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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP

    Maze brain - SOLD

    SOLD thanks for the compliments
  2. Awesome! Glad you're happy with them. Thanks for coming to get them.
  3. I'd like to help out. I have pretty new red sea pro kits for po4, no3, ca, mag, and kh.
  4. KimP

    Maze brain - SOLD

    Hey thanks Migs, I love your tank too! Pending...
  5. Cool! Glad you found some and are happy. I love the macros from reefcleaners.
  6. Making room in my small tank. Baseball size maze brain with bright blue base and tan maze. VERY healthy. Has feeding tentacles out often, so easy to feed and grows very fast. It's firmly attached to a piece of rock a little bit bigger in diameter and half the height. There are lots of sponges in the gap between rock and coral that are really neat. It puts out very long sweepers, but hasn't stung a single thing. It's been well within reach of a gorgonian, several zoas, gsp, and others. Seahorses have drifted over it. Nothing has shown signs of getting stung. I'm having a bit of trouble getting a picture that shows the colors right. Just lmk if you want me to try again. Asking $40
  7. If you really do have nitrite, can you add some prime?
  8. Nitrate seems high, but why is there any nitrite at all? That is a real problem. Also, you might want to add a bubbler, open the top on your tank if you have one, and open a window. The pH is low. Can you take a water sample to the lfs to confirm?
  9. I have 2 free anthelia frags if anybody wants them. They are attached to rubble and ready to be glued wherever.
  10. I love the idea of a white elephant with frags! How fun! I will be at the meeting
  11. I use all red sea pro kits and LOVE them! If you are in aqua dome's club, the price is excellent too.
  12. Wow, it looks even better in your tank than it did in mine! Glad you are happy with it. It was very nice to meet you too.
  13. KimP

    40g build

    That really does look great! I love the cave.
  14. Where oh where do I want to put the new leptastrea frags....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Cob

      Mr Cob

      Kim...where's all the pics? Would love to see some shots of your tank and all the corals.

    3. KimP
    4. KimP


      Mindflux: lol :D Mr cob has more gorgeous lep frags for a steal!

  15. KimP

    My 75 gallon

    Wow! It sure has come a long way. It's a completely different tank. Thanks for the update.
  16. Dragon's breath is a beautiful addition to the display tank. It is especially sought after by us seahorse keepers I don't know if it would be of much use in your sump unless you are going to grow it just to sell. You are lucky to have it as a hitchhiker! I had to bug people for weeks before someone would share a piece
  17. Great job on the rock tower. I like the way it turned out better than before, especially with the ledge. Your duncans sure look like they're taking off! Where did you get the rods from?
  18. Pending. If it falls through etannert, it's yours!
  19. What starfish do you have that eats coral?
  20. It's still available. James, if you see this, I sent you a text but never heard back. I got a picture of it fully open but it's a cell phone one so hopefully not too blurry. Might be bigger than 4".
  21. Oh yeah, it sure has. It opens more everyday. It's gorgeous. I was reading up about it in my Aquarium Corals book and it says they do best in dim to moderate indirect lighting and in low currents. That's what I really love about this coral is that it's so pretty and doesn't need much light at all There are no feeding tentacles, and the book suggests it absorbs nutrition from the water, so it should do great in a tank with low skimming (or high nutrient like my tank). Anyway, I'm so happy to have one. I love that it's a green one too. I guess usually they are white or very light tan. How's yours? How are you liking it?
  22. Thank you, I'm very happy with it.
  23. I'm at slaughter & manchaca. Anytime is good. Pm me if still interested and I'll send you the address.
  24. Need some room on my sandbed. Hate to give this guy up but need the space. Very healthy and a good eater. Asking $25
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