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Posts posted by AquaJohn

  1. I recently got a 110g tank with equipment as payment for work rendered. The good thing is I have always wanted a Saltwater tank. The bad news is I dont know much about it.

    It was a new tank and mostly new equipment. I finished plumbing the tank testing for leaks fixing leaks. Added dead sand and rock and am currently waiting for it to cycle.

    So now to the light questions :) It came with 2 JBJ K1 metal halide lights with 400 wat 14K bulbs Ill be making a rack to hold the lamps. I asume they are for the day time cycle. What would you recomend for a night ligt and also as a softer <for lack of a better term> to tun on an hour before the MH ligts kick in and to run a while after they shut off ? I was thinking some of the blue LEDs I have seen on Ebay might be a good night light.

    Thanks for any help

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