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Everything posted by mooric

  1. Has anyone on here used/tuned the JBJ Skimmer that comes with the JBJ 28g??? I have been running it for over a month and I never seem to get much skimmate. In fact the only skimmate I have ever gotten was VERY wet skimmate. I am using the stock air pump and airstone that came with the tank. I have tried different height settings and currently have it at the lowest possible height (where the collection cup rests on the refugium compartment divider). ANY help would be great. My water may be good but it's not THAT good to product 0 skimmate. TIA, Moo
  2. ....should I let my tank mature before I consider adding in things more delicate than a fish? I have had the tank running since before Christmas, and tank parameters are nice and steady now. Only issue I have currently is a little GHA but the CUC is slowly working that down. So how mature does one's tank need to be? TIA Moo
  3. mooric

    New Guy in Gtown

    It is where all the cool kids hang.
  4. Home brewing is great fun, my brother and I have been doing it for years. I love the smell of the malt while cooking my wort.
  5. Upon further inspection I noticed red flesh like material stuck to the live rock. I think he injured himself rubbing against the live rock. I guess now I just need to know how to tell if has perished or not.
  6. Well I am worried that the anemone is done for. He has turned himself sideways in his space between the LR and I can see his foot now. It looks like something has been picking at it because I can see the tender white tissue that is usually covered by the maroon colored foot. I'm not sure what would have picked at it though since all I have is a peppermint shrimp and a ocellaris clown in the tank currently. I will wait and see what happens for now I guess.
  7. Well once my lights came on today he seemed to open back up to soak in the light. I guess that is a good sign. I have no idea whether he has attached his foot to the rock work at all yet, but I will continue to monitor his health. Thanks for all the info. Moo
  8. Later last night the anemone seemed to be looking better. This morning he is still in a contracted state but not as sever as yesterday. I guess time will tell. I will just leave him alone for now.
  9. Gonna try and make this meeting.
  10. It's a Bubble Tip Anemone. Lighting is 150MH + 36watt Actinic PC supplemental.
  11. Perhaps the manufacturer has some information online?
  12. The Details. Purchased Friday. Drip (Salinity) Acclimation for 45min + Temp Acclimation in tank. Placed foot between two rocks on the sandbed so he would feel safe and not get blown around. This morning he looked good, he had extended his tentacles and was letting them wave in the current. This evening he has receded in between the rocks with all his tentacles pulled in. It almost looks like it's trying to consume himself the way he is all balled up. I have checked all my water parameters and everything is normal. Temp: 76 Salinity: 1.024sg Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: ~0 I have just left the anemone alone since I put him in the tank, since I have read that it can take up to a week for them to get "comfortable" after the stress of moving to a new tank. Any thoughts? TIA Moo
  13. Placed second order for a few more things. 1 Reef Pod 1 Penny Macro Algae 1 Cheato 2 Nassarius Vibex 4 Nerite Snails (Small-Medium) Total: 21.21 Grand Total: 43.31
  14. Dang how did you get 2 reef pods? it wouldn't let me add more than 1! Moo
  15. 4 Blue Leg Hermit 4 Empty Hermit Shell 10 Dwarf Cerith 1 Emerald Crab 1 Reef Pods Total: $22.10
  16. Too bad I couldn't find any info on the thermal properties before/after with that setup.
  17. I have a extra ballast from a JBJ 24g that is sitting in a closet collecting dust. Not sure if it will work for you but you are welcome to try. Moo
  18. Chad & Belinda, I was great meeting you both, you had a wealth of knowledge to share with a noobie like me. Thanks for the nice LR and rubble, I have already added them to the tank. Look forward to seeing you all again. Moo
  19. I would like to come by and check out your available LR. Send me a PM with your info. Thanks, Moo
  20. mooric

    LR Rubble

    I will be looking for your post. Thanks, Moo
  21. mooric

    LR Rubble

    Any suggestions on where I can get some decent LR Rubble for my very SMALL refugium?
  22. Wish my tank was ready for this sort of stuff....
  23. mooric

    Test Kits

    What do you all use for Test Kits for (Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate/Alk) Currently I am using the "Marine Basic" kit by Seachem but it doesn't give measurements for some of the tests in a standard format. I am in the market for a new kit and wanted suggestions. TIA Moo
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