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Posts posted by AquaJohn

  1. I just recently started running the BRS dual chamber reactor with the recomended maxi-jet 1200 the reactor is nice and ez to change out stuff not that you will need to change anything for 6-12 months with bio pellets. I would have to say if I did it again I would choose a different pump the mj1200 is louder than my skimmer pump but it might just be a bad pump.

  2. well it depends on the car you want :) do you want a standard trans or auto ? do you want power windows? Do you have the funds for one with all the bells and whistles ? If you have the funds its usualy cheeper to get all the goodies when you purchase than to go back and add stuff latter.

    If your new to tanks I would say dont get a controller till you understand about the general daily maintanence of a tank. and figure out what all you want to do with it. heck you may decide you hate it and throw it all in the garage in 6 mo. and if you sell look for about 50 cents on the dollar for what you spend unless you buy used.

  3. you can control the reefkeeper via the net but its not an out of the box thing. You have to have your computer that runs the myreef software hooked up to the internet then use one of the many "remote control" programs that let you use your home computer from a remote location.

    I think if I had it to do over again I would try another controler system. Don't get me wrong the reefkeper does all I want it to it just seems like its all mickey mouse but then again they may all be that way seeing no 2 tanks are the same so I guess a flexable system needs to be somewhat generic.

  4. I broke the plastic impeller shaft on a 3 year old pump called a reef tec 4000 anyone happen to know where to find a new shaft for it searching the internet has shown no info on it at all :( its a mag drive pump and the box says made in china.

    I guess if all else fails I can buy a stainless steel rod in the right size.

  5. nope I just used my multi meter inline like the vid shows to set the meanwells. I think they use those mostly when you run the led's I cant remember if its paralles or in series but in a way that lets you run way more led's than the traditional set up and on bigger strings of led's than the biocube retro.,

    I do kind of miss being able to just throw the meter on there and make sure on the mA the drivers are putting out. But with most of the stuff bolted under the hood anyways you would have to take it apart to check them anyways. Did you read the manual on the rapid site yet I am not sure if all the electronics will fit in the bc29's hood but I am not sure if I read that right seeing as I put it in a nanocube :)

  6. one place to look when your strings of led's dont light is to lightly pry up on each solder joint to the led's sometimes when you push down with the probes to check for shorts it will push the wire onto the pad and show good but when you remove the probe the wire will lift and lose contact :) dont ask me how long I searched for what was wrong on my 60 led build LOL. before I found that one lose contact.

  7. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1973462



    Hummm there was one other one that was very helpful on RC but im not finding it my links just serch the DIY sec on RC with led in titles and you will get alot of posts most are usless look for the ones with multiple pages like 5+

  8. mine are also dwarf golden morays and are about the same color as jestep's you can tell if its the dwarf because they have blue eyes. If it does not have blue eyes then its just a golden moray and will get very big.

    When I got mine they were probly like 8 and 10 inches and I have had them 18 months or so. When I first got them they would not touch anyfood for over a month I was sure they would die. I now feed them 2-3 times a week. I feed them till they stop taking food usualy about 2/3 of a med size table shrimp or about that much frozen fish <defrosted> they also like myst, Live ghost shrimp <sometimes gutloaded>, I even got a pinch of flake with my big tongs and they woofed that down lol. They also like my "homeade" frozen basicly a bunch of random cubes of food blended with seafood gumbo, nori,garlic,and kents zoe formula.

  9. I purchased 2 a year and a half or so ago they came in the same bag I had them in a 30gal they were always in the same rock. I moved them to my 110 and they were always in my big center pc rock. Now they are back in a biocube and are always together :). when I trapped them from the 110 I got the small one first it was about 12 inches and when I saw that the bigger one was not gona fit in the trap I had to go to a 2ltr bottle lol. It could reach the bottom of the 2ltr and its tail was still in the rock when he stretched out I bet he got close to 18-20 inches.

    they were purchased as a pair from Ebay.

    they are very cool and if you get live feeder shrimp they will love you :)

  10. I replaced my 2 400 watt MH with 60 led's from Rapid I put it over the tank on Friday. I do n ot have alot of coral ,frog spawn,Hammers a couple of chalice blasto and a few duncans. The duncans have never been happy in my tank.

    So far nothing has looked un happy and looks the same as before. I ramp them up andrun them 8 hours a day at 100% then ramp down for 60. I also left my 2 54watt t5's in there in case I need ez access to turning on a light.

  11. if you contact rapidled.com they will point you in the right direction for what you need. As far as Shimmer you are going to get 10X more shimmer with leds than the MH's produce as long as you have even very minor movment at the top of the tank. I just put my 60 bulb over my 110 last week that I replaced my 2 400watt mh bulbs.

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