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Everything posted by AquaSD

  1. 51 Super yellow hammer - $75 per head, $120 for 2 52 Super metallic torch - $30 per head, $50 for 2, $60 for 3 53 Most intense red shrooms ever - $60 per shroom (will have WYSIWYG ones shortly) 54 Tough to find these days, branching hammer - $30 per head 55 Insane Orange Shroom - $50 56 Pink eye acan - $30 per 2 to 3 heads 57 Scoly - $200 58 Scoly - $200 59 Scoly - $350 60 Scoly - $350
  2. 41 Crazy Abro - $95 42 Soloman Cultured - $75 43 Funky Shroom Colony - $75 44 close up 45 Awesome orange spots + RPE combo - $120 46 RPEs 47 Gold Torch - $60 per head 48 Torch colony 49 50 Double Warpaint Scoly - $200
  3. 31 Soloman Cultured - $75 32 Indo Cultured Zoas - $95 33 Blue Shroom Full Colony - $75 34 Neon Cabbage - $75 35 PHE Red Ring Colony - $120 36 Close up 37 Aussie Hairy Stag - $200 38 Funky Shrooms - $20 per shroom 39 Lepto 40 Armor of God Colony - $95
  4. 21 Sweet Ring Plate - $120 22 Sunshine Soloman Favia - $30 per 1'' 23 Aussie Pink tips electric elegance - $150 24 Aussie Pink Tips elegance - $120 25 Darwin's shroom 26 Ultra Blue Cultured - $95 27 Soloman Cultured - $75 28 Soloman Cultured - $75 29 Rainbow Rubusta - $95 30 Soloman Cultured - $75
  5. 11 Fuzzy Cultured acro - $95 12 Rustic Red Ring Shrooms - $75 13 XL Aussie Candlelight acro - $200 14 Cultured Super Peach Mille - $150 15 Bali Echinata - $120 16 Poccli - $55 17 Yellow Flame Goni - $120 18 Krypto - $55 19 XL Aussie Pink Alve - $120 20 Sweet Orange Plate - $75
  6. Corals Corals Corals!!! After taking a little break, we are back in full swing! We got a special treat for you guys this round, some really red hot items are available! Pics below, any questions, please feel free to PM or give us a call. To check out the full shoot, please click here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.604773159553970.1073741914.109066162458008&type=3 Thank you for viewing! 1 Neon Cabbage - $75 2 Pink Center Acans - $30 for 2 polyps 3 Ice Fire Echinata - $50 for 1.5", $100 for 3.5" 4 Rasta Cousins - $30 for 3 to 5 polyps 5 Yellows - $20 for 5+ polyps 6 Aussie Stag - ask 7 Lemon Saint Acro 8 Metallic Favia - $30 per 1'' frag 9 Rustic Ultra Shrooms - $75 10 Collector Favia - $30 per frag
  7. 31 $30 32 $30 33 $20 34 $20 35 $20 36 $20 37 $75 38 $95 39 $50 per head, buy 4 get 1 free Thanks for viewing guys! Big restock will be tomorrow, thanks!!
  8. 21 22 23 $75 24 $30 25 $50 26 $50 27 $20 28 $30 29 $30 30 $20
  9. 11 Rainbow Plate - PM 12 Ultra Chalice - $200 13 Ultra Chalice - $200 14 Close up 15 $20 16 $20 a head 17 Close Uo 18 ASD Triple Threat Favia - $100 19 $30 20 $30
  10. Hey Everyone, Lots of new items are up for grabs this Tuesday! Check them out below. Some highlights are shown, to see full shoot, please click here - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.603466656351287.1073741913.109066162458008&type=1 Any questions? Please feel free to email, PM or give us a call: 858-565-1910 Thanks for viewing! 1 Maxima - $95 2 Maxima - $95 3 Maxima - $95 4 Maxima - $95 5 Micromussa $30 per 1'' frag 6 7 Aussie Pink Table - $200 8 Micromussa $30 per 1'' frag 9 Aussie Red Plate - PM 10 Yellow Polyped Cyphastrea - $50 per 1''
  11. Got a nice round of corals available right now! Check them out below! They are all listed on our site under "New Arrivals" - http://livestock.aquasd.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=59 Any questions, please feel free to PM, email or give us a call! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  12. Couple cool phone pics here too Enjoy! Have a fantastic weekend everyone, thank you very much for viewing!
  13. Hey Guys, Got a nice round of corals, frags and inverts for you all. Pretty sweet stuff! Some highlights below, to see the full photo shoot, please click on our facebook update: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.601476819883604.1073741911.109066162458008&type=1 For purchasing, please check out our "New Arrivals" page: http://livestock.aquasd.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=59 Any questions, coral packs, custom frag packs, please feel free to PM, email ([email protected]) or give us a call: 858-565-1910 Thank you for viewing! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  14. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
  15. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
  16. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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