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Everything posted by KimP

  1. It's filling in very nicely. Those cardinals do look great in there. Have you had any trouble keeping the macros in place? How are you attaching them? Also, are you having any trouble with nuisance algae?
  2. Hey, glad to see you on here again. Wow, your tank is beautiful!! How did you get your rocks to stay stacked like that?
  3. I have a few azoo hob filters if you need one. New.
  4. I have a new bucket of IO reef crystals I got for free that I'm not going to use. I'm in WAY south Austin though, probably not worth the drive unless you're down here anyway for something.
  5. Finally a meeting I can make I'm not sure if I'll have frags to trade or not. I'll post later if I do. Sounds like a fun meeting and a great way to spend muster hanging with a few ags
  6. That looks great! I'm happy to see it all together, well minus the other tank. Any timeline for the second tank yet? Are you going to use a matching light fixture?
  7. Cool! What livestock do you have in there? What light are you using on the fuge?
  8. I love the products! Thanks for sponsoring us. I'll definitely be keeping you in mind when I redo my tank.
  9. I just need 1/2 cube of mysis too, so I just easily cut the cube in half with a little knife right there in the package. I just leave the knife in the freezer with it. I'm glad to hear your mantis is settling in nicely!
  10. I've really enjoyed following along on your tank build. The thing you are wondering if it's a sea fan or mushroom looks like what's called a mermaids fan. It's a hard calcareous macro algae. A few pictures down you have another one called halimeda. Those gorgonians are beautiful! I hope your sponges stick around!
  11. I think a lot of the heavy nps tanks, especially the ones that continuous feed, all have an oversized gfo reactor. That would be a must have for me if I was going to do something like this. Whatever foods you go with are going to dump tons of po4 in your tank. I also agree on the sump. You'll have to do a build thread or something when you get it all set up! I'm fascinated with nps tanks sounds like you're already off to a good start.
  12. I've had gha, but I don't know where my rocks or sand are from.
  13. I'm so happy to see an update on your tank. Looks like things are going well!
  14. I have a practically new cpr aquafuge medium size. And a jbj macro glow light that clips on it.
  15. In my personal experience, all females has easily been the best and most entertaining, especially if you don't want fry. If you don't mind the hassle of fry, then a male/female pair. More than one male with a female present hasn't worked well for me in the past. This is for erectus though, not sure if kuda are different. In my tank with all females, they will still do the courtship dances, so I'm not missing out on that. Apparently females can switch to males, at least in erectus, but so far no evidence of that in my tank. A while ago I added a male from brooks and the girls are still just as fun & interesting. Good luck! This sounds fun!
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