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Everything posted by mooric

  1. How do you acclimate new corals to strong lighting?
  2. Thanks for the tip Wayne. I was at fishy business today and the owner recommended that I set my temp down to 76 so that when I get the temp increase it is still within a safe range. Moo
  3. Yes it's a closed canopy. That's a photo from the manufacture's site. Perhaps I will run the lights for a full 11hours tomorrow to see how big of a swing I actually get.
  4. So I have been going through my first cycle on the new tank this last week and one night I decide to turn the tank lights(150watt MH closed canopy) on for a little while. I haven't been running them to cut down on excess algae. The tank has been stead at 78.9 - 79 degrees all week, but after about 3 hours with the lights on the temp was up to 81.6 degrees (ambient household temp was 74 degrees). Is there such a thing as an acceptable temperature swing or am I going to need a chiller? I was really surprised that the temp changed as much as it did, the canopy even has 4 built in cooling fans. Thoughts? TIA Moo
  5. Only problem is that they need to fit inside the lid of my Nanocube next to the MH.
  6. I recently learned that if I wanted to get my fish/corals etc to floresc I would need to add some Actinic lights since the MH I have now won't do it(Thanks Dapettit). Since I have an all-in-one system adding lighting can be a little bit of a challenge. I found this product and wanted to see what people thought of it. I was going to go 100% Actinic with these lights. nanocustoms TIA Moo
  7. I want to start thinking about a CUC for my 28g. I have an idea of what I want but I am not sure on how many of each I should get. Want: Cleaner Shrimp Peppermint Shrimp Emerald Crab BumbleBee Snail Astraea Snail Electric Blue Hermit Crab Scarlet Reef Hermit I would also like to add a Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo. Thoughts?
  8. Dave and Robin thanks for hosting today's ARC event. It was great meeting you and everyone else. Look forward to future events. Moo
  9. You may want to check out this thread as an option. CO2 scrubber - raise (and maintain) your ph for less than $50 - Austin Reef Club Moo
  10. Species plan is not complete. I am looking to do a mixed reef, but not with a lot of SPS. Would like to include some of the following: Fish: Blue Green Chromie Clown Goby Watchman Goby Percula Clownfish Would be great to get an angler in there too but I would have to wait till the other fish are too large for it to eat, or get a really small one. Inverts: Small Maxima Clam Flame Scallop Assorted Crabs/Shrimp/Snails Corals: No idea yet. Moo
  11. Thanks for the input. Any idea how long it would take to cycle the tank using the method you described.
  12. Can someone recommend a small & HEARTY fish for my new 28g. I have mostly DRY rock and a couple small frags of LR (Thanks prof!) in the new tank, and I want something small and hearty to help kickstart the nito-cycle. Thanks, Moo
  13. I believe this is the product he is talking about. TLC Marine SAT - Hair Algae Remover for Reef & Saltwater Aquariums 1 Gallon
  14. I ordered one directly from digitalaquatics.com
  15. My wife and I have eaten there. The food was great. The "Savory Cheesecake" appetizer was the best!
  16. Thanks for the suggestion but I don't even have water in the tank yet. I'm just trying to plan out as much of it as I can. As for where I am going to get it from, I had considered ordering it from the reef cleaners website.
  17. Based on the responses it looks like I will be doing what John_Simon did after my tank cycles. Thanks for all the comments. Moo
  18. Has anyone ever doped their new system with reef pods (or equivalent), to get a strong foundation of copepods before any livestock get added to the tank? Would this be something done during or after the first cycling of the new tank? Moo
  19. Hi ARC members. I moved to the area about a year ago and I am finally ready to start up a new system. Last one I had broke during a move 4 years ago, and I haven't had the time to start a new one since then. I have been reading the forums and I have found a lot of good information here. Looking forward to chatting with you all. Moo
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