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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP

    Back in the Game!

    Awesome! Welcome back
  2. Don't forget, for today no matter how many items you win, the shipping is only $10 and ships with the group buy to inland reef's house Thurs!
  3. Just returned from being gone 2.5 weeks. Tank's lookin pretty rough. Bummer!

    1. dapettit


      Sorry to here that. Did you have tank buddy look after it?

    2. Wildman926


      Knowing you, it will be back in tip top shape in no time.

    3. KimP


      My husband was here feeding the tank, had mike come do a water change, but I guess it's the little things I do each day that matter also. I'll get it back in shape soon!

  4. That would be so awesome if we made 20% off!
  5. Carbon will pull toxins out. If I were you, I'd run it for sure until things are settled down, just in case something got into the water. You can use poly-filter pads too. They're nice because they turn colors according to what (if anything) was in the water.
  6. As far as possibly introducing something into the tank from the shells. I don't think it's likely, but are you running carbon just to be sure? Sorry all of this is happening, I'm sure it's frustrating!
  7. As far as putting in our order, how does Will want us to do that? Besides calling, is a pm good enough? Is email better? Obviously we can't just order though the website or we have to pay right then.
  8. Yep, near slaughter & manchaca They do have some nice looking ones.
  9. This has been my experience with them too. No way to get out of the ebay shipping fees.
  10. Awesome! Thank you for organizing this. I'm definitely in
  11. Those are beautiful. What type are they? Are they eating frozen mysis for you? Thanks for posting pics!
  12. Oh man, that's rough. Sorry to hear that. I don't have any advice seeing as I've only had any luck with brittle stars. I lost the other type I tried for some unknown reason. He just sort of dissolved one day. I hope that's the end of your losses!
  13. KimP

    Hi everybody!!

    Hi! Welcome to the group
  14. What a lucky fish! I don't know how he managed to do that.
  15. KimP

    Impulse Buy

    Man, that's an awesome fish!
  16. Well my biggest news is that I still have a living tank I've been out of town for over a week with my knows-nothing-about-fishtanks husband caring for the tank. Yikes! But I had Oceans of Austin stop by this morning for a water change and to test the water, check on things, etc, and it sounds like everything is great! It'll be another week before I return. I LOVE the light! Will, is your light still in the box? You are very patient if so! Things are growing and looking well so far. It's been only a month and a half, but nothing has lost any color yet. That's one thing I worried about. I haven't ramped up the intensity like I had planned because things look well where it's at. It's sitting at 44% right now. The lunar cycle is really cool. I think it has something to do with my sun corals spawning soon after setting the light up. Thanks for asking! I'll update with the new additions and the status of things when I return. If I still have a tank.....keeping my finger's crossed
  17. Well, I'm not much help They are nice, but there are plenty that look like that and better so you'll easily find more. On the other hand, if you have a nice established tank going, I don't see a reason you have to wait other than ramping up the feeding with all of that nps coral in there. I guess my vote is: better to wait!
  18. Wow, I'm envious All of those gorgonians are so beautiful! Especially the orange ones. What foods are you using? What kind of flow do you have? I'm glad to see another reefer doing nps stuff so we can bounce ideas off each other. That cardiff tank has such a nice shape.
  19. Oh, how fun! If you're going for color get reidi. Not sure how many you can put in that tank though as they are petty big. How tall is the tank? Erectus are really the easiest fry to raise. All others are much harder if not impossible. But if you have males and females in a healthy tank you can plan on fry! Are the ones from diver's den captive raised? You'd have to do the whole deworming and training to eat frozen thing. They are sure gorgeous! I'm excited to see what you go with!
  20. I followed these directions and finally see the mobile version, and was able to login again after deleting my cookies. Thank you for posting this!
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