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Everything posted by KimP

  1. In the battle between lobo & blasto, apparently both lose :/

    1. brian.srock
    2. Mr Cob
    3. KimP


      I got them separated and it looks like they're both going to live. They just have dead spots where they touched. Whew!

  2. It is hard! I had the same trouble with mine. I have a 20" T5 4 bulb unit for sale. The bulbs are 18". It's not mh though.
  3. Awesome! Lol, I love the wall hanging above the tank. Can't wait to see the fish you put in there!
  4. So, how are the seahorses? Did the male recover? Did you ever get any pipefish?
  5. Very nice! I love my aqua mags.
  6. This may be a silly question but I figured it's best to be sure before starting. We have an existing raised, covered patio that we'd like to screen in. Anyone know if we have to get any city permits? I'm having trouble sorting through all the deck company ads Or maybe point me in the right direction. I already know we have to get permission from the hoa - don't even get me started on that one! Thanks!
  7. KimP

    Fairy dust palys - 10+

    They're yours! I'd be happy to have a frag of anything in your awesome tank! I'll pm ya...
  8. Oh, one key thing I wanted to mention is, I got the PE mysis that comes in cubes for my husband to use to prevent over-feeding. I usually use the flat packs. I noticed the day before I left, when I was showing him how to feed, that the cubes have a ridiculous amount of junk that comes out besides the mysis. Holy cow! I know you're supposed to rinse but I use the little bit of juice that comes off the flat pack piece as something to lure the nps stuff out. That and my nitrate and phos is always very close to 0 so I don't worry about it. But I have a sneaking suspicion that all of that extra junk is what threw my system off enough to get cyano and other slime algae, or whatever that stuff is. Anyway, I'm no longer going to use the cubes, only the flat packs. It's much cleaner!
  9. Well I finally got home late Sunday night. A few days before my return my husband called to say he found a seahorse dead It was my oldest one, so I don't know if she was just more sensitive to problems in the tank, or if something else got her. Since I couldn't look at her I don't know if it was an injury, infection, or what. The others are all fine. I had him take a water sample to the dome the next morning and all parameters were great except the salinity was up. I'm not sure about that either! I left a jug of rodi water for the top off, and he topped it off every evening Inland reef came to the rescue and helped my husband set up a drip system to slowly bring the salinity down. Thank you!! So when I got home that night, the tank really looked bad. I was so bummed I lost 3 really nice monti frags, a birdsnest frag, a bunch of sun polyps on the one I've been trying to nurse back to health, a duncan, and unfortunately most of one of my spiral wire corals. The other one looks good though. Weird. I had a bunch of slimy, goopy, bubbly, dinoflagellates, or something brown like that and a few areas with cyano. I've been siphoning all that crap out, along with pulling random spots of gha out. Oh, and the worst thing is after 3 years of absolutely no new aiptasia, I now have at least 6 small aiptasia that have popped up I hope my nudis are still alive and hungry! I have some awesome new stuff coming from Aqua SD tomorrow, so I'm trying to think at least I have more room available now, I guess! All of my water parameters are right where I like them and considering what I came home to, everything is looking great. The one thing I was worried about, my basket star, is alive and well, thank goodness! I'll post new pictures once I get everything in and settled. Moral of the story is, even when you have someone feeding your tank as usual and doing the usual water changes, when you have nps stuff and pay a lot of attention to your tank, it's the little things you do everyday that matter too.
  10. Interesting, thanks for sharing.
  11. I have a full plug of these if someone wants them. I live WAY south, off of slaughter. Thanks!
  12. I still have one frag left.
  13. Sounds good, I'll PM you.
  14. I have no idea what that was, but it was a cool video!
  15. PM returned. I'll txt you in the morning.
  16. Wow, everything does look great. The koi pond is beautiful!
  17. KimP

    Can't Wait!

    Welcome to the group. There is actually a freshwater section, so you can talk about your tank here Also, check out the classified section. You'll find tanks and equipment for sale, as well as complete systems.
  18. I have one fully healed on rubble, and one healed but not attached to rubble yet, piece of pink devil's hand leather. I'll attach a picture of the mother colony and the frags in the rubble box. Free or trade
  19. I have 2 frags of the tyree green-polyped toadstool. The polyp extension on these are amazing! They are just about the size of a quarter and the polyps are at least 1" long! It's kinda crazy. They are fully healed and attached to rubble, so they are ready to glue in place. Asking $15 each They are in the rubble box, so they were hard to photograph. I can pull them out to get a better one if requested.
  20. Wow! The tank is looking really good. I love all the pictures jakedoza.
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