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Everything posted by Jakedoza

  1. So I have had my setup for about 8 months now. I think it is time to start adding some coral. Here is a video of my tank. the sound is much louder in the video than it really is. Livestock I have 1 yellow tang 3 blue damsels 3 blue/green cromis 1 bluefin damsel 1 lawnmower blenny 1 dragon goby 2 ocellaris clowns 1 green emerald crab 1 skunk cleaner shrimp 3 peppermint shrimp mexican turbos and hermits My
  2. so... you never got back to me after I sent you a text message, and now I see they are sold.. nice.
  3. Jakedoza

    chateo needed

    N/m.... I went and bought some..
  4. Jakedoza

    chateo needed

    I just set up my refugium and am looking for some chateo if anyone has any to spare. Thx
  5. Nice tank. No offense, but isn't putting that much stuff in a tank in that short of a period of time just a time bomb? I'm on month 7 with a 135 and only have fish with a couple of SPS corals. At Month 2 I was adding my first 6 fish. Am I just moving too slow?
  6. For sale is an Eshopps PF-1000 overflow. This overflow was purchased in Feb and used for about 6 months. The overflow is rated for tanks up to 150 gallons. asking $65 http://www.eshopps.com/overflowboxes.php
  7. cool pics.. Nice corals. I'm still working on getting some...
  8. We are having a baby and want to get rid of our glass coffee table. First $50 OBO takes it.
  9. I'm looking for some algae for my new refugium. anyone know where I can get some, or have any that they are tossing?
  10. Jakedoza


  11. For sale is a used CPR CY194 Cyclone Bio-filter. Does not have the wadded up plastic stuff. Here is a link for reference.. I will post photos once I have cleaned up the item. http://www.cprusa.com/products/cyclone.html These sell new for $445. I will let this go for $175. Comes with skimmer pump. I'm selling because I got a new sump and skimmer.
  12. nice.. I need a macro lens.
  13. My RO unit is in the garage.. when I need it I hook it to the garden hose and fill my tubs.. those are in the garage as well.. I then pump water as needed to my tank which is on the other side of the wall..
  14. Jakedoza

    Free corals

    ^^^ what she said
  15. I guess I don't see how they are related.. but ok Maybe the contest rules need to be posted again.
  16. I'm sure all of us who submitted photos could have also posted a pic of the life off of the 'Island' we visited white snorkeling/scuba diving as well. But since the topic wasn't 'life in the ocean off the coast of an island' and simply 'island', we posted the best pics of the islands we were on. And how is your photo from the ocean aquarium related? Shouldnt we all just take pics of the stuff we have in our tanks and guess which 'island' it was caught off? That way we are for sure following the 'rules'. Hopefully next month the topic will be 'pictures of frogfish in the ocean off of Cozumel' and then you will be able to submit your picture, and it will be PERFECT! ''''''''' I'm not trying to be rude or start something. I'm simply stating what the rules state. Heck, I'm a photographer. I could come up with tons of stuff not aquarium related that can go with some of the contest topics.. The point is, that none of these photos adhere to the rules of the contest. My photo is related because I asked about it before hand. http://www.austinree...nd-photo-theme/
  17. Some photos I took while snorkeling in Grand Cayman and diving in Cozumel this past week. These were taken with a point and shoot canon A520 camera. This is a Frogfish that is only found in Cozumel. Luckily I got to see one. Giant Grouper.. The smaller fish around it are about 4-6in long. This is the first sea turtle I have ever seen while diving.. It was pretty cool. It swam in circles for a bit and then swam of.. or flew off.. it was cool. Sea Cucumber? It was huge. Before I saw this eel I saw a green Moray eat a spider crab.. It happened so fast I couldn't get a photo. It was kinda scary since it happened about 4 feet from me.. This guy was in about 6 feet of water at Grand Cayman. I was snorkeling when I saw him.
  18. Not to be a stick in the mud, but I'm not voting. None of these are aquarium related, and according to the rules the contest photo has to be aquarium related. I have tons of Island photos that I could have entered... I actually went to an Island and got my photo... guess I was too late. This is a frogfish that I saw while scuba diving in Cozumel this past week.
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