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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Wow, that's one huge ricordea garden!
  2. That's such a cool idea. Any ideas what you might do with the other 47 gal?
  3. 4 or 5 years ago, with my same tank. It has changed quite a bit in the past year though. I've had seahorses in it all along.
  4. Lol, don't feel bad, I'm pretty sure everyone has been there!
  5. It sounds just like my green lace gorgonian. It's not actually green, but what you describe. Or it could be something else see what you think: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+601+603&pcatid=603
  6. Looking forward to the pictures! Be sure and watch your water params and be ready to do water changes as needed. I don't know how many or what fish you got, but it might overload your system in the beginning if you add a lot at once. You can also use something like Prime if you get an ammonia spike, in a pinch.
  7. What James said. That's definitely a gorgonian. I think that's the only way to do it. You'd have to wait a very long time for it to attach to rubble on it's own. I've also scrapped some tissue away, formed the epoxy around the base, and pushed the epoxy onto rock if I couldn't find a suitable hole.
  8. I tried the little glass tank I have and it won't fit. I'm going to have to get creative if the container is going to be any bigger than a 2L bottle. This is an interesting project so far. Thanks for all the great discussion!
  9. If it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate it! Okay, thanks for all the help. I hadn't thought of you tube, that's a good idea. I'm sure an ato is really simple, but I'm a little lost right now, just starting to look into it. I have a small, approx 4.5 gal, glass tank that is really skinny and tall that should be a good fit in my stand. It just doesn't have a lid. I'm not sure if those 5 gal jugs would fit, but I have an extra of those. I don't have a sump. Hmmm....
  10. Do you just leave the lid off? How did you fit a pump through the hole?
  11. I've read that it's important to keep rodi water sealed. I'm planning on getting an ato hooked up to my tank and am trying to figure out what I can fit in my super small stand as a reservoir. What do y'all use? How do you keep it sealed with tubing coming out?
  12. KimP

    New to Marine Tanks

    Welcome to the group
  13. If you use bleach on any fish tank stuff, you can give a little rinse with Prime or any other dechlorinator. Just to be on the safe side. I think as far as chemicals go, except for maybe vinegar, bleach is pretty safe. As long as you rinse well and don't leave chlorine traces of course! It's really great for cleaning equipment that was used to treat a sick fish
  14. The dates sound good to me. Thanks for coordinating!
  15. Things are really doing good for you! Nice!
  16. Wow, that looks great. I love all the gorgonians!
  17. I've had similar experiences with him. Very fast responses.
  18. I don't know about coordinating, but I'm looking into getting one.
  19. Yep, asterinas. I would keep testing the water every couple days until you have 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites. What are you wanting to do next?
  20. How tall is it? From the bottom to the very top of the lights? Also, how many plugs are there?
  21. Thank you, I'm glad it's doing well for you! All pending...
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