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Posts posted by AquaJohn

  1. it was pruchased at aquatec and they said they did not know what kind it was :( but was listed as a bubble tip on the invoice but he said it was not a bubble tip. It was actualy one of the guys at the shop that is good about answers too. Probly not smart on my part to get it but it was the size and coloring I was looking for.

  2. its best to let it mix for 24 hours to let the salt totaly desolve that is probly the clouds you see.

    If you are in dire need of mixed you can always get a few gallons at a local fish shop to tide you over. Its way cheeper than letting your coral die.

    If you are setting up a new tank and have already bought coral for it your are not going to be happy. For best results you need to let the tank run for weeks at a min and months is better before you add anything other than rocks and a clean up crew. Even adding the cleanup crew before a few weeks of run time is probly suicide for them.

  3. Ya the file fish is very mellow it was the tang that smacked him a good one. The file fish has never bothered anyone other than the aptasia and thats a good thing. Well whatever bothered the tang hes it out and about more so must be feeling better.

  4. I noticed the file fish looks like it has small spines all over its body are they sharp ? I know its got the big honking horn up top :). and are they toxic to other fish if they get attacked.

    I ask because I saw my purple tang smack him a good one with his tail on Sunday and Monday the tang was in the rocks with his head pointed to the sand :( I figured he was a gonner but today he actualy came out for a bit but still very timid and not eating and he is a PIG!!!

    It may just be it hurt and the tang was put in his place he does pout if I move rocks or add stuff to the tank but it usualy only lasts a day at most..

  5. I bought the pair about 9 months ago. They hang in my big center rock together so I assume they get along ;). One currently eats just about anything I put by the rocks on tongs The other is a bit more shy and will take a few times before it will take new stuff. But always eats mystshrimp. Or live shrimp < if they can beat the fish to it > I usualy add 20 ish saltwater feeder shrimp to the tank every once in a while and also use the tongs to hand feed the eels some of the live shrimp.

    For the first month to month and a half they did not touch any food I put in the tank and I knew they were going to starve but I guess they got over it. One it about 6-8 inches the other is about 9-10"

    I paid 450 for the pair and would like to get 400 for them. Not really looking to trade for more live stock I am cutting back but could be interested in firearms or 5.56 or 9mm ammo.

  6. is this still a go ? i need 10 and would like some of the egg strands. Also where would the order be shipped to ? im out in the middle of no where

    If its over can you sned me the suppliers name so I can order some.


  7. is everything included in the group buy from there store even monitoring systems and ro/di stuff ?

    And how much is the discount ? or does it depend on the item and does the item need to be instock at the time the order is placed or can we order out of stock items as long as we pay for them durring the GB ?


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