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Everything posted by KimP

  1. KimP


    I would be irritated too, to say the least. I also give frags for free of the corals given to me for free.
  2. KimP

    My Nano - 6.6g

    That's a nice little tank so far. I'm happy to see a nano build on here now that I've started an ecopico myself. I'll be following along!
  3. I just pm'd you with my order. Thanks for running this.
  4. Welcome! Thanks for sponsoring us! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have
  5. Wow Tim, that's so generous of you. Thank you! Thank you also for all the great advice over this past year. I always look forward to your comments on my posts.
  6. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day
  7. That turned out great! I bet the girls are so excited.
  8. It is a great blog! And when you win the awesome reactor you can sell it to buy anemones, or use it on a new sps tank
  9. The seahorse died by that evening. The other horses looked great and continue to look great, so maybe it was unrelated. Still sad though When I pulled her out I looked closely and couldn't find any sign of injury or illness. Subsea, I frequently stir the sandbed to feed my gorgonians and other filter feeders, but I don't stir under the rocks obviously, so that's why it kicked up so much detritus. I had/have my canister filter hooked up with a bunch of carbon and fine filter floss. The water clears up very quickly, so my main concern was the detritus left settling on all the coral. Yesterday I spent a lot of time trying to siphon off what I could. The tank is so deep that towards the bottom, where most of it is, I lose quite a bit of fine control and suction. As long as the corals and fish continue to look fine, I'm just going to leave things alone for a while and let things settle. Turns out my pH meter doesn't work, so I just hooked up an airline anyway to be on the safe side. Thanks again for the help
  10. How precious! Thanks for posting pics.
  11. It is a good day to be alive. I'm glad you were able to find some peace today. Hopefully many more will follow.
  12. That's a great point. I didn't measure ph before, but I'll test it now. The seahorse is hanging out up at the very top of the tank. I am certainly relieved to hear you've done this before with no ill effects.
  13. I pulled some larger size rocks from the very bottom of my tank a couple days ago. Kicked up a bunch of junk which I know in a 4 yr old sandbed could be really bad news. I have a ton of carbon in the canister filter, plus fine floss I keep cleaning out, and 2 packs of purigen. My skimmer's pulling stuff out too. Everything looked to be doing great and I followed by a large water change. I'm not sure what else I could have done. 3 days later, just this morning when I looked at my tank I have a seahorse looking really bad with no obvious signs of what's wrong, my xenia is shrunken, and one of my favorite favias is looking terrible. Everything looked just fine yesterday evening. So my question is, there is detritus everywhere settling on all the coral, rocks, and sand. Should I keep blowing it off and kicking it up hoping the canister will slowly get it out? Do you think kicking it up over and over could be stressing anything out? It doesn't seem to be bothering most everything else. Sometimes I wish my tank wasn't so skinny and deep!
  14. I'm thinking his second job is selling frags! Wow!
  15. Awesome! I like the shirt idea, and what about vehicle decals?
  16. I have a piece at least that size you can just have. It's also pretty cheap at home depot.
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