was one more spiral wire coral left when I was there today. It's pink and I'm not sure on the polyp color. That's for you Teresa
  5. Alright after getting some time to work on the tank, I finally got some fts with clean glass, all other lights off, all pumps off, and all corals pretty much in place. The only thing was I woke up the tank to work on it tonight, and I stirred up the sand for the filter feeders, so things are closed and the water's a bit cloudy. Can't have it all I guess Added some incredible blastos from the dome today, another spiral - couldn't resist, a clown goby and neon blue goby, another gorgonian I think this one's a purple plume gorg, and finally a fox coral. I've been on the waiting list for a fox/jasmine coral since January and just started to give up hope. All in all I'd say this was a great tank day!! The new spiral wire coral is light blue base with yellow and orange polyps. It's a great compliment to the dark blue/purple base with red polyped one. It already has it's polyps out about twice as far as the other. Oh, and the first spiral I had fragged a few days ago, well it has already healed plus a mm or two of growth! Here's some pictures! Can't wait to see the fox coral open in the morning
  6. Can't help you with a local source, but I really like the reef pods from reefcleaners, great price, and they ship fine priority mail.
  7. I just read up on sun corals spawning. Sounds fairly common but maybe the babies are hard to raise? Mine will have to fend for themselves. I can't even reach them to target feed, much less pull them out to a special tank. Pretty cool though. I wonder if having my lights on a moon cycle is what triggered it. I added some great goodies from the dome today. I'll get pictures posted soon!
  8. Same here. Looks like dragon's breath.
  9. Oh no! You are having a run of bad luck. Hope you can catch and treat him. Clown still doing better?
  10. Nice! I love lobos, esp rainbow ones!
  11. Fixture and bulbs are only about 3 months old. Has a built-in timer for turning on/off whites, actinics, and led moonlights independently. What's so great about this fixture is that it's a way to get HO T5's on a 20" wide tank. I really enjoyed this fixture but due to the depth of my tank (28") and the corals I wanted to place low, I switched to led's. Here's a link to all the info on it: http://www.aquacave....xture-3306.html Paid $270 + tax new - make me an offer
  12. This is an aqua clear 70 modified into a fuge by dajmasta. I used it for the past couple months and have upgraded. Worked great! No light just the fuge. It has a couple of different intake attachments he made including one that skims off the top of the water. There's also the original intake. $10 obo
  13. Paid 34.99 + tax, asking $30 The only reason I don't return it is because I opened up all the little baggies. It ran for about a minute then I rinsed it all off and put it away because the reactor I was going to use it for didn't work out.
  14. Had a chance to get pics of 2 of the many baby sun polyps popping up in my tank. Has anyone else had this happen?
  15. It should branch quickly. They grow very fast! My husband calls it the saguaro cactus And thank you, I am really enjoying it.
  16. Wish I could make it but looks like I will have to sit this one out The hubs left for a fishing trip so I'll be home napping with my little guy during the meeting time. Hope yall have fun!!!
  17. Funny post Do you like them? I think that's all that matters.
  18. Fox corals? Really? I almost don't believe you
  19. Sounds like good news! Hope he continues to recover!
  20. Yes, yes, updates! Life has been keeping me away from my laptop where all the pictures live. The biggest news I have is the addition of a spiral wire coral I scored from Aqua Dome. In my research before buying I learned that it isn't a gorgonian at all like most people seem to refer to it as. It is a black coral, which isn't even an octocoral, it's a hexacoral. So not even that close to a gorg. Also it's skeleton is made out of chiton which I though was interesting. From what I could gather they seem pretty easy to keep, even eating mysis. Oh, and another thing I found interesting is some species have zooxanthellae but are NOT photosynthetic. Weird. I guess they haven't evolved to take advantage of the goodies produced by the zooxanthellae yet. Anyway, I am very much enjoying it. It still only has the tips of it's polyps out, but I noticed some mysis particles sticking to it, so I think we're in business. I was going through some older photos and realized one of my maze brains has grown like crazy! Must be all the reading material I give it Or more likely the mysis it catches. I'm still noticing sun polyps popping up all over. I'm fine with it because they are pretty and I can definitely use the color in all the dark parts of my rock tower. There are a lot on the sides. Just hope they find enough food. My MIA basket star showed back up, only to have the other one wonder off yesterday. I hope it returns soon. I need to put a leash on these guys, or maybe a tracking device. I like to see that they eat at least every other day or so for sure. I added 3 berghia nudibranches a couple weeks ago. I've only notice 2 small aiptasia gone, and my 2 biggies are still there, but it's a little soon I guess. Oh, I also finally got rid of the peppermint shrimp. Those guys drove me nuts having nps to feed. The mp10 I got didn't work out at all. Almost right away here came a seahorse. She got sucked to the side of the pump and I pulled the power just as she was slipping her tail around to inside the fan for grip. Whew! They are totally not seahorse proof. The side bars are spaced too far apart and the blades are literally right under the frame. Also the front is wide open. I'm bummed but will have to figure out something else. Any idea I have for a cover will probably impede the flow too much to be worth it. At least with the koralias the blades are teeny and way way inside a large frame with bars much closer together. As you will see in the pictures I have pretty much all the corals in their final places except for a new sun coral colony that I will eventually secure to the ledge/overhang on the left. Right now I need to remove it every other day to a feeding bowl until it starts to look better. This fts is with only the whites on because I was trying to get a good pic of the spiral coral with my cell phone. Please comment if you have any ideas for better flow, or coral placement.
  21. Your pics are way better than my crappy cell phone pics. When I get a chance I'll get some with my camera. Thanks for posting, now people can see what it really looks like. Yours are the true color too.
  22. Wow, you got some excellent shots of yours! I need to work on getting better pics of mine. It looks really happy. I'm glad cutting it didn't make it retract it's polyps.
  23. Glad things seem to be going better for your fish. Whenever I use an uncycled QT I usually do 50% water changes everyday and maybe some prime if I have a lot of fish/seahorses in there and that has always taken care of any ammonia. I bet you're not feeding a ton so I think you'll be just fine. Hope it continues to recover!
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