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Everything posted by ReefGazer

  1. I cleaned off my frag rack and had a ton of Button palys I took off with a razor. There are a few Texas trash Palys also. They are not mounted just sitting in a bowl, I don't really want to flush them but I know I will not be putting them back in my tank (no room). I will keep them till tomorrow night then they will be flushed.
  2. Link worked. very nice... I wrote you back.
  3. I'm only interested in getting rid of one. Not sure if anyone would still be interested? I would like to see pictures of the different Duncans so I know what i'm dealing with... Sorry to ask so much.
  4. Checking interest... I know these little guys are hard to come by so I'm hoping to get an even trade. Please have pictures... Here is a picture of one of my mini's. Sorry it's a bad picture. Taken with a cell phone.
  5. ReefGazer

    My 55g tank shot.

    My 55g
  6. I have several mini's but I also have one "Mini" Carpet that I purchased a few month's before that. It's a little bigger, about 3 1/2" to 4". I'm just not sure of the type. Below I have pictures of both. My Mini's have split multiple times but the bigger one not once. It has grown a little but not much. I guess what I'm trying to ask is if anyone knows what the first picture is?
  7. Thanks for the Duncan! I hope ya'll enjoy the AOG's...
  8. i wish that would work but the one I need is about 1.5" wide and about 4-5" long. Thanks for the relply!!!
  9. I have been to several stores and nobody has the ballast I am looking for. I have been waiting on Aqua Dome to get one that they "ordered" 3-4 weeks ago. Still nothing. I'm starting to worry about the tank. If you have one lying around or something that might get me by till I find one it would be GREAT! Thanks!
  10. I am interested in trading a few frags for a k2. I have Red mushrooms, Zoa's, and paly's for now. Maybe others later. Just let me know what your interested in... thanks!
  11. The frags are still irritated from the fragging. This was taken before. Some are a little more brown...
  12. $1 a head. Some frags have 2-3 some have a few more. I'm also open to trades. Pictures will be added tomorrow. Thanks...
  13. As you can see they started growing to the glass. Time to trim... Also might consider a trade.
  14. $5 a head. Will post pictures later... Anyone?
  15. I've had these guys for a while and I just want to get something new. I would like to get $15.00 but If you don't think that sounds good shoot me a pm I bet we could work out something. I'm also open to trade's. If I don't already have it... Oh there is about 50-75 heads. I stopped counting at 35...
  16. Thanks for all the reply's. I thought my chances of finding one that at frozen food would be better on here.
  17. I would like to find a healthy Green Mandrin if anyone has one they would like to get rid of???
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