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Everything posted by AquaSD

  1. Under an hour guys! Happy Bidding, HAVE FUN! http://www.ebay.com/sch/aqua-sd/m.html?_nkw&_armrs=1&_from&_ipg&_trksid=p4340
  2. Auctions will be ending in around 3 hours - - - - - - - - - > http://www.ebay.com/sch/aqua-sd/m.html?_nkw&_armrs=1&_from&_ipg&_trksid=p4340
  3. Another day to go, before some really awesome palys get swooped up! Don't miss out guys! http://www.ebay.com/sch/aqua-sd/m.html?_nkw&_armrs=1&_from&_ipg&_trksid=p4340
  4. It's that time again. This time, we have Over 100 Cherry Picked Corals from our Farm!
  5. More GOODIES! 31 Massive Gold Torch Colony - $550 (8 heads) 32 Alveopora B - $35 33 Golden Nugget Palys - $50 per polyp 34 Toadstool Farm - $55 35 Splashes Trachy - $75 36 Golden Nugget Single - $50 37 Crazy Combo 38 Red Trachys - $75ea or $120 for both 39 Alveopora A - $55 40 Single Gold Torch - $75
  6. 21 Rainbow Delicious Goni - $120 22 Orange Teeth Trachy - $75 23 Orange Grinch Monster Wilsoni - $200 24 Ocean Galaxy Scoly - $250 25 Luigi Green Wilsoni - $200 26 Icy Christmas War Coral - $20 per 1'' frag 27 Freaky Green Polyped Fungia - $75 28 Electric Skirt Goni - $95 29 Electric Disco Ball Lobo - $120 30 Dual Delicious Gonis - $120
  7. 11 Yellow Carpet Lobo - $95 12 Warpaint Max Scoly - $200 13 Ultra Maxi Mini - $75 14 Super Green Goni - $75 15 Sparkling Red and Pink Goni - $120 16 Silver Fungia with Green Polyps - $75 17 Red Wave Scoly - $200 18 Red Lips Lobo - $75 19 Red Hurricane Scoly - $200 20 Rainbow Draon Soul - $20/head
  8. Hey Guys, Check out these pieces we just got! They will be on the site shortly, but if you're interested, please feel free to PM or give me a call. We are open today from 11a - 7p located at: 7580 Clairemont Mesa Blvd 92111 1 Million Master Wilsoni - $1200 2 Spectacular Scoly - $950 3 Chalice Freak - Fragging out/NFS yet 4 Bleeding Eye Chalice - $250 5 Yellow Orbit Lobo - $120 6 Wicked Stripes Wilsoni - $250 7 The Golden Torch - $75 per head 8 Tangerine Octopuss Chalice - $250 9 Orange Striped Trachy - $75 10 Bloody Red Blasto - $120
  9. Ebay ending in under an hour! Don't miss out! http://www.ebay.com/sch/aqua-sd/m.html?item=280836778865&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AL%3AEOISSA%3AUS%3A1123&_trksid=p4340.l2562
  10. Auctions ending in a couple hours guys! Don't miss out on some great deals! http://www.ebay.com/sch/aqua-sd/m.html?item=280836777833&viewitem=&_sop=1
  11. Auctions ending tonight guys!! http://www.ebay.com/sch/aqua-sd/m.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A5925&rt=nc&_ipg=200&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14.l1514
