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Everything posted by KimP

  1. I have a coralife light fixture that would be perfect for this. I'll pm you about it.
  2. Well you want your ammonia and nitrites to be 0. But the fact that you are showing some nitrates is a good sign!
  3. In the last picture there are 2 of the large toadstools. One is for sale and I'm keeping the other.
  4. I have 2 very small frags already attached to rubble for $5 each. They are about 0.5" in diameter with great polyp extension. The other is at least the size of a quarter with long polyp extension as well. It's also on rubble, for $20. These are a really amazing bright green and grow fairly fast. One of the pictures was taken by aaarrrg, of a frag I sold her (thank you aaarrg!) The others are of the actual frags. They are crappy cell phone pics. I can get better ones later tonight if someone wants.
  5. These have done the best by far in my tank, really hardy zoas that spread fast. I originally got them from Mr. Cob's. I'm located far south, off of Slaughter or I can usually meet at the Dome. I'm pretty flexible on time.
  6. I was just at the Dome and picked up some neat coral including a very bright little orange plate I also saw this crazy looking fish, Hunter called it a moth fish. Wish I could put another fish in my tank. Very cool.
  7. KimP

    15 gallon?

    What about a biocube 14 or something similar? Seems like it'd be nice and easy to transport if needed and there are a ton of modifications you could do for lighting or whatever.
  8. Those are great photos. I especially like the one with the clown.
  9. KimP

    Hello All!

    Welcome to the club
  10. I just realized it's been so long since I updated this thread. Mostly because I ended up frustrated and discouraged with the problems resulting from my trip way back in August. It's hard to imagine 2 weeks away could upset a system for this long. Of course with the discouragement and busy holiday season I didn't exactly keep on top of things like I should've. So for about the past 2 months my tank had very few water changes due to some complications I had making my own water. It went waaaay too long without a cleaning of the algae, and especially the algae on the koralia's. That's something I'll never let slip again. I bet there was hardly any flow in my tank for who knows how long Well I have done several thorough cleanings on the tank in the past month and things are starting to look better. Two months ago I started dosing Sanolife MIC-F. It's a probiotic designed for fish hatcheries that has been getting rave reviews over on the seahorse forums. I decided it was the least I could do since my tank is a seahorse tank first and I didn't want to lose any horses while I tried to find the time to fix the tank. Within a week or two I started seeing a difference in the seahorses. They were out and about more, the coloration is better, and they are eating more. The most striking difference for me is the improvement in color. I'm really excited about this stuff and the difference it's made in the apparent health of the seahorses. I've sure enjoyed seeing them dancing around at the front of the tank. I hope it's been beneficial for the other fish as well, although I never saw a problem in them. It has also resulted in a need to empty the skimmer every couple of days. I've had that skimmer hooked up to my tank for years and just barely ever got any skimmate. Now that I'm dosing this probiotic, I get quite a bit of really yucky gunk in there that I'm happy to pull out of the tank. I imagine that's a good result too. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that it's less than 20 bucks for a years worth So that's the good news. The bad news is I've lost almost all of my sps, and a couple of lps. Some coral are doing great though like the gorgonians especially, and especially the nps one. After racking my brain the past several weeks, I'm narrowing it down to a phosphate problem. For a while I was worried it was the Sanolife, but no one else seems to think it could harm coral. The timing for starting to dose the Sanolife and starting to see a decline in coral is right on but that might just be a coincidence. For around 3 years I never had a phosphate problem. It has really creeped up since my trip in August so I'm still figuring out the best way to lower it and I need to figure out something fast. I don't have a sump and there is nowhere to put a powerhead for a reactor. I will decide between hooking up a canister filter again to run some resin, adding a bag of resin to the existing hob filter I use to run carbon, or carbon dosing. My nitrates stay really low so I think the carbon dosing is out. FTS to come....
  11. It was great to meet you too! I hope it works for you. Get a light for it, toss in some cheato, and you'll be all set
  12. I don't have experience with clowns so I didn't know they could bother corals. Good thing they're just in mushrooms! They look really pretty in those red mushrooms. Great pictures
  13. Wow, I certainly would've never expected that.
  14. Okay, that's very helpful to know. I'm guessing it's true carbon dosing since the main ingredients are methanol and vinegar. I ran several tests over the course of the day and for one, my nitrate is pretty low at 3 and my phosphate is high like I thought. It definitely went up a couple hours after feeding. I hate these color tests, and the phosphate ones are the hardest for me. My best guess is I started out at 0.5 and closer to 1 after feeding. I'm using a low range red sea pro and a nutrafin one that goes much higher. Anyway, I'm still undecided since my nitrate is so low. The directions for this product base dosage levels on nitrate. I just need to pull my phosphate down and keep it there without being able to use a reactor. Thanks for the help!
  15. Nice pictures. The color of the mushrooms and clowns together is striking.
  16. KimP

    Biocube 14 gal

    I have a running, very clean, biocube 14 gal. Has great live rock and black sand and has been running for almost a year. Some neat mushrooms and a few common zoas are in there too. There hasn't been any fish in it for several months, just a small cuc. This thing runs great except the actinics shut off by themselves sometimes and I have no idea why. Bulbs probably need replacing. The only algae anywhere is 2 spots of bubble algae on the live rock. Everything is stock. Comes with skimmer. I think that's everything. I'll get pictures up later tonight. Make a reasonable offer
  17. KimP

    New logo

    So cool! I love it! Great job
  18. Very neat looking. I have leptastrea and they look nothing like that.
  19. Wow, it really is a small world. Glad you guys had fun catching up!
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