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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Is it possible to postpone the order for you guys? I can wait.
  2. Happy birthday! Glad you had a nice one
  3. Day 6 of being out of town with my husband tending to my tank. I'm starting to experience withdrawals - of my husband too of course :P

  4. In the old forum if you edit your original post, click on use full editor, then you could edit the title. Since I'm on my phone I can't try it out to see if it works that way still, but give it a try.
  5. Wow, that's a cool looking hitchhiker! I have no idea if it's safe or not, but as long as it doesn't eat macros faster than they grow then I don't see the harm. As long as that's all it does, it's pretty neat!
  6. KimP


    Welcome to the group!
  7. Awesome. Thanks for organizing this!
  8. Wow, this is very interesting topic, thanks for taking the time to post. The tanks look much bigger until I see a hand in the picture! Amazing! The tank flushing idea was particularly interesting.
  9. That is very exciting! Welcome to the group
  10. Welcome. Glad to have you in the group!
  11. Just curious who all went to TAMU and somehow ended up in or around Austin Fightin Texas Aggie Class of '03 here
  12. I got an extremely bright orange yuma there too, for $30 something bucks. What a steal! It makes my florida rics look pale Great finds you got there too!
  13. Pictures would be great!
  14. I could use a couple things.
  15. Your tank is beautiful! You scored some great stuff. Make sure to feed all that life while you're just letting it sit and watch your water parameters as things cycle. Looks like you may have some non-photosynthetic stuff that will certainly need food. Looks great!
  16. Maybe if you can manually remove all the algae you can manage, then keep your phosphates and nitrates in check, it won't have the nutrients needed to regrow. Hopefully time will help too.
  17. I have, or had, some on a big rock I bought covered in blue zoas. It grew up in between the zoas in one half dollar sized spot. I finally pulled the rock out and just pulled all I could off of the rock. It's been a couple months with no sign (yet) of re-growth.
  18. This has been my experience when ordering from them too. I think most of what they ship out are brand new frags. It's not usually a problem though because I remove almost everything from the plug and secure directly to rock. I don't like to see the plugs Just jump in on the next Aqua SD group buy and have your replacements sent. Then you don't have to order anything new. That sucks! These 2 palys though are just naked. In my very limited experience fragging coral, and only softies, it's the fresh cut that attaches to rubble. That's why I wasn't sure what to do with these since they are completely healed over. I might try the super glue to a piece of rubble then glue that to rock. Thanks for the advice. Still not sure what to dip the zoas in. Maybe I'll give the peroxide a try.
  19. I have 2 problems I could use some thoughts on. 1 - I have a plug full of kedds red zoas that haven't opened at all in many weeks, maybe a month or more. Nothing is melting or looks like it's decaying. Just not opening. It's starting to look like maybe diatoms are growing on them. Should I try a hydrogen peroxide dip, freshwater, or what? I've already tried a dip in Seachem's Reef Dip with no luck. 2 - I got 2 of the melting nebula palys from aqua sd last order and today they came loose from the plug. They are wide open and happy in the rubble box but don't have any sand or anything at the base to re-glue. What should I do with them to reattach to rock? I'd hate to lose them. Thanks!
  20. KimP


    Nice to meet you too. Welcome!
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