  12. Ebay Auctions coming right up guys! Don't miss out! Direct Link to our eBay Store.
  13. 61 Crazy Bright Favia 62 Blue Tipped Tenuis Acro - $75 63 Blue Glowstick Tenuis - $120 64 Beautiful Aussie Red Lobo - $150 65 Aussie Neon Green Highlighter Acro - $35 per 1'' frag 66 Aussie Super Red Lobo - $150 67 Aussie Crown Leather Medium - $120 68 Aussie Black Ring Pinks - $95 69 Master Tangerine Lemonade Scoly - Make me an offer 70 Yellow Stinger Paly - $50 per polyp
  14. 51 Golden Highlights Red Trachy - $75 52 Fiji Multicolor Ultra Acro - $120 53 Electric Orange Acan - $20 per head 54 Double Headed Mayan Sun - $35 per head or $60 for double header 55 Crown Leather Aussie Leather - $120 56 Crazy Yellow Delight Mille - $120 57 Crazy Bright Orange Mini Zoas WYSIWYG - $150 58 Cotton Candy Patch Chalice - $120 59 California Sunshine Paly - $50 per polyp 60 Bubbly Mosaic St Thomas - $75
  15. 41 Lizard Tongue Deepwater Acro - $50 per 1'' frag 42 Lemon Lime Rock Anemone - $55 43 Laser Eye Pink Palys - $95 44 King Midas WYSIWYG - $100 45 Indo Red Favia - $20 frags available. This piece WYSIWYG $120 46 Indo Deepwater Blue Tips Acro - $20 per 1'' frag 47 Hot Pink Acan Maxima - $150 48 Hades Fire Rain Mini Zoas WYSIWYG - $150 49 Green Polyped Fungia - $55 50 Gorgeous Golden Lobo - $120
  16. 31 Mosaic Metallic green Wellso - $75 32 Mix 33 Cool Mix 34 Mini Superman Zoas WYSIWYG - $95 35 Mini Cronos Might Zoas WYSIWYG - $150 36 Metallic Yellow Lime Trachy - $55 37 Metallic Orange Leptoseris - $35 per 1' 38 Maricultured Tri-Color Bali Acro - $75 39 Maricultured Rainbow Mille - $120 40 M&M Golden Rim Ultra lobo - $150
  17. 21 SPS 22 Sour Skittles Palys - $20/polyp 23 Snow Patch Sick Rainbow Lobo 24 Ridiculously Bright Red Rock Nem - $120 25 Rainbow Mushroom Rock - $200 (look at all the flame shrooms!) 26 Rainbow Favia - $100 27 Purple Rainforrest Aussie Acro - $120 28 Yellow Frogspawn Cultured - $200 29 Pirates Plank Deepwater Acro - $35 per 1'' frag 30 Paradise Blue Deepwater - $35 per 1'' frag
  18. 11 Yellow andBlueThinBranchedTenuis - $75 12 XL Long Green Bubble - $75 13 Unique Yellow Scoly - $120 14 Ultra Red Rim Trachy - $75 15 Top Down Shot 16 Super Sweet Red St Thomas - $100 17 Super Mauls - $30/polyp 18 Strawberry Shortcake - $50 per 1''+ frag 19 Starwberry Pie Mille - $120 20 SPS Shot
  19. Hey Guys, We got in a few crazy shipments this week, that was loaded with awesome corals and inverts! For quickest updates, click this link below: http://www.facebook.com/aquasandiego Check out the pics below! 1 ASD The Blue Thing Stag 2 Special Golden Palys - $50 to $75/polyp 3 Awesome Rare Red St Thomas - $100 4 ASD Acid Favia - $35/eye 5 ASD Blue Glower WYSIWYG - $75 6 ASD Golden Eye Chalice - $50 per 1'' 7 Surrender to this Red Rocknem - $95 8 Ridiculously Bright Red Rock Nem - $120 9 King Midas WYSIWYG - $100 10 Jumbo Rainbow Darthmaul WYSIWYG - $100
  20. Tons of nice stuff up for grabs in this weeks auctions! More to come too! Click the link below to check everything out! http://www.ebay.com/sch/aqua-sd/m.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A5925&rt=nc&_ipg=200&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14.l1514
  21. Some new pics posted. Will post actual photos tomorrow, enjoy!
  22. Let's start March with some Brand New eBay Corals! 3 Day eBay Auctions. Over 100 Jaw Dropping Corals. Bidding starts in about an hour (6pm - 3-1-12) Direct Link to our eBay Store.
  23. Some more goodies that made its way to the site! Interested in anything, please feel free to call or some us a PM. Thank you! 11 Yellow Lime Malu Carpet 12 Sweet Black and White maxima 13 Super Grade maxi Mini 14 Skittles Rainbow Lobo 15 ORA Red Planet 16 ORA Hawkins 17 ORA Borealis 18 Lavender Rainbow Fungia 19 Incredible Snowflake Black Maxima 20 Cotton Candy Watermelon Chalice
  24. Will finish uploading the rest for our site by tomorrow. Majority of the new items have been uploaded already Check out the site - www.aquasd.com Check out this link for the rest of our photo shoot - www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.354205331277422.83830.109066162458008&type=1
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