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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. I have the rock in the tank... somewhat aquascaped to how I may leave it.. and now it is full of water. I have 3 pumps circulating water in the tank until I get my return pump and overflow from RCA. The lighting is done except that one of my ballasts is bad.. buying a new one of those. I am going to put a couple of 5" PC fans in the canopy to help with cooling since I do not have a chiller... if need be. I have the salinity at about 0.023. I have been testing the water for Ammonia, Nitrates, and Nitrites. Anything else I should be testing for? Now I get to play the waiting game.. At what point could I throw some crabs in there? At what point do I run the skimmer on my sump? Any other tips/suggestions? Thanks.... Photos to come....
  2. N E One???? OBO on everything..... This stuff has to goooooooooooo buy it for my baby fund!
  3. suddenly my 135 build got a lot less exciting..
  4. I don't have anything to trade... but I may come to visit. may even take some photos.
  5. I'd like to.. Guess I can plan on it. I don't have anything to swap since I'm just setting up my tank.. But it will be cool to visit with some of you guys. Maybe I'll bring my camera
  6. solder.. and heatshrink... should be fine. connect it externally.. don't use it as a submersible pump. if you don't want it.. I'll take it.
  7. too late.. already full of water. The one I'm getting is rated for like 1500GPH flow. I had an overflow on it before and had no issues with flooding. The one I'm getting has a safeguard and doesn't need a lift pump. Basically if the power goes out it stays full of water so not to have to re-siphon it to get it going again.
  8. I completed the lighting today as well as put the live rock in the tank. The filling process is painfully slow.
  9. I cleaned out the closet and am getting rid of everything I will not miss.... and because the wife is tired of seeing it in the closet First up for sale is a Penguin Bio-Wheel 100. I used this on my 20 gal freshwater for about a year. It was new when I bought it and it works great. $10.00 Next I have a whisper 40 air pump. works great. $8.00 Next I have 2 Whisper 30-60 air pumps $15.00 each $25.00 for both Next I have 4 filters.. I never used these, I inherited them with some other stuff I purchased. $5.00 Next I have a 10 gallon aquarium with a florescent light and a hang on back Topfin 10 filter. This tank was used for about 6 months and was new when I got it. I prefer not to part this out. $40.00
  10. ok... So I have decided not to drill the tank. I went to RCA today and purchased a Mag12 and an over flow to accommodate. I took the cichlids and said my final good byes as well. Photos on the process.... yay!
  11. Jakedoza

    CPR overflow

    SOLD!! Thanks Cory.
  12. So yesterday I picked up about 150lbs of rock for a $100... I love CraigsList!.. so I'm through buying LR..It is all curing in a huge rubbermaid container. I think. Now I need to get my RO system hooked up along with a DI system, (that I don't have) and get the bigger ball rolling. Stuff to buy and do... buy a return pump Buy a DI system build an auto top off tank Take Ciclids to RCA for credit empty tank and drill holes build sump system in the garage set up plumbing through the wall from tank to garage put lighting in the hood (buy lights) at this rate Ill be done by Christmas... I have to get this done before the baby gets here or I'll never finish.. HELP!!!!
  13. cool, thanks.. Ill give it a go when I get home today.
  14. ok... got a refractometer.. Thanks Bill B! water in the live rock bin is starting to stink.. Wife is going to barf..
  15. I need a refractometer as well.. forgot to add that to my list, but I'm nooo where near adding livestock. I figure the rock will take a month or so to cure, I'm not in a huge hurry since I have so much to prepare... and I have a crap load of other projects since summer is around the corner... Like building the shed we just bought, building a garden to plant all the herbs and veggies I just bought.. photo shoots two weekends in a row.. not to mention the everyday things around the house.. I'm with you on the RO system, and I have one already.. just need the DI to go with it. We are also looking at getting a water softener. Good Times! Ohh.. and we just found out my wife is Pregnant! YAY!!!!!
  16. I'm in need of live rock.. I know its probably early, but I'm just setting up a tank.
  17. Today marks my very first day in the reef tank world... I have started to cure some live rock that will begin my 135 gallon tank.. I have a lot to still prepare for, but it should all go pretty smoothly... should.. so.. I got this tub from work and bought some salt and a hydrometer from RCA and mixed up some saltiness.. hehe I have a pump in there to keep the water circulating and a temp sensor to keep an eye on water temp.. nothing fancy.. The photos are crappy, but that's what I get for being lazy and just using my phone. so.. if anyone has any live rock they want to get rid of.. let me know I'm also looking for a DI system and maybe a return pump... pretty soon I'll be tearing down the 135 cleaning the sand, drilling the tank, building the sump... you know.. all the fun stuff. I'm always up for suggestions and I'm a HUGE DIY person..
  18. Jakedoza


    Thanks for all the votes guys.
  19. Jakedoza


    Locally I have them printed at wolf, but since there is not one close to me anymore and it is cheaper I go through Millers Lab. Millers is not local, but I get prints back pretty stinking fast.
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