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Everything posted by ReefGazer

  1. ReefGazer

    SPS for Trade

    You have a VERY nice tank. Thanks for the Frags! I hope you like the Zoa's.
  2. T5's and the flesh does swell up but I've never seen them eat anythingand I feed with mysis everyday? But they do look a lot better than when I got them... I will try to get you a better picture. Thanks for the reply.
  3. Also what would be good lighting, flow, ect... THANKS!
  4. Made a trade and i'm not even sure what I have. Anyone?
  5. I know it's a package deal but if you decide to part out I would like to get first in line for the 2 – Koralia Nano Power Heads... Thanks and good luck with the sale. Zach
  6. ReefGazer

    Corals and Anenome's

    A few Corals and Nem's of mine...
  7. I have two bags (not very big) of Feather and Grape Caulerpa. If anyone is interested? Trade for a frag would be cool but not a must...LMK. Thanks all, Zach
  8. Crap sorry Luke. I tryed to call you but I didn't get an answer. Not even sure if I called the right number. It's pending right now. Someone is supposed to swin by tonight. If that falls through it's yours. It just might happen. 3 people have flaked so far. Sorry I never wrote you back.
  9. Nevermind just seen where you said it's all sold. Maybe next time.
  10. I would like one of the Blue candy canes if still available? Just let me know how much and when,where to pick up. Thanks!
  11. It's about the size of a fist. It has never gotten any bigger. It reach's that size then splits.
  12. I bought a brand new hoow not even 4 months ago and I'm guessing the wiring ot our new apt blew the ballast(only thing I can guess). I ordered a new ballast from Aqua dome but have yet to get that call saying it's in. How much were you wanting for yours? I think anything could help me till I get a new ballast. Thanks, Zach
  13. I have two large RBTA and I was thinking about selling one. Just not sure. Anyways what would be a good price to post? RBTA.bmp
  14. Please let me know if anyone has a old hood that works just laying around. Thanks all. Zach
  15. Starting this sale in case buyer backs out. Last time I tryed to sell this little guy he got out of the cup I had him in and I wasn't able to sell... Just now cought him! If the original buyer wants it he's got it. If not it goes to first in line. I will also accept trades.
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