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Everything posted by KimP

  1. My order is already in and paid for. I sent you a pm.
  2. This is a great idea! I seem to remember details about a tank, but can't necessarily remember who's tank it is. This would help a bunch.
  3. How fun! I think I'll stalk mike for a while J/K! Of course I've gotta get my hands on a decal first!
  4. All claimed. I'll post if any fall through. Thanks!
  5. I'd like to add some things to this. Any idea what shipping would be?
  6. KimP

    brittle star

    You got it!
  7. Tail spot blenny has a great personality and I've had it about a year, I think. It gets stripped when it's sleeping in it's barnacle and colors up right away when it wakes up. Kinda cool. I think they're supposedly herbivores but this guy is fat from eating mysis everyday. $10 including his barnacle cluster if wanted. Photo is my avatar. Neon goby added in July. Also fat from mysis. Cleans the tail spot blenny quite often and they really seem to like each other. This goby is always either perched on the front glass or in the fringe of a hawaiian feather duster, so always out to be enjoyed not hiding. $10 Mandarin added many months ago. It eats frozen mysis with the seahorses and is fat and happy. I'm still trying to catch it on video so you don't have to take my word for it. Asking $25 since it eats frozen. Photos to come asap...
  8. KimP

    brittle star

    I have a dark grey brittle star. It's been a great scavenger and a great tank inhabitant, never knocked anything over. Provides a great laugh when guests notice it and freak out at the crazy tarantula-wtf-is-that thing, lol. I'm shutting down my tank and moving into smaller nanos that this guy is too big for. I'm located near slaughter & brodie.
  9. I have several ricordeas for sale. They are on an aqua-mag, so I can easily pop them off and they will be attached to rubble, so very easy to glue in place where you want them. 1 is on a small rock. I did my best to get pictures of them. Like usual the colors didn't show up that great on my phone. Here is what I have: Bright orange almost 2 heads - much bigger than pictured. I had just moved it to get a better shot and it closed up on me. $10 2 peach/orange 1 mouth - $5 each because these are smaller Large teal/lt blue - $10 Large green - $10 Yellow/multi 1 mouth - $15 these are really beautiful Yellow/multi 2 mouths - $15 really beautiful Large green 3 mouths - $10 I live way south and am fairly flexible on pick up times. I can occasionally meet at the Dome. I'll hold with paypal. *note: I currently have a small population of regular ol planaria in this tank. I've been dipping coral in either fw/flatworm exit/reef dip or just the flatworm exit/reef dip depending on the coral and so far so good on the ones transferred to the new tank. I'd be more than happy to treat any of these ricordea for flatworms prior to purchase if you want.
  10. I would love to do this! We just went to the dallas ” aquarium” and it was a terrible experience. I don't know how others feel about it but you're corralled around the place like packed cattle then there's hardly an aquarium to speak of. Should be called an indoor botanical garden. It was just a regular weekend too. Anyway, we're certainly in for Seaworld and the coast. Great idea!
  11. Can you explain what you did to get rid of them?
  12. That's funny you mention a cube, I just thought of that today! That would probably work well too. I'm not sure on size, my constraint is a window on one of the walls. I need to measure the space and go from there. I can't imagine a 36x36x36. That's one heck of a deep tank! I'd have to grow longer arms. I can barely touch the sandbed with the tips of my fingers in this tank at 28 or so inches deep.
  13. Are you just looking for a smaller tank? I have a 5 gal you can have, it's tall and skinny.
  14. Thank you It took a while to get the aquascaping how I wanted it, but I was sure happy with how it turned out. I haven't had seahorse fry in a few years because I kept only females recently until I got this male from brooks. He's small and dances with the females but hasn't ever produced any fry.
  15. Well, after months of debate back and forth with myself, I've decided to shut down this tank. It's been a tough decision. There are a few reasons, I'm ready to try something other than seahorses since that's all I've ever kept in saltwater, I would really like a corner tank or at least something bigger with room for a sump, and the large bottom rock on my rock stack is quickly getting covered in gsp (I only have 3 rocks in my whole rockscape). Very frustrating!! So it boils down to tearing it up now or tearing it up later, or having a tank full of just gsp since it's crowding out all of my other corals So, I'll be keeping my favorite corals in the other 2 nano tanks I have running and selling or giving away the rest, meanwhile scoping out a corner tank. Thanks to everyone for all the help and advice on this tank, I learned a bunch with it, and the next tank will be even better!
  16. Thanks for the update on your tank! How's everything else doing in there?
  17. This is very sad news. Him and his family will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. I hope you are going to follow this up with some photos!
  19. Oh man, sorry to hear about that. I'm glad you only lost a few things!
  20. I was going to just google the title. I'd like to read it too. The way I feed my seahorses relies on the food going into the tank frozen. It's good to know it hasn't added any problems
  21. Do you have any idea what caused it? I hope it doesn't hurt anything.
  22. No, I never did end up with any. I considered it and they were highly recommended by many. I ended up with a tailspot blenny, neon goby, and green mandarin instead, and of course the seahorses. I'm slowly working out the details of converting my 47gal to a lagoon type tank and moving a lot of the coral to 2 additional tanks I have added recently. Just working on getting the new tanks settled and ready. Anyway I'm sure I'll be full of more questions soon! I love the way your tank is looking! Keep on posting updates please
  23. What light are you using on this tank?
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