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Posts posted by AquaJohn

  1. Well the only reason to keep it coverd would be to stop dust bunnies and to slow down evaporation.

    Unless you are using lime water. In that case you want as little contact with air as you can get. The air will reduce the potency

  2. if its sealed then the water would not be able to come out. I think they just mean you want ir covered. Unless you are doing the method where you have one tube that transfers the water and the other is in the sump at water level so that when the water level drops it alows air into the tube that then travels to the ato res. that then lets water out till it fills the sump up and blocks air from going into the tube.

  3. sorry im gona be a piggy piggy :) MINE MINE MINE ALLL MINE!!!!

    thanks again medi for all the cool stuff. When you dive back in feel free to hit me up if you need any starter stuff.

  4. Well the right way to feed them is dont put in more food than they can eat in a minute or so that way you dont have left over food that rots into phospates :). And what little gets trapped in the rocks the cleanup crew will take care of.

    What does not get eaten and broken down should be taken out with water changes in a perfect world.

    if you over feed no amount of stuff will keep your numbers low.

    If you just want to put them in there I am sure they will help. Its a fairly standard thing to use in nano cube filter boxes.

    and I am gulty of over feeding and pay the price with lots of water changes 30gal a week for my 150ish gal system along with gfo and vinager doses. So far the best I have gotten on phosphates is .13 but at one point it was at 2 before I started to add coral and took counter measures to get it to drop. I am sure my live rock is saturated with phosphates and will take montsh to soak out of it.

  5. get a hanna phospate checker you will thank me in the morning :)

    from what I have read about carbon dosing it takes months for the bacteria to actualy get a big enough presence to make a difference. I know with vinager you want to keep uping the dose till you hit 0 then cut the amount of that dose in 1/2 to use as your base normal dose. and then check weekly to see if they numbers go up if so incease 1 ml check in a week and if they go up ad 1 more mil so on till you get them stable at close to 0.

    for my size tank I started with 9ml then the next week went to 12 16 and am currently at 22ml and my phospates are still at .2 ish. and its been over a month so far no drop from the cabon and I also run gfo

  6. Just send a pm to me before you list the item to see if I want it :) then post away.

    I would say as a buyer your best bet to get picked for the item is to include in your reply that you will send paypal payment as soon as you get the sellers PP address.

    Do not expect to be first in line just because you happen to be the first to post in the thread alot of people send a PM first then post to the open forum if they post at all.

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