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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Welcome If your tank is running with too low of salinity, I'd just do a water change every day or two with higher salinity water than your target. Just watch how things react and soon you'll be at your target salinity. What are you using to measure it?
  2. KimP

    hey guys

    Hello and welcome!
  3. I'm happy to read an update on your tank. Sounds like it's coming along well!
  4. I've had a bunch in my tank for 4 years with no issues at all. I have plenty of sand. I say no worries! Unless you decide you don't like the look of course... When I tried to pull some out of my tank, it was pretty easy with a slotted spoon.
  5. Shoulder length heavy duty gloves. In brand new condition.
  6. Hey Brooks! Glad to see you around. Lol, the miniature adult male has been flirting like crazy with one of my females. Haha, not sure what he thinks he's going to do - he's so tiny! Hmmm, that's a good idea, I'll have to look into it. I don't have a sump though and my skimmer is a hob remora. I wonder if that'll be good enough. Do you have your tank set up with the AI fixture? If so, what do you think?
  7. Thanks for the compliment bchap! It was great to meet you and I'm glad your puppy is healing up. I'm looking forward to an update on your tanks. Things are looking okay but I'm still battling algae. A bright green smothering kind. What a pain. I blow it off everything every day or so. I would rather suction it out but it doesn't come off any other way except blowing it off. Lately I did several large water changes that really perked things up so I'm going to try and continue that. I think that'll help a lot. Using the feeding dish has helped and hurt. It helps by keeping the food contained in one area and it all gets eaten by the fish so it's nice and clean. It also hurts in the sense that nothing else gets the food besides the fish. So I feel like I'm having to chose between the NPS corals and the algae problem. I'm target feeding but I still don't know how I'm going to get on top of the problem without sacrificing the coral. It's hard to find that balance I had before my trip. I borrowed a par meter again a few weeks ago, and wow! This AI Sol puts out incredible par. With my T5 fixture I was getting 75 just under the water surface, and at the sandbed I barely pushed 25. Well with my new light at 100% I have 600 under the surface and 130 at the sand! I run it just under 50% and get 80 on the sandbed. I always figured I'd have to run it around 100% to get good light penetration using only 1 fixture, but that's certainly not the case. I'm really really happy with this light fixture. Not to mention the shimmer and pop I get from the LED's. Here's an updated FTS so you can see all the algae. I don't know why the light looks like that down the middle. I couldn't get that to go away, and also I woke up the tank so that's why a lot of corals aren't out.
  8. I have 2 more of these available.
  9. How did you massage air from her tail? It sounds like you are dealing with a possible bacterial infection now, so the treatment is a bit different. Do you have a hospital tank you can set up asap? You want to lower the salinity a bit and try to keep the temp as close to 68 degrees as possible in the ht. Here's the link to the treatment sticky on seahorse.org, and if you post in the emergency section there, they have the equivalent of a seahorse ER doc that will walk you through everything. I have all the meds if you need anything. It is a pain for a week or two but these guys are way hardier than you'd think and can live through a lot. It's totally worth treating! Lmk if I can help at all, esp if you don't want to post at seahorse.org. http://forum.seahorse.org/index.php?showtopic=42497
  10. KimP

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to Austin and ARC! Sounds like you have a nice tank going.
  11. KimP


    Those are some amazing pictures! Wow.
  12. KimP

    75g Reefer x3

    Sure! My build thread is here: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/17604-kimp-47-gal-column/ Stoneroller has some great corals and nice tanks. I have several things from him as well. I hope your dog heals up quickly! Are you putting leds on this newest tank too? Have you already switched the others to leds?
  13. KimP

    75g Reefer x3

    Looks like things are coming along nicely! How are the other tanks doing?
  14. I treated the pouch emphysema with a Diamox flush. There are different meds depending on exactly what's going on with the seahorse. How's yours doing? Did you try to see if there's any air in the pouch? Do you have any females in the tank with him? Have you noticed blisters from bristle worms? Yikes, I didn't realize that could happen! I've only heard of air bubbles right under the skin that look like blisters. Usually another form of GBD.
  15. That's how GBD seems to be. I've only ever had one seahorse get it and the others went on to live years and still no sign of it again. The seahorse that had it lived quite a long time after getting it and I just had to treat him every so often. It's weird. He was the one always pregnant so his body was probably worn out compared to my others. Who knows!
  16. See if you are able to gently squeeze his pouch and get any air bubbles out. Hold him gently in one hand and let him hitch onto your pinky finger. Then with the other hand try to get the air out (if there is any). Sometimes males get pouch emphysema where the pouch fills up with air messing up the buoyancy. In the meantime read up on gas bubble disease and see if the symptoms match. I have the meds to treat if you need them. I hope your seahorse is feeling better soon!
  17. Is his pouch swollen? Does his whole body look swollen? My seahorses will swim upside down for fun but can right themselves. I'm sure you mean yours is stuck upside down, right?
  18. KimP

    Saying hello!

    Welcome! Glad you're here
  19. Sure! I forgot they come in different colors
  20. These guys need a large tank with a well established supply of copepods. Will most likely never eat any prepared/frozen food. From what I've read they eat red bugs. They are healthy, alert, and eating. Asking $40 for the pair only to a good home. I will split them up, but it's hard to sex them, so it's a great deal to get a M/F pair or 2 females since males fight.
